(10:08AM on 2/22/21) I no longer live at Fox Plaza. I always dreamed of living in a high-rise and there is just more, but somehow it will all work out. I got my sights set on The Millennium Tower. I will update everyone on where I am soon. For now, this is one of the last letters. Perhaps I should put the letter I sent the night before I moved out below.
David Beaty
1390 Market Street, Suite 2620
San Francisco, CA 94102
Dear Fox Plaza,
I have lived at Fox Plaza since 11/20/13. I was placed here
by The Community Living Fund after spending 5 months in Laguna Honda
Hospital and 5 months in Walden House Rehabilitation Center. On
1/15/13, I jumped off a 5 story parking garage. I had brought the
apocalypse upon the earth and I knew there would be a meteor shower
to end life on earth. I believed most of you would go to Heaven which
is The Universe and so much more. I needed to get out of the way. I
was going to a Never Ending Hell. On 2/15/13, Russian Meteor Shower,
Not The End of The World – The Asteroid did not come down.
My personal relationship with Fox Plaza
began 17 years ago. It had a dark beginning for me in 2004. I shot
up, had sex with two transsexuals' and it was recorded. All of these
events were a first. The Truth is, I love Fox Plaza and so to does
God. God is the creator of all that ever was and forever shall
be. I can write this full and factual knowledge of God existence
because God proved God exists through me. I am God's only begotten
Son. I was once David of The Bible – The Sheppard Boy to become
King of Israel. David is The Son of God and The Man of Jesus. I
was once King Tut, Davy Crockett, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin
Roosevelt, John Miller, James Daly and I am now David Beaty. Most of
us have reincarnated for billions of years.
I had experienced so many horrific yet
incredible things over the years, that I believed I had to write
about “whatever” was going on in my life. My dad died in 2006, Three
months later I was shot in the head which is when I began writing a
blog. In 2015, I would learn that the ”whatever” I knew was going
on was in fact what I had always hoped, believed, and somehow knew it
would be, “God's going on!” I would learn that we are living the
final Book of the Bible which many speculated could be an
apocalyptical or Armageddon type of ending for life on earth.
I had always dreamed of living in a
high rise. I was told I could stay there the rest of my life. I
always hoped that someday I may be able to be a street artist which I
done since 2004. However, when I unlocked The Covenant in 2015,
I began realizing that my writing may actually become what I
speculated my blog might become – a book. It is The Book of
Revelation. Things were feeling and looking so good in 2015. I was
clean and in recovery and kept all of my commitments and was writing
my blog. Then, Donald Trump would have me 5150'd and have this
glycerin substance put into me. It is so incredibly painful, violent,
possessive and heartbreaking. I unlocked the covenant which was
suppose to lead to the world peace bell, however, evil has “paid”
many of my friends and family to turn it into a nightmare. I warned
of a pandemic months before one occurred. I am now warning of the human
The reason I was asked to leave, is
because I use drugs and I was a nuisance. I know so many people watch
me in my private residence violating my 4th Amendment
Right to Privacy. This is the New World Orders “Big Brother” way
of operating as if they are God. My First Amendment is violated by
not allowing my blog to be read. They tell people things like if they
read it, they will not be by themselves. So, people don't read it and
possess me
I believe many of you know more than
you are “allowed” to share with someone like me – The Son of
God. When I carry one of my signs around the city, they leach on to me and tell everyone that I am lying. Then, if
people try to look it up, they do not allow them to find it.
Then, every night, I had to man up, become a woman and get raped for
so many. I don't understand this bizarre black
magic they use, but somehow it works that way. Children have
verbally (with their mouths) confirmed this to me. They
violently attack me every night, believing they are helping me
not use. The truth is I was clean in 2015 and started using
again when released on my birthday which had world peace bell
implications from the book of Revelation, It ends with Gold,
Pearl and a bride. I was released on 12/7/15 which is the
anniversary of Pearl Harbor. The Virgin, Minna Choi, The
Mother, Mary Magdalen and the Sara Sara Gough were all wives of mine
in previous lives and have all been raped and murdered. I have
saved the earth seven times, Others upon this earth and in the
heavens have probably saved it 50 times. The New World Orders
goal is human extinction.
What could stop this nightly rape of so
many because they stretch my time is to have this glycerin substance
removed. Sutter Health placed it in me and they have been
unwilling to even see me about it. I have been to emergency
rooms seven times and I have been to The San Francisco Police
Department 17. I have called at least a dozen other police
departments around the country about related topics.
I always believed in Fox Plaza and
touted it to people who were looking for a place to live. It
truly was my dream come true. I know my blog will go viral when
The United States Propaganda Ministry allows it to. I believe Donald
Trump who knows I am King David of The Bible wants me out of here for
the reasons I stated above,, When I say I man up and become a
woman to get raped for everyone, God knows that is what I am doing .
I thought that someone screaming for himself getting violently
attacked, raped night might even draw a little
sympathy. God will not let The Son die in this one. The
Book of Revelation means so much to this world and God knows that's because half of the second coming is who I am.
As far as my drug use goes,, God knows
I was clean when they 51501'd me to start using again. I was
clean because I believed I was David and addiction was Goliath,
I believed a new Bible was coming together . I would start
using again and try to stop them from getting to Mary Magdalen who I
believe is my soul mate and is The Woman of Jesus. I could not
be a woman 24 hours a day so they still got to her and killed her.
There were three other women that were killed one however is still
alive today, I even went to The San Francisco Police Department
about Miley Cyrus as can be read in San Francisco Police - Crawling)..
I was using because Paul Trudeau
of City Church 5150'd me to start using again possess my body since I
unlocked the covenant allowing anyone and everyone to go on Donald
Trumps Heavenly Excursions. He has made billions of dollars.
I was yelling because these glycerin demons violently attack me and
rape me every day and night. I have tried so hard to remove
them. If, I don't man up and become a woman at night,
eventually everyone in the world would be raped. That is there
goal. It is insane, but it is true.
I really do love Fox Plaza and was even
planning on renting a space here when this Book of Revelation is
allowed to go viral. I thought when it did, I will likely have
home/office meetings with some notable people in this world. I
have used a lot less and I have been meeting with a Psychiatrists and
doctor. I have been quiet every since I got the notice on the door and
when I get this glycerin out, I will completely stop using. I
know God would love to see the place where it all began be the place
where it concludes in such and amazing heavenly understanding
that forever will be. It will happen one day.
Truly and Sincerely,
David Beaty
And then I sent this the day before I left:
I am placing this unedited letter on my blog simply because I don't think Donald Trump lets them get my emails and my brother claims to disrupt my printer. They have been so violent to me and do not want me to stay at Fox Plaza. It is all TRUE. It is VERY PAINFUL>!
I would like to challenge the decision to be moved from Fox Plaza. I know it was said hat I was willing to move out, because it seems I had no other choice. I am very grateful to Fox Plaza, Brilliant Corners and more recently, The EDC. They have been very kind and have even written good things about Fox Plaza. What I hoped would come from this is the much bigger picture to the world and to the Universe.
When I say I am The Son of God who is King David of the Bible and The Man of Jesus, God knows this is true. Everyone upon this earth will know this is true. Everyone dies and I know life continues for everyone forever. Hell NEVER END. This could be the end of ligfe oin earth.. .It is so important this be recognized. I warned of a Pandemic over a year ago many months before it happened.
I believe it's not even really Covid, but it is this Glycerin that possesses my body and violently attacks and rapes me all day and night long. I think when the world is allowed to know they much better chance of death leading to heaven or hell they may take what was written seriously. Our 1st Amendment is being violated because they use so many tactics to keep people from ever reading my blog I have been writing for 15 years. They disrupt everything I do, especially when I am writing.
Back in 2015 after Paul Trudeau and Donald Trump had me 5150'd at Sutter Health, I kept saying this WAS A WORLD EMERGENCY! It is now more than ever. Human being care that I have worked overtime for the world. I try to carry one of my signs advertising my blog every day for 5 years.
Death personally surrounds me. Someone who I can truly call my best friends these days wife just died on 2/15/21. Unfortunately fitting to The Book of Revelation, This is the day that The Meteor Shower I knew was on the way occurred in which the Asteroid did not come down because this crazy drug addict (me) sacrificed his soul to go to a Never-Ending Hell so all good people of the earth could spend forever in heaven. Fittingly enough her name is Susan which is the name of my ex-wife who is The Mother of Althea who would unlock the covenant through music which is The Word of God. King David of the Bible wrote 1/2 of Psalms which is music and poetry. Most of the over 300 blogs I published were connected to music in which somehow connected organically to what was written and the lyrics would eventually become The Word of God for everyone to notice. I wrote Beaty's Babbling Brain Blog for 11 years= and it got about 2000 hit a month from just my Facebook friends. The passwords were changed in 2012tates and it became Gods-Revelation., zIt gets so few readers thanks to The Propaganda ministry of The United States was controlling the media They will not allow people to read what God wrote through his only begotten son. It is so obvious through dates , times, historical events and music and hollywood truly prophesizing event to prove God exists. That is what the book of revelationon does, it proves God exists. And so much more.
This glycerin substance that possesses me allows so many you disrupt, violently attack and rape me any time they want. Donald Trump haw them work hourly shifts and so many can't wait to get there turn to rape me. It os discussing. They also use my body to go away on heatedly excursions. I need this glycerin substance recognize and I deserve my 4th Amendment Right to Privacy. I don't think it makes sense to "punish" someone for getting violently attacked and raped for everyone for 5 years. This apartment is my dream come true. I believe in Fox Plaza and love it and so too does God. I think Donald Trump and Paul Trudeau who need King David out of Fox Plaza.
Please consider letting me stay at Fox Plaza. Either way, It IS HISTORY!
I'll explain how and when it became The Wicked Garden in the future. For now, the song says enough. Lets not forget, it's still on this earth. I have no hard feelings. Just hurt..
Can you see like a child? Can you see what I want? I wanna run through your wicked garden Heard that's the place to find you 'Cause I'm alive So alive now I know the darkness blinds you
Can you see without eyes? Can you speak without lies? I wanna drink from your naked fountain I can drown your sorrows I'm gonna burn Burn you to life now Out of the chains that bind you
Can you see just like a child? It Can you see just what I want? Can I bring you back to life? Are you still alive?
Burn, burn, burn Burn your wicked garden down Burn, burn, burn Burn your wicked garden to the ground
Can you feel pain inside? Can you love? Can you cry? I wanna run through your wicked garden Heard…
(5:17PM on 5/15/21) final edit
(10:13AM on 3/20/21) I am settling in to The Civic Center. There are good people here. Unfortunately, these demons have gotten worse but no more than I believe they would have had I remained at Fox Plaza. I got a new computer in the mail 2 days ago. It was a refurbished Chromebook from Walmart. I liked it. It worked one day and quit working. I don't blame Google or Walmart or The Civic Center., I don't blame Fox Plaza for any of the insane nonsense that occurred here. They put up with a lot from me, I still believe more needed to be uncovered. I here they didn't even get the last email until I was gone. Go figure. If only my printer was working. I have intentions to sit out on City Street corners advertising with my signs, writing and talking to the coming back "crowd" like I did for years.
THIS NEEDS TO BE READ AND Scott Coll, Kenny Hinds, Paul Trudeau, Donald Trump, Bob Beaty, Michael Beaty and Alex Beaty need to stop violently attacking and raping me day and night like one of these nasty creatures who call themselves one of these names is doing at this very moment. THEY ARE SO VIOLENT AND THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE VISCIOUS PAIN THEY PUT ME IN. IT feels good to them. SADISTIC IS WHAT SOME ARE!
"December 7th 1941, A date which will live in infamy" - Franklin D. Roosevelt
GoTo Heaven
(10:20AM on 7/31/21) "Under the heavens everything is interrelated, even as each of us to the other." - Max Adler
59PM on 12/3/21) I feel confident than Today is Jinglepup's birthday. You will love that one. Angus Young (voice in my head) has said that it was his favorite blog. It may be Mary Magdalen's birthday, but I think it was yesterday. Thanks to "Awesome Agent" from Comcast who helped restore my service and not require a technician to come out. I intend to spend time on the street editing and advertising this blog this weekend. I hope to have it done and move on. I have so many to write. This truly is amazing so please be patient and enjoy. "They " constantly manipulate everything I do because "they" don't want you to read it, "They want me dead, but God won't let King David die in this one. I just spent 7 weeks in the hospital because "they" want me in a wheel chair. I'm still walking. . Keep reading. You will believe!
(7:23AM on 7/23/20) The "blog" you will read below is probably the "True Start" to the blog I began writing in 2006. I found a Word Document titled December 7th a few years ago on my computer inside a folder titled "Book" which was inside a folder titled "Archives". I officially began writing "this"" blog 3 months after my dad died. I have written in blogs that the first thing I wrote that I thought in some ways began this blog and was the "True Start" was my dad's Eulogy. I wrote his eulogy using input from my 3 brothers. I had written some formal letters and some personal using histories for recovery programs I had been in. It will always be my Drug Counselor Gary from Kaiser Permanente C. D. R. P.'s. suggestion to share my factual Truth that I was an intravenous drug user with my dad and my older brother that really got the events in motion that would lead up to my writing of this blog. Revealing this truth also led me to confessing my bad sexual behavior tied to my meth use. When "the sherbet hit the fan" I felt the person who really needed to know of my behavior was my wife at the time, Susan (Atheist Angel, Man Smart (Woman Smarter)). What we were going through was already hard, but this would make it harder. No one knew what I was up to when I disappeared. On my trip home to visit after photographing a contrail connecting to Yosemite Falls in which my stepmother wrote in her response that she was leaving my dad; I realized my dad was drinking heavily again and I noticed my little brother was locking his door at night. My dad did not believe in me when I told him my little brothers did not need to be around him when he drank like that. I saw a person I had not seen since my mother died. He was telling others I was lying, It had been a long time for me since I had seen him this way. Since I had recently been doing things I wouldn't talk about in my addiction, I felt I had to be completely honest with someone. I told Susan what I had been doing when I disappeared. Unbelievably to even me, I was essentially prostituting myself.
Contrails is probably my favorite blog. I think it was the 17th blog I published on 11/3/06. It is one of only two blogs I published twice. It was in this blog I would explain how writing my dad's eulogy was kind of the start. In Contrails, I would write:
It was difficult being home for my dad’s funeral. It was even more difficult with the apparent blame game that was going on. The minister from my family’s church asked me if I wanted to give the eulogy at my dad’s funeral. With circumstances as they were, I told her I was not sure. “What was going to happen if I got up and gave the eulogy?” I wanted to, but I was worried what others might think. After all, there were some who I felt were, in part, blaming me for my dad’s death. I supported kicking him out of his own home. I wouldn’t speak to him for months. I was worrying him to death.
With input from my older brother and my two younger brothers, I went ahead and wrote the words the night before. That morning, while in the shower I decided, “No one was going to take this opportunity from me”. I would regret it the rest of My life if I did not stand up, be proud of my dad and give him a proper eulogy – celebrating his life. He deserved it! My dad was one of the first people others would ask to deliver a eulogy at someone’s funeral. He always would. I saw him give many.
I did the best I could do. I felt very proud at that moment. I had not felt proud of anything in a very long time. Many people gave me wonderful compliments. That moment will live with me forever. A great friend had once before encouraged me to write, but I believe writing my dad’s eulogy was the first time I started to realize that I am a writer.
And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
- Revelation 14:13
Since this is the "True Start" and not "A Start" I think it's important to share how I also remembered my dad's eulogy to be the beginning of this blog in Althea which I published on 1/1/15:
It was the circumstances surrounding my hillbilly dad's death that made me understand that God is The Truth and The Truth is God. It also reminds me that I should listen to people who care about me. The first thing I wrote since college was my dad's eulogy, with input from my three brothers. Three months after his death, in September of 2006, I was pistol whipped. After that I started writing this blog. I had no idea how much I would share in that first blog. I slowly shared more each blog. I explain much of this on November 3, 2006 in a blog I wrote called Contrails. This blog explains how I already knew I didn't have to share everything with everyone. It helped me understand The Truth. It also helped me realize just how horrible addiction is.
(8:36AM on 8/13/20) It did, because Althea is another one of my favorite blogs. It is the blog that began unlocking The Covenant at the beginning of 2015. It was that day in which King David would begin to...
Remember His covenant forever, the word He ordained from a thousand generations
- Psalms 105:15
I wrote that Psalm 3000 years ago. When I wrote the blog titled Althea, I had no idea what that song was about. I loved that song but had no idea how it said anything about Althea who is my ex-wife Susan's daughter. (10:59AM on 11/10/21) In fact, I used to text Susan song lyrics from different songs from time to time to help us get through the day. I would also quote songs and share them on Facebook from time to time. I would read lyrics to Althea and think,. what does this song have anything to do with Althea? I knew Althea was a Miracle, I never dreamed Althea would tell me.
I was not supposed to write about her daughter. I had her proof it before I published it, but it would be about a month later that Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir would show up as voices in my head. When they recited the song lyric for lyric, I realized "Althea told me...." To me, it was about me! I had prayed through our nightmare for Gods Will and for Susan to get home and knew everything that would happen was in fact a miracle. (Back to 7/23/20) It even helped me know that my using on her birthday may have brought on the apocalypse, I knew Susan's choice of names mattered to what I had been writing and a blog with that name would make a good blog someday" as I wrote in Guardian two and a half years earlier on 7/20/12:
Susan told me what she's goingto name her daughter. I loved it. Let's put it this way - It would make a great blog someday. Might Susan have chosen a song title to name her child? Susan never wanted to be a mother but will be a great one.
I'm really going to embrace my role at CityTeam. I may do more than most and complain about being "reeled in", but I am grateful for the things I do. I do love helping people. I do care about those guys. I like being the lead at night so I can be there for and help the new guys.
I also like being our driver so I can pick up donations to help feed us and the needy in San Francisco. I have recently been called an angel. Sure beats feeling like thedevil.
It is a good blog. When I wrote that blog, I had no idea what that song was about. I loved the song for the music or the tune. It "felt" good. When I wrote that blog, I knew what that blog was about, but that probably would not have been clear to blog readers who had no idea who my ex-wife was or the name of her daughter. I knew how important that blog was really and even wrote about my "hillbilly dads" family. | It was and is also incredibly important to my recovery family. I truly knew how much that blog meant. The song Althea is on The Grateful Dead Album Go to Heaven. . People, their names, nicknames and real events on matching dates would tell a story that only God could possibly foresee. It became a more incredible blog than I imagined it possibly could. I guess unlocking The Covenant alone makes it The Greatest Story Ever Told. It is also when I began to realize "we were prophets.'
Shortly after voices in my head began in 2007, The devil tried to buy my soul and I chose God! He told me I would die and go to hell in 2010 if I chose God. I still chose God and my personal Highway to Hell took on a whole new literal understanding and I thought it just might be 2010 that I would be told to "Come on down! " I had wandered what 2010 meant since I was young. I never knew what 2010 would be. I'd think, "How old will I be?" I'd wander? "Where would I be?" 2010 became the year Susan would earn her master's degree in Transportation Planning. She had warned me she was going home after she got her degree, with or without me. That day arrived. Former Transportation Secretary Norman Yoshio Mineta handed the diploma to her. After a 10-day visit her parents left the next day. I used. Susan would come home early and find me dying. I would spend 5 days in the ICU. It is a long story that I wrote about shortly my hospitalization in 2010 but have no idea if it is currently published. It was the year Susan would save my life. 2010 was the year I would get shopping and we'd live happy life together. It was that for 103 days. Then it became the day I began losing everything, including our souls. I had failed. Voices in my head told me I was evil. And the night in which Green Days album, American Idiot foreboded: "Ï read the graffiti in the bathroom stall like the holly scriptures of the shopping mall...."
I believed I was now evil. I knew I had failed. I believed I was going to hell since I knew that since I did not neI didn't convert.
Susan (Atheist Angel) was going to hell and the sidewalk messages with bible verses along Third Street that night on my way to Hunters Point King sized portolet to shoot up. It's walls were covered with messges andbible versus as well.where Infirmedthat (10:?? AM on 8/31)eventually, after using on Altheas birthday, I would be replacing the devil in hell which would be NEVER ENDING. I wondered how I was worse than Adolf Hitler. I knew a meteor shower was on its way to destroy life on earth and that was it. A NEVER-ENDING HELL is where I would remain. That was it. "Everyone" was hearing this as voices in their head. I was wrong to disclose this truth as I had always done and even written about when voices began. I had "the whole damn world looking back at me." I wrote these details probably in Highway to Hell - Back in Black and Understanding Althea. I was getting in the way. After I "Dipped my bucket in the clear blue sky: I would learn an asteroid was on its way after I used on Althea's birthday. I knew there would be a meteor shower to destroy life on earth. Again, but the asteroid did not come down because I sacrificed my soul to go to a Never-Ending Hell for all of earth's inhabitan ts. I got to be what I was trying to be back then - a Guardian.
I’ll be your keeper for life as your guardian I’ll be your warrior of care your first warden I’ll be your angel on call, I’ll be on demand The greatest honor of all, as your guardian
Alanis Morrissette says it right when she sang, The greatest honor of all, as your guardian. I still need to be a Guardian and I would get to understand just how much that blog would mean someday. Alanis Morrissette said what I was trying to be.
(6:06PM on 12/7/20) Speaking of Guardians, last night I meditated and found and asteroid heading towards earth. I watched it for a minute because I believed God may be Throwing Stones. I noticed it was being propelled so I knew it was man made. Rather than blow it up, I knocked off the engine propelling device which would allow its pilot time to think about the Highway to Hell it was putting humans upon the earth on. Speaking of Highway to Hell, Angus young who is Gods Son would show up and dismantle four more piloted asteroids heading towards earth. He and I have an old history of of a friendly competition with things such as these in the past. My one got me to seven, but his arrival and taking out four caught him up close quickly. However, he pointed out that he hoped neither of us had to dismantle any more. As he just said, "Well, if we do, we do." We were on a Highway to Hell, but we want to get Back in Black. We will always be Guardian Watchmen. All five asteroids were piloted by men.
(4:51PM on 12/21/20) Today is my friend Richard (Roshambo, The Star of Bethlehem, Richard) birthday. II wrote about him a few times for all the help he has been to me. I especially wrote about Richard in I need a Miracle in 2015. Speaking of Needing a Miracle, I would learn that that unknown asteroid dismantler was Bob Weir of The Grateful Dead the night before my birthday I when I dismantled one and Angus Young dismantled 4. Bob Weir was the unknown dismantler!
However, Alanis Morissette being the amazing prophet she truly is knows that she is
here, Althea is here and now Kamala Harris is here. Now enter your watchwoman
Here is the patience of thesaints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
-Revelation 14:12
I mentioned my ex-wife Susan and how much this song meant to her and I. I had no idea what it said about Althea. This is how the blog Althea ends.
I will do my best to keep this blog anonymous for everyone but me. Music is in my soul. I ended last year the way I want to start and keep this year. In the spirit of anonymity, I will name this blog another one of my favorite Grateful Dead songs. I will name it Althea. Coincidentally enough, this song is on a Grateful Dead album called, Go to Heaven. Even if I wasn't trying to be anonymous, I couldn't put into words how much this song and this blog means.
Happy New Year!
"And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean."
-Revelation 19:14
14 And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp ickle
- Revelation 14:14
Go to Heaven Forever! Jerry and Brent look younger up there as they forever will. Robert Hunter wrote the lyrics to The Grateful Dead song Althea. I believe I used Albert Einstein's quote, "Coincidence is Gods way of staying anonymous" more than any other quote in my blog over the years. I say it all of the time and probably used it on at least 7 occasions in my blog. Coincidently enough Althea is still a fictionally anonymous person written to a well-known Grateful Dead song. I'll even call it a Deadhead crowd favorite song. It was written to a Grateful Dead album titled Go To Heaven released 4/28/80.
April 28th is my friend Tony Karnes (Free) and my cousin Scott Hinds (Pirate of the Caribbean's) birthday. As I wrote above, my ex-wife, Susan Heinrich (Atheist Angel, Man Smart (Woman Smarter)) named her daughter after this beautiful song. It was my writing a blog on 1/1/15 using the song Altheathat began unlocking The Covenant. We would learn we have been reincarnating over and over and over for billions of years. It was time to Go To Heaven. Heavenis The Universe and so much more than we are unaware of on this earth. We proved God exist. It is The Revelation of Jesus.
Discovering we would Go to Heaven would lead us to an understanding that we were in The Book of Revelation. This heavenly beginning started with waking up Jerry Garcia. We weren't sure what it meant when Althea was the beginning subject, but I have never heard two souls as happy as Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir were that day when they spoke to each other. It seemed Bob knew it was Jerry and Jerry knew it was Bob. Maybe it was me who was so happy. What I do know, is that as they recited lyric for lyric the song verse by verse, I learned what that song was about. I had no doubt it was Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir. I knew Jerry was dead an Bob was alive. It meant so much to so much. I knew it meant something, but we just didn't know how much it would mean at the beginning of 2015.
(1:50PM on 9/02/20) One thing I know now happened the day I began Understanding Althea, is my cousin, David Donohue (Caboose, Navy Dave, Independence), got out of the Masonry. He is the first person I am aware of that would Go to Heaven. I now know John Lennon was already in Heaven, but we wouldn't connect until 4/17/16 which I write about below). The night before, I took my almost nightly Minna/Mary Street Rock and Roll walk with one of my signs around my neck advertising my blog and whatever phone I would have at the time, I would shuffle my collection of music and somehow, God would pick out the soundtrack each walk to always tell the story as to how The Book of Revelation continued to unfold into Sodom and Gomorrah. San Francisco became a Shangri La Nightmare of Babylon but is still what God sees as The New Jerusalem. I know very little about these historical places and events, but it seems music helped tell the tales that somehow fit them to true events of today.
In late September of 2015, I asked City Church's Paul Trudeau who I called and considered him to be "my Pastor" to sit down with me after church so I could read Liberty (Revelation) to him. I had yet to realize my dreams of being a modern-day Paperback Writer seemed to be happening. This was a Book of sorts.
I had recently heard Paul McCartney in my head because I had been looking or Minna Choi who had The Beatles Choir that would perform once a month at Laguna Honda. I remember them when I was in Laguna Honda for 4 1/2 months. Paul Trudeau banned me from City Church after Minna and I had our coffee date, I went and sang with her Beatles Choir at Laguna Honda back in November of 2015. She was not with them, but I would learn after my visit that the young lady they brought over was Yuma Tokyo. She too is dead. On the way back from my Rock and Roll walk I took on 4/16/16, Robert Plant and Paul McCartney would show up as voices in my head. I have always loved The Beatles and Led Zeppelin and while the stories I have to write about is not a Hammer of the Gods, its pretty good stuff. Especially to me personally. Any one from our high school would probably remember Tony and Dave with a Led Zeppelin shirt on most every day of the week. Like I wrote in the blog I calledDazed and Confused, "if there was ever a Guitar God, it's Jimmy Page."
I had some pretty cool stories from music growing up about how it was a soundtrack to our life. I have the memories of seeing so many bands perform live. I always noticed how music would somehow show up at just the right time to occupy a feeling I had. Time After Time, this happened. Once I began writing my blog music kind of became a soundtrack to my life. These things were humanly amazing. I always tried to use live videos of the songs because I thought their music videos would not always fit into my life. It turns out, these videos which many times told their story, or a fictional story somehow told as much the story of The Book of Revelation in a way no one could possibly for see. This is why they are True Prophets. As the Covenant was being unlocked, rock stars voices began showing up. I was so amazed as to how the some of the songs in which I wrote a blog to would somehow be telling a story which the blog was usually not even about.
I'll tell one of those amazing Rock and Roll stories of which I have so many, but this one comes from actual living Rock Stars as voices in my head. This one is sung by two of Rock and Rolls greatest vocalist singers of all time. I know they showed up because like I wrote in a song I call Sonny Days Ahead, "Ëven if you weren't your voice, your voice could still be you". I will always remember when Paul McCartney and Robert Plant showed up as voices in my head that night on my way back to Fox Plaza. I was at 7th and Mission just outside of The San Francisco Federal Building (The Death Star/New World Order Headquarters) when the Rock and Roll stars would sing Led Zeppelin's song, Rock and Roll. I have to say if there was ever a Rock and Roll song that is Rock and Roll, it is Led Zeppelins Rock and Roll. It sounded amazingly good at a time when I needed Rock and Roll. It made me feel good. I was already knowing that voices were truly souls of humans and if there were ever two human beings to represent Rock in Roll, I think Robert Plant and Paul McCartney are two of the music industry's best Rock and Roll singers.
These two unknowingly created psalms that understood an incredibly important chapter to this Book of Revelation titled "Understanding Althea" together because, once again, music unknowingly was modern day psalms to this story. "It was written". It all began in 2004 when our dog, Willy bit someone. The one and only person I remember him biting in his lifetime just happened to be a law enforcement official on a rescue mission. He was a Park Ranger that was at Fort Funston to rescue a dog that had fallen down a cliff. About a year or so later after I began shooting meth and disappearing for days. I walked all over this city, however much time spent at Lands' End, The Presidio and Ocean Beach witnessing and watching "something". I had been telling Susan how the boats would come out in formation and how the helicopters were off in the distance "watching me out there." Eventually, it was Just Another Day for most people like Susan. Not too many people have a U.S. Coast Guard HH-65 Dolphin Helicopter watching them and hovering beside them at their walking pace while flying over The Pacific Ocean. I came to believe these places were being utilized by The New World Order to carry out their weather and geological warfare experiments to reduce the world's population. I was sitting in storm water runoff gates that I would discover were the Gates of Hell.
I now know that back then God knew I would be Awake on 10/19/15 and it was to bring Joy to the World. First I would not sell my soul to the devil and I'd literally have to go on a Highway to Hell, I gave All of my Love, take a necessary leap of Faith to know I'm alive alive for you to shut the gates of Hell Walk a "Stairway to Heaven,"" where I told Althea, I'm a roving sign and end up with my Arms Wide Open to The Mount Davidson (David Son) Cross by Battery Davis.
HH-65 Dolphin from The Golden Gate Bridge on 8/9/06
"Win just one for The Gipper."
Back in 2004, I had a HP Photosmart Digital Camera that Susan's parents bought us just before we moved out West from Cincinnati, Ohio. Upon our arrival with this new modern photographic technology, I began to fall in love with photography. I started taking more photos in beautiful California, II already loved San Francisco, however, the digital camera created a new kind of relationship. Not using film allowed photographs to be deleteable which for me was cost efficient and less time consuming. "She" is very photogenic and I was taking "her" pictures and emailing them to friends and family that were on my "photos group" email list to help us stay in touch with our family and friends by sharing our experiences while residing on the West Coast. I also enjoyed photographing our Manx Cat, Lexi and our Beagle Dog Willy. They were very G rated photos. I rarely took photos of people unless they happened to be in my streetscape. I preferred to photograph architecture and nature. Slowly but surely, my photos started to capture an urban gritty scene. "The Gutter" I especially liked photographing San Francisco who I should perhaps "coin" The City by the Bay as "San Francesca" since I loved and admired her as one may love and admire a woman. My relationship with her became toxic and even life threatening at times. I have even referred to San Francisco as Heaven and Hell on earth. While this love affair did not end my life, it did end my marriage. Through it all, we always loved each other. Below is an excerpt from I Left My Heart In San Francisco .I published on 7/19/12:
I have recently realized that the love of my life seems to be San Francisco. "She" and I have a very turbulent relationship. She is beautiful and kind. She makes me cry and She makes me laugh. She makes me smile. She is brutally honest. She cares about so many. She takes in everyone. She is sexy. She can be very naughty. She, as I have said in the past, is Heaven and hell on earth. Sounds like a love affair.
Susan used to say years ago that when I died here, she might write a book called, "I left my heart in San Francisco." That always made me sad. For now, I'll keep my heart in San Francisco. I love Her. I think she loves me. I owe Her a lot. I plan on doing a lot for Her.
She still had her clothes on in 2004 but I can now see that our relationship began even before moving here and recipients began complimenting the photos and many people would ask, "What kind of camera do you have?" It always made me believe they saw something in my photography. I began to realize it was a good little digital camera, but it was my eye that saw something.
Perhaps San Francisco should stay masculine. Thus, making him my only "boy Friend" I can ever recognize. After All, San Francisco's has a famous history as a Western Mining Boomtown from the Gold Rush of 1849. It also has a notable history in the shipping industry in which many sailors have been in port. Many of these sailors were in fact Navy Personnel who were on assignment at a Navy Base in the Bay Area. It too has a history for Army Personnel. Coincidentally enough, I wrote down the elevator with my new neighbor Freddie who runs a shipping port in Oakland, I wrote about this yesterday and it was deleted after doing so,
It was no doubt a good little camera since I'm sure Susan's dad approved of it somehow, but it was a simple camera in the early age of digital photography. I was always flattered when people asked what kind of camera I had. Some would even say I had a "good eye". When my friend Mark (Boston) who was probably Mark Twain was here in 2004, we visited Fort Point which sits beneath the Golden Gate Bridge. When the bridge was being built Fort Point was already considered to be an historic landmark, so they built over it with a girder arch. We went to the rooftop and I photographed the flag at half-mast. President Ronald Reagan just died on 6/5/04.
Fort Point Golden Gate Bridge June 2004
We would also go to The Presidio and Golden Gate National Cemetery. I would take another "Crimson. White and Indigo" photo and call it Eyes offthe World,
Golden Gate National Cemetery. "Eyes of the World" is what I called this photo since I took it back in 2004.
"The eyes of the LORD [are] in every place, beholding the evil and the good."
-Proverbs 15:3
(1:12PM on 11/02/21) I always believed God believed in soldiers. War is brought on by evil. Golden Gate National Cemetery is the second largest military cemetery in The United States of America. It has Tuskegee Airman buried in it. Only Arlington National Cemetery is larger.
I like to photograph National Cemetaries. Since I would "Call down thunder and speak the same" as I will explain in the future since I am an Estimated Prophet and this is The Greatest Story Ever Told, it's important I place another photo I used often but never named. I guess it's the Estimated Prophet Tree.
Estimated Prophet Tree
This National Cemetery is located at 1 Lincon Blvd. The Presideo was settled in 1776 and began as a military outpost. 1776 is also when San Francisco was founded.
A wholesome tongue[is] a tree of life: but perverseness therein [is] a breach in the spirit."
-Proverbs 15:4
(Back to 9/02/20)
My dad who was Union Stewart at Procter and Gamble had lunch with the current President at the time who was his favorite President Ronald Reagan. After taking that photo and knowing how patriotic my dad was and still is, I thought it would make a good Christmas gift to frame and give him because I never knew what to get my dad.
My dad's Christmas gift in 2004
I placed a Photo of the flag at Fort Point at The Golden Gate Bridge on his chest in his coffin when he was buried.
Just in case you can read the above, I will correct in my writing the mistake I made in my first framed photo gift. He was the 40th President, not the 39th. Just in case you can't read it, underneath President Reagan it reads:
"Whateverelsehistorymaysayaboutme when I'm gone, I hope it will record that I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears, to your confidence rather than your doubts. My dream is that you will travel the road ahead with liberty's lamp guiding your steps and opportunity's arm steadying your way."
My blog Liberty which became Liberty (Revelation) has been so disrupted by our current President for 5 years. I still know there is a very important flag with and amazing story to this blog that I hope we can raise at Pearl Harbor someday. I wanted to frame the photo of The American Flag being flown at half-mast to memorialize President of The United States of America Ronald Wilson Reagan. He was once Governor of California. The flag was on the rooftop of Historic Fort Point beneath a World-Renowned United States Landmark -The Golden Gate Bridge. Someday, I'd like to fly the flag that I will explain more about in the future, but I will say it flew over The United States Capitol after 9/11 and Susan's parents gave it to us for Christmas one year.
Seeing as though the Arizona was getting ready to go to the mainland it took on a full tank of fuel. The ships 23-piece band was winning an award. December 7th, 1941 was on a Sunday morning and the flag was to be up by 8:00AM. A Mini sub showed up with a torpedo at 7:50 AM, starting the attack and KILLING all 23 members of the Arizona Band. 2335 United States Military Personnel died that day.
I think it's important we "Win one for the Gipper!" I'll explain more in the next version, but I will say that Ronald Reagan who played George Gipp in the 1940 film Knute Rockne - All American was himself referred to as The Gipper. They even called him The Gipper in his Eulogy. With reincarnation becoming so amazing in this book God wrote it becomes more apparent that Ronald Reagan was in fact The Notre Dame Football Player, George Gipp. He died when he was only 25.
This is how Ronald Raegan looks up in Heaven today. He forever will be a healthy good looking young man who I call The God of the Masonry. I will call him President Reagan when I first meet him, but I will always remember him as The Gipper. And still, lets win just one for The Gipper. This is a big one!
(6:17PM on 1/10/21) Like I just wrote above, I see President Ronald Reagan as The God of The Masonry. I call him this, because when he died, he was put into the earth. It's not hell, but it's below the earth's surface in the caverns below called The Masonry. Nancy died and was put in Orion which is a heaven in which people reincarnate. Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan are True Saints and would do what they needed to do to get to the universal Heaven. Ronald Reagan said, he was not defiant but simply did not do the things they wanted him to do that he did not thank was rightto do. He also listened to King David.
Back in 2004, since I had recently lost my job at The San Francisco Chronicle, I was unemployed. I was volunteering as a Travelers Aid at the San Francisco International Airport. I love San Francisco, I love to travel, and I love the airline industry. I heard employees of airlines flew free anywhere the airline flew. After a short time working at SF Weekly and relapsing on the big live music night for The San Francisco Music Awards, I realized I had to get out of the advertising sales business. It did not concoct well with my drugs of choice.
I had recently met a street artist while she was selling her art at Union Square, and I talked to her about her display stand and licensing. I got the idea that maybe I could sell my photos in San Francisco. That holiday season I would become a photographer who was a street artist in San Francisco. Putting that photograph together for a Christmas present in 2004 was a new experience for me. I remember Susan and I going to Kinko's to get the matt board, have it cut and buy a frame.
This got me prepared for what I would be doing more and more as my street artist business grew. That photo gift meant a lot to me since I believed it would mean a lot to my dad. It was his favorite President who he once had lunch with. that had the flag at half-mast to memorialize his death and it was at my favorite structure in the world - The Golden Gate Bridge.
Before I get to just how disgusting all of this is for me right now, I will say that my dad died two years later on 6/4/2006. I would do his eulogy and print a copy of that photo of the bridge and the flag at half mast, put it in a little frame and place it on my dad's chest in his coffin. I was just writing this and they had my dad blowing in my vein which is essentially violently attacking me. It's a voice claiming to be. I hope it's not him, but whatever this thing is, I hate it when "they" do this.
I found a SIG file which is a photo file of a photo I took back in 2004 from when I was becoming a street artist photographer. I started by selling cards and believed that cross would make for a good Christmas, Easter or any other religious related event. When I started in 2012, I would get kicked out of City Team right after Susan moved to Cincinnati and the first blog, I wrote a blog I titledArms Wide Open using the Creed song Arms Wide Open on August 9th. August 9th was the day Jerry Garcia died in 1995.
(12:02PM on 7/28/21) What I lived and wrote as well as what had already been historically recorded to become such amazingly true prophesy documented. Understating Althea which is a blog I began writing in 2015 and was to appear after my blog I was writing titled Liberty.
August 9th was the day that day that Helter Skelter occurred. Charles "Charlie" Manson would be found guilty and be prosecuted for murder. Charlie would spend his lifetime in prison. The time he spent was often documented by news media as a result of the absolute insanity of the whole event. Charles Manson was guilty of nothing. Cosmic Charlie isnow in Heaven.
(Back to 1/10/21) August 9th was also the day Nagasaki was bombed in 1945. I believe Minna Choi was in Nagasaki that day. I believe this bombing would bring an end to World War II beginning on August 10th which is when the surrender of Japan began. August 10th is also the day I married Susan in 1996. The United States war began December 7th, 1941 with the bombing of Pearl Harbor which is the day Minna was born in 1981 and I was born in 1971.
Mt. Davidson Cross
“Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”
- Psalms 12:7
"Finger Licking Good."
- Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)
((8:25AM on 6/28/21) The Big One is Cincinnati's 700WLW. [11;59PM on 7/11/21] I have more to write when I get a keyboard. I sent this to Bill Cunningham (Willy) back in 2015: (8:53PM on 8/15/22) The more will be written in a future blog.
(10/7/15) I have tried to share this on Facebook, but El Diablo who
works at City Church will not stay out of my computer. He's ruthless
in his pursuit of a never-ending hell. I don't know what else to say. I
emailed it to Bill Cunningham at 700WLW in Cincinnati in hopes to get
it viral.
(4:28AM on 9/20/21) When I wrote El Diablo, I was referring to Terry who was my roommate while at City Team. He now works at City Church. I believe he may have had something to do with it, but I think it was Pastor Paul who I believe is el diablo in English - the devil. I believe Terry was once Lucifer. Lucifer is cool. I don't believe he did anything wrong. He has always been good to me.
"Baby, if you ever wondered, wandered what ever became of me...."
I grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio and when I was a newborn baby, I was
kissed on the forehead at Fountain Square by Colonel Harland David
Sanders right next to the Tyler Davidson (David Son) Fountain. I guess he knew I'd be “Finger licking good.” Maybe not ""finger licking good in some respects, but I think that term was loosely
used over the years. I know I use to say it a lot about things that were good. I'm not finger licking good when it
comes to say the guitar. I'm a pretty good photographer but
it doesn't fit photography for even someone like Ansel Adams. My
writing turned out to be amazing in its coincidences that made me realized in 2015, that we were into The Book of Revelation which is the last chapter in The Bible. Ironically, in many ways my "unbelievable" claims turned some of my loyal blog readers against me or at least gave them reason not to believe in me. I know the Truthful content over the years was enough to give people reason to not believe in me because I had to be brutally honest and I am an intravenous drug user. Maybe it did not turn them against me, but now they thought
I was crazy or lying or something. I was a "drug addict". I still am a drug addict.
(8:27AM on 7/20/21) I guess "I'm living on the air in San Francisco: these days, but it definitely began by "Living on the Air in Cincinnati." I believe it began when I became a part of The Nielson Ratings Family for a short time. By the time I got to San Francisco it had advanced to a more intensely insane, yet undeniable level of reality. At one point, I believed I was the star of my own show resembling the unforgettable Truman Show, In some twisted ways, I was more whacked out than Jim Carry. I call him whacked out, but I think he's just a great comedian. I have never met him Although, a voice in my head seeming to be Martha Stewart says he's a classically normal guy". My Truman character was very tweaked out and was even becoming a little pornographic back then. I would publish a 4-part series. It's Crazy, because it was 3 kind of 4 blogs which I began writing on 12/3/07 but would not publish until starting on 1/13/08 (Scarlet Begonias Birthday) and finishing on 2/01/08. In some ways my favorite blog is Jingle pup. A voice in my head seeming to be Angus Young of AC/DC has said it was his favorite blog. It has a hidden blog at the end called The Twilight Zone. I published it on 1/13/08.:
In my version of the Twilight Zone,
many things were going on, but the underlying theme was that people
could see everything I did and I had no idea how. No matter how much
I tried to hide what I was up to by sealing my windows or turning off
all the lights, they could see every move I made. I still am not
sure where they are. Outside? Watching me on TV? I think I have
determined that, at a minimum, they exist in a parallel universe.
The only confusing part about the whole thing is that Susan seemed to
be aware of whatever was going on in that parallel universe but would
not tell me how. (There is so much I would have to reveal to tell
the whole story that quite honestly, I am not ready to reveal yet -
someday perhaps. For now, I will try to tell some of the facts that
keep my attention.)
This was my window on Minna Street
For now, let me just say that so many of
you tried to talk to me and tell me what was going on. It seems no
one knew the whole truth as only I do - at least in the universe I
exist. Perhaps it is right in yours – or rather yours in that
other universe in which you exist. Believe me it is so confusing but
every bit of it made sense to me. It even started to make sense to
all of you. At one point I thought I was the unknowing star of my
own television show – kind of like the movie The Truman Show,
only I am a little more twisted – in real life. I took some photos
of the satellite that watches me, for whatever that is worth.
My own private satellite?
This is the photo of the "satellite:? that hovered over me In the middle of the 3 kind of 4 I
published is The Trial. I began writing The Trial on 1/15/08 (Martin
Luther King's birthday). In that blog I was summoned for Jury Duty,
but the trial would become my own. My demons sentenced me to hell.
I would publish The Trial on 1/28/0. Below is an excerpt.
This last run, evil really had its
grips on me. I seem to be able to create a parallel
universe. In fact, I was just there. While there, I would
end up on trial. My demons seemed to be the jurors. They
sentenced me to hell. I sentenced myself to hell. I
spiraled down into the darkest place I have been yet.
This number 5 becomes so telling of so
many instances relating to a trip to hell. For example, 5 years later on Martin
Luther King's Birthday I would walk to San Bruno and jump off a 5
story Parking Garage on 1/15/13 to go to a Never-Ending Hell. That faithless sacrificial leap occurred on a Kings birthday because I was believing the world was coming to an end with the deliverance of a meteor shower to destroy life on earth on 4/1/13.
To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary ''
Luke Chapter 1. 27
5 years old, my family vacationed to California to visit my mother's brother's family On our trip across the country, we stopped off at The Arizona Crater. My mother was born on 2/7 in 1945. Abraham
Lincoln was born 5 calendar days later on 2/12 in 1809. Minna Cho and I were born
on 12/7. She was born in 1981 and I was born in 1971. Mary Magdalen was born 5 days earlier on 12/2 in 1981. Both were born 40 years after Franklin D. Roosevelt called it "A date which will live in infamy." By using Psalms throughout my blog, I was unknowingly quoting David of the bible. The Sheppard Boy who became The Second King of Israel wrote at least 1/2 of Psalms. Psalms are music and poetry.
I wrote a blog titled All My Life, on 7/7/12, below is an excerpt:
I randomly flipped it open to Psalms 107. I didn't realize back then that it was my favorite Bible character David, who wrote Psalms.
Sara Gough (Su Le Ha) was
born on 1/15 which is once again Martin Luther King's Birthday.
Minna, Mary and Sara were the three angels in Sodom and Gomorrah as
they were three. The Virgin, The Mother and The Sara (Sublime)
I wrote two other blogs between my 3
kind of 4-part series of Jingle Pup. Perhaps I should call that
series, The Twilight Zone. On 12/07/07 I
wrote a blog and saved it twice. Once as Happy Fucking Birthday and
once as Pearl Harbor. Below is a photo and I would use in my blog Happy Fucking Birthday/Pearl Harbor.
Alamo Square - Goodbye Willy
saved that photo on my computer on 12/07/07 and called it Pearl
Harbor. It is the last place we would take Willy (Jingle Pup) before
putting him to sleep. It's the famous San Francisco Park we took Willy
every day when we first moved here because it was a block away. It
is known for its 7 Painted Ladies. I've heard them referred to as
7 Angels. It is the park with the same name of the place in
which Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier died in Texas – The
Alamo. We took him one last time to Alamo Square. I will always Remember the Alamo, On 12/23/07, I
wrote a blog titled A Perfect Ending which focused on the New World Order and the landslide I believe they created that I was caught up in in 2005 out at Lands' End.
I had a slideshow that
began running on 1/11/07 which went to Pink
Floyd The Trial.
Below are photos of that slideshow that ran until 1/26/08 which is Eddie Van Halen's birthday. I see him as The Heavenly Guitar Son. He's been very helpful up there.
I was in advertising Sales until my meth addiction began. It was for print media such as Newspapers, but I know a lot of people from the radio and TV advertising world.
I guess in the beginning for me since it was only voices in my head and people couldn't always see me, I was kind of "living on the air " and it did begin "in Cincinnati:" I guess it became "Living on the air in San Francisco." I am at least t "Living on the air in the United States of America Perhaps, I am, now living on the air around the world. I believe I'm even Living on the air in The Universe.
I think what my readers read before was something that some could relate to, because we all make mistakes and have hard time such as loss of something or an achievement that some could relate to in my writing about something I personally went through. Many times, it would have a song that helped people feel a certain way. I liked it when readers sent song suggestions to my email or on Facebook. Since I just wrote about Led Zeppelin, I think it's appropriate to include an excerpt from Beaty's Babbling Brain Blog - Dazed and Confused which I published just before Arms Wide Open on 8/4/12.
Sleepless ended up doing what she does best. Making me laugh. She said, "At least you didn't break a bone. Perv. " She even had some song suggestions. She said, "Oh use that song. Creep!!! Radio head" Good choice. Susan use to call me that all the time. That is a great choice - - Sleepless knows thewhole story. However, I just couldn't get this one out of my head afterwards. Dazed and Confusedis an understatement.
I know it's a long song, but you gotta a least stick around until it's played seven minutes. Let's just say there is a cover of a song I had on here a couple of days ago. And it just jams getting there! Actually, the whole song is pretty amazing. If there was ever a guitar God, it's Jimmy Page.
I'll never deny Creep was a great song choice that fit right in to make it a True Prophesy and it will be used to tell God's story and maybe even his story. Either way it's history and Sleepless is now The Sexy D.A. since that is Nancy+ Hamptons new nickname. She is sexy and that is her current job in Hamilton County, Ohio. As fitting as Creep was for that moment, Dazed and Confused is a colossal understatement. Then, Andrea McClellan who is one the McClellan Sisters, I nicknamed Radio in a blog I had written just days before called San Francisco - Don't Stop Believing met me at Coffee to the People in 2015. While in Walden House in 2013, I wrote my blog at Coffee to The People. In 2015, it became Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. It had become an Angelic delivery of pastels while I was recovering in the hospital when on my bus ride home Sky had flowers in her hair. She was a Touch to Much when I called her Tweaker Chick. I'm starting to see
that some people didn't believe in me. I mean I was a a Creep and I will use that song still. I knew they wouldn't believe in
me for my actions, because my actions made me a dishonest person in many
ways. Still, when I am in recovery, which I currently am not, people
don't believe in me. I could go on and on about this and I do with
voices in my head, but the bottom line is, THEY NEED TO QUIT
(12:36PM on 1/29/21) I think it is important that I mention today that it has been 38 years since the day I found my mother dying. While at the hospital, I would go to our next-door neighbors the Haynie's and would soon be joined by my brother ob who had stayed with our friend Greg (Speedy, #32) We kept the T.V on a Star Trek Marathon all day. I have written in pat blogs that the carew of The Enterprise seemed to be searching for something bigger in The Heavens which is The Universe and so much more.
When my dad came back from the hospital, he sat down and said, "Mommy's in Heaven." I think it's important to note recognize that two years later in 1986, Star Trek 4 premiered. Fittingly enough and in some ways, I should say it is a true prophesy prediction, the carew of The Enterprise would travel back in time to 1980's San Francisco and save planet earth, now know. She sacrificed himself at the end of Star Trek II that "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one." It seems God sees me as King of The Final Frontier.
I also know I was clean when they 5150'd me. My
point with all this is I want to be a “Finger Licking good” at
being a human being. I think I'm one of the best at telling the
truth, but then I get confused because I cannot believe in voices in
my head and I can't believe everything I hear. For instance, I just
heard a voice sounding like Rob Stratton say, “” Your dumb if you
think people think you're a good person.” After I started writing
this, I think he preceded to shit on my head. About an hour later
he said, you know what, that's so wrong to shit on people. I don't
think I was wrong to shit on you.” I literally can't believe this
was actually him, but I want to write about this insanity because
someone is shitting on my head! And someone is accusing people of
things by pretending to be someone they are not. Someone is doing
I believe in Rob for commenting on my Facebook posts on a few
occasions when no one else would. As far as the voices go, I don't
shit on people's head and I am trying not to use words like “shit”
but somehow, it's the word I think fits.” I always say, “It is
none of my business what other people think of me, However, when they make me out to be something I am not, that bothers me." I
won't get into what it means to be a good person, but I believe God
knows that's what I am.
I may not be a good guitar player, but I
like to play guitar. I think I'm a good photographer and I have sold
some things that hang all over the world. I know I am a writer and
if someone read something that gave them a reason to believe in God
in such a way that would put them in heaven with all of their loved ones,
is that good? I need to move on, but, if I ran into your burning
home, threw you over my shoulder, broke every bone in my body and you
were uninjured (The asteroid did not come down.). You even slept right through it, but you may have
gone to a NEVER-ENDING HELL because that is where I knew I was going for everyone. Then, I unlocked The Covenant. I have saved life on earth 6 times (9 times as of 7:24pm on 3/24/21). (10:34 on Juneteenth, 2021) I have now saved it 10 times.).). So, that voice claiming to be Rob just might be right. I am caring so much about human beings. ” So dumb, you all might as well shit on me
because that's what's so many have done to The Son of God already. I may not
be Jesus or Abraham Lincoln or FDR these days (Crucified, Assassinated, Poisoned) and David of the Bible
didn't have the greatest reputation, but I lived the Book of
Revelation was till is a mind control nightmare of hell on earth. It is
still, hell on earth.
(4:04PM on 10/16/21) - - I am not sure how to explain this last saving of the earth, but I believe I can go through My Chart which has my hospital records to see any connections to my living through my procedure on 10/8/21) . Sometime last month before I realized I would even be in the hospital. Voices began throwing up the Miley Cyrus Penny number of 108 and I know I noted that, When I find it, I'll expand. It turns out was in surgery on 10/8 for much of that day so I think we can believe General Hospital was also notonly saving my life, but they were also saving the earth. This would be the 12th time
i was involved in saving the earth. The voices forewarned me that life on earth would come to an end on 10/8. About halfway through September "they" may have had something catastrophic planned, but I guess I am basically saying that saving my life is saving the earth inhabitants It is important I get this Book of Revelation written. They cointinue to disrupt it, I continue to say that in no way am I in complete disapproval of The New World Orders Way, but it is important to never censure anything anyone. The is vital.
"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."
- John 3:17 KJV
When I was born, my mother worked at Dubois Tower at Fountain Square . Dubois tower is now the 5/3 Bank building. I was kissed on the forehead just days after being born by Colonel Harland David Sanders who is the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken
(KFC). I believe his soul is tied to Major League Sports with the likes of Reggie and Deion who were both Cincinnati
Reds. His soul is also tied to the NFL with once Cincinnati Bengal
Immanuel who went down to New Orleans where he is lucky to be employed.,,, When I say luck, Is it Luck. I think its a
blessing and it is Beyond Luck.
These men worked hard to become
professional athletes and business owners and I would see as
divinely gifted in order to help write God's story. The third time
was to be a charm for my Cincinnati Bengals, but just like Gold Pearl
and a Bride didn't happen, after I was 5150'd, Cincinnati Bengals Quarterback Andy Dalton would "somehow" break his leg while playing The Pittsburgh Steelers. That 50th Super Bowl that
followed the 50th Anniversary of The Grateful Dead did not
become that third Times a charm. I just painstakingly wrote so much
to this story about Sander's souls. I wrote about a few Sanders who happened to be athletes and "they" DELETED IT. I'll write more in the future.
I'll always remember The Detroit Lyons Barry Sanders. He filled nightly NFL highlight reels. He was fun to watch. When a running
back gave a diehard Bengals fan like me a reason to root for a team, if
we weren't playing them and it had no effect on our season, I rooted
for Detroit. I like to root for Detroit as a city too. I'd say I was a Barry Sanders fan. When I played football, it was the smaller and quicker guys I had trouble tackling. He avoided most tackles... That man was hard to tackle. He was invited to the Pro-Bowl in each of his 10 seasons in the NFL. Barry Sanders is not just a great athlete; he is a great man. Throughout his career he donated 10% of his check to charity. He was The Golden Boy.
When it comes to great professional athletes named Sanders, Deon was Neon. Many will remember Neon Deion Sanders as Prime Time. Deion Sanders was
always easy to admire because he usually didn't leave a receiver with
Arms Wide Open. Coincidentally enough, he was born on 8/9/67 which
is a date I just wrote about. above because that's the date I published Arms Wide Open. That 89 number means so much to this
story and my Filipino neighbor Loma who grew up in Detroit. In '89, Loma lived in LA.
It was The
Oakland Athletics playing the San Francisco Giants at Candlestick Park in the 1989 World Series when the Loma Prieta Earthquake occurred. Its epicenter was in The
Santa Cruz Mountains at Camp MayMac. The A's would sweep The Giants
that year and The Reds would sweep the The A's the next year landing
us at Fountain Square for The Cincinnati Reds World Series win.
Bobby McGee showed up when I shut the gates of hell and it's
important, we give credit to him as well as the angel of the Coventry,
Janus Joplin for saving San Francisco, Seattle and humans upon the
earth. When Chris Kristofferson wrote by time I left Selina's, I let it
slip away” in the song he wrote titled, Bobby McGee which Janus
Joplin is known for covering in true Janus form. Bobby McGee was
told to let it slip away in I am just learning of Deion's son who
sounds like a good athlete. His name is also Emanuel who showed up 4:17 in reverse
in Isaiah 7:14. When I write 4 it is the same word pronounced
as for which I wrote about before and I still think Phore is
something that needs to be understood, but I wouldn't exchange your
bank account
The Cincinnati Red I always remembered was Reggie Sanders. Reggie spent 20 years in Major League Baseball and was on many evening news highlight reels throughout my high school and college years since he 0pened the first 11 with the Reds,
There is much more to be explained and I never
doubted the Isaiah of today as Steve Earle talk good about
Bernie Sanders in 2016 after I had just seen him walking down Market
Street giving me reason to start to believe in him, but a voice in my
head claiming to be him said he did not believe in me I
hope as an American Citizen he can at least believe in the 1st, 4th
and 13th Amendments and do something to protect our freedom.
That voice also said something to the effect of "we won't'
let people read it." Whoever it was, just know if
you read this just now, thank God because God wants everyone to
have the freedom to read it. It has cuss words in it, and it's
not in the greatest shape after 5 hardcore years of constant
deleting, changing passwords and ridiculous attacking and possessing of
my mind and body after I heard today from Sutter as voices in
my head that Donald Trump paid Millions to implant this insanity
in my brain and body to possess and control me.
I forgot I had this in my closet
Speaking of Finger
Licking good, it seems to be Neon Deon Sanders who just happen to
show up on my last search on the dates July 14th and January 23rd
which tells more of a story to Emmanuel who played at that stadium
next door where the tour down Colonel Claypool's amazing
performance at a venue known as Caddy's. All of this will make
sense more than you think someday. The first Sanders sealed David to be the son with a Kiss.
Tyler Davidson Fountain
(9:59AM on 5/09/22) Back in 1989, I was a Senior at Loveland Hurst High School, and I played football for the Loveland Tigers. I played guard on the offense, and I played linebacker on the defense. I was 5’5”tall and weighed 130 pounds. This is small for any position, but especially those. This is why I had a short article written by Dave Schutte wrote a short article about me in The Cincinnati Enquirer which appeared on 8/20/89.
Cincinnati Enquirer
After that, I would receive a call from the Cleveland Plain Dealers (writers name) interviewed me over the phone. They also sent a photographer to one of our practices.((7:47 PM on 8/19/22) As you may see below, the writers name is illegible, so an attempet is futile. I'll type his name after I get through to Cleveland. If anyone can read it, please call me at (440) 941-0259. It is a Cleveland Area code. My cell phone has a Pittsburg area code. Its number is (925) 214-7342. I am from Cincinnati whose area code is (513). My broth 5+2=7, So, to keep it in conference, I must include that a Baltimore area codedd my ever occurring number 5 to get to (415) which is the area code in San Francisco where I live, I think it's important that I point out that Abraham Lincoln died on 4/15.
Cleveland Plain Dealer
I love Football. I began to really watch the NFL beginning in 1981 when the Cincinnati Bengals became AFC North Champions. My favorite NFL Receiver at the timewas Cris Collinsworth. I can even say that to this day, however, he is probably tied with the more recent Chad Johnson (Ocho Cinco). Cris Collinsworth was born in Dayton, Ohio on 1/27/59. In 1980, Collinsworth was The All American who played for The Florida Gators. In his rookie season with The Cincinnati Bengals, he performed some amazing catches helping them win their trip to Superbowl VXI in Pontiac, Michigan. They would lose a very close game to the San Francisco 49ers. It was a very good game. The 1989 - 1990 Season was his final in the NFL in which The Bengals would lose in another close Superbowl to The San Francisco 49ers. Once again, it was a good game.Cris Collinsworth retired in 1989 following Superbowl XXIII in Miami, Florida.I will write in the future about April 23,199 8 (Detroit), but for now, I want to point out there was a riot in North Miami’s Overtown other night before the Superbowl . I will simply say that Detroit and other riots occured. Not in Detroit.
A very important Kiwi, Tequila and Trains, Throwing Stones, a Wake of the Flood are all tied to April Fool's Day in my visit to New York in 1993. Upon arrival, I had to go to the top of The World Trade Center. It was just above New York Jets quarterback, Boomer Esiasans futures office to be on the 101st floor. From the "Top of the World", I could see the Statue of Liberty. My personal understanding of Liberty was about to begin. " FDR put in the "Beacons for Planes". Five years later we would visit our friend Tonya (Soulshine) who now wokred in New York City. She had an apartment in Hoboken, New Jersey. March Madness had begun It had reached the second round The NCAA Tournament. Bob Huggins, Cincinnati Bearcats were defeated by his almimater, The West Virgini Montainears. I believe this was due to a future New Jersey Net, Kenyon Martin was injured in a game against The Saint Louis, Bilkin's in the Conference Tournament. I picked up The Village Voice and saw The Allman Brothers were playing in Harlem at The Beacon Theater, I had started drinking at noon at a bar during the game. Before the show,We bought tickets on the street
I ate a few Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms for the Allman Brothers concert. Afterwards, we would Iend up in the Fianacial District where I had 13 shots of Tequilla, At about in the morning, I fell into The Worle Trace Center Subway Tracks. I was pulled out before a train came.
In 1989, Cris Collinsworth was the host of Channel 5’s Sports of All Sorts. Lead Sportscaster, George Vogel was sent to a Loveland Tigers practice and a game against Milford, Ohio for a segment to appearon the show. I believe someone has a copy of thissegment and when I find it, I will try to put the video below.
(4:59PM on 5/20/22). I have had a voice sounding like Cris Collinsworth in my head off and on since I found a need to include my “moment in the spotlight.” A couple of months ago after learning that a voice claiming to be Scott Coll shot an Alligator in the head is when Cris Collinsworths voice began. I don’t know the complete story if one even exists, but I would hear something about alligators being the reincarnation of police officers. I have no idea how this would have come about, but Donald Trump seems to have some sort of connection to this unbelievable yet undeniable possibility. With my love of football, I thought about Cris Collinsworth who played his college football career a Florida Gator. If there is anything to it. I thought of him and what I have seen as his generous helpful ways might be an asset to such a strange possibility. It was Speaking to Cris Collinsworth and BoomerEsiason a couple years back is when I would recall that he was once a Florida Gator I already wrote more about Booner Esison in F the CC with some connections to his World Trade Center Office for The Systic Fibrosis Foundation on the 101st floor.
(5:43PM on 8/11/22) I now believe the story of police officers being reincarnated as Gators is not true. What is true is Scott did shoot a big gator in the head. He said he did so because he didn’t want it to hurt anyone. This apparently made-up story brought this to be, however once I got to writing and communicating with a voice claiming to be Cris Collinsworth, I learned that he fit right in to this December 7th blog and likely future ones.
As I was finishing up the part about Cris Collinsworth, Anthony Munoz’s voice reminded me what we are here to do – protect. The Cincinnati Bengals as well as Tigers seem have a significant role in this Book of Revelation. Paul Brown is The Heavenly Father of The Universe. You will read about a pretty amazing connection to Paul Brown Stadium in a future blog titled 316 and see how 1959, which is the year Cris Collinsworth was born is an important year to what was written. As far as humans reincarnating into animals, I believe that I was once a Siberian Tiger in a past life, I believe Tigers began in heaven and that all Cincinnati Bengals were once Bengal Tigers. God truly is amazing, and I believe many of us have reincarnated to be animals at some point in God's evolution.
(back to 5/21/22)
Having Cris Collinsworth voice in my head this morning, he mentioned that he never really paid attention to numbers of things such as time of day and day of year that match to each other to make them coincide with words or photos of historical and happening events. In the past, I somewhat saw how numbers showed up to some degree, but I really started to notice about 5 years ago. For instance, I began writing this section of a blog at 12:07PM. I had no idea when I started writing to it where what I was about to write about would go, I assumed it would not be this one because it is only supposed to be edited. I have a part 2 of sorts and have no idea what it will be called but it will tell will a more complete story of people who were heading to Canada when wars began.
Which reminds me, I need to move this to the one in which I know I was writing about numbers to keep this less confusing. However, when I got to the sports on. part of December 7th, 1941 I found out that Cris Collinsworth who mentioned noticing number coincidences himself was born on 1/27. 1/27 is also my nephew Tanners birthday. Obviously 1/27 consists of the same numbers as my birthday and the name of this blog, 12/7. I have another amazingly coincidental story of an occurrence that happened on 1/27 at the GA Office. I noticed it was 1/27 from the help window in The GA Distribution Section. In the window was the date, 1/27 so I acknowledged to the always listening voices in my head that it was equivalent to the world peace bell date of 12/7. The GA workers told me to go to a kiosk and get a number and my number was D-127. I’ll explain GA and 187 in the future which once again says more than one might imagine. It’s important everyone keep reading this and don’t forget because a future blog includes Snoop Doggy Dog where he sings “1-8-7, oh yeah, now you remember.”
(3:21PM on 5/10/22) I have written about how numbers that make up dates, times or some other numerical identifier such as a license plate or phone number have continued to connect related historical events with each other to tie things together such as song lyrics or dates photos were taken, dates I saved files or to things such as building heights or geographic distance, Numbers tie to events to write something that only God could have possibly written.
My blog liberty which I began writing in 2015 on 7/7 became Liberty (Revelation) on 8/8. How numbers tell a story I can’t even explain. What I have noticed is that the number in multiples of 10 also seem to connect undeniable occurrences. Obviously, August is the 8th month of the year. The eight day is the 8th day. The 8 ball is the eight ball which make it the goal to reach for 15 balls and it it was the 15th year of the second decade AD. The 13th year of that decade was the year in which I sacrificed my soul on the 15th day. 2 years later my blog began unlocking the covenant beginning 1/1.
"Cris Collinsworth
was #80 with the Cincinnati Bengals. "Eight
ball, corner pocket.” – Chris Collinswort
(12:07PM on
5/15/22) I have recently written in blogs how numbers have
shown up in such a way that The Revelation cannot be denied in any
language. Numbers are universal. Translation is where
things can seemingly be lost. What people say may represent
something for a long time if it historically recorded in a readable
or traceable language going back to the beginning. When someone
says something at a particular moment I am talking to them, it’s
okay to quote them that way. I was thinking the quote at the
beginning of this paragraph I cited to Cris Collinsworth and I’m
not sure if he heard me or we both thought of it, but I know he was
not the first person to say, “Eight ball, corner pocket.”
Or was he? Pool tables are not so old in time that there was
not a language spoken when they were created in the 15thcentury. The
standard rack of pool includes 15 balls these days. 7 are
solid and 7 are striped. The goal of a standard game of pool is
to “sink” the 8 ball in any of the six pockets. I will
explain more about numbers from the number they begin or in followed
by number of zeros such as 8, 80 and 800 in a future blog, I
guarantee it because I’ve already written to it. Perhaps it
will be that blog that I write more about number 80 in a future blog
that may or may not be the same as the numbers blog. I began
writing Liberty on the number of stripes and the number of solids.
I began writing Revelation on two black balls numbers date.
Call me crazy, but I haven’t 8 all day and trust me, numbers
sometimes sound like words to tell this story and no one is going to
deny this for the English language.
On my last couple of
outings, after writing about two black ball number dates," I was
once again, The Cincinnati Kid. While walking up Leavenworth at a
spot I will call, Hermanos Mexicanos Hill a few nights ago, I found
the 8 of clubs. Two nights later, I found the eight of spades.
It’s important I get to
the Anthony Munoz part, but since I am usingwords th(7act 2 from Collinsworth who was number 80 we
get to Munoz who was number 78. In eglish, to sounds
like 2,
(7:47PM on 8/12/22) 24hours ago, a voice that seems to be Anthony Munoz said to me
something like, “I don’t know what time it is out there….” As he did, I looked down and it was 7:47PM. He has cared about my situation enough to tune in to and listen to what I am saying
enough to take notices of a number that to me stood… (7:07PM on 8/15/22) for Protect based on the time I saved a file for a new Transformer Movie that came out July 4th, 2007 or 7-4-7.
Appropriately enough, 07/07/15 is the date I began to write Liberty which became Liberty (Revelation). I like how he and Cris Collinsworth recognize the numbers part in this Book of Revelation I have been writing. I have tried to explain this a bit so that people will see that it is something that continued to occur from times when I had no idea what time or date it was that I was posting a blog or saving a file. In this case it was a file. There are Transformers that choose to destroy and Transformers that choose o Protect. I chose a photo of one that saidprotect and unknowingly saved the file at 7:47PM. Again, that movie came out on 7/4/7.
I saved that photo on
6/18/07. Appropriately enough, I saved the photo below which
says protect and destroy on 6/19/07 at 2:48AM. In the future I will
write about “Pearl 48”. I just had to mention this since this
time 2:48 which can be heard as to forty-eight. I will never
forget that day as being Juneteenth. Since this section became
about “protect” and Cris Collinsworths dad’s name is Abraham
Lincoln Collinsworth, I think it’s only fitting to define it
It is defined by Oxford
Languages as
holiday celebrated on June 19 to commemorate the emancipation of
enslaved people in the US. The holiday was first celebrated in
Texas, where on that date in 1865, in the aftermath of the Civil
War, enslaved people were declared free under the terms of the 1862
Emancipation Proclamation.
I saved this photo at >>>
on 6/19/07, Juneteenth
Believe it or not, I have
even seen Transformers before. They showed up on the Concubine
across from Fox Plaza. I spoke to some who chose Destroy and
they seem to have been willing to change their ways with this Book of
Revelation. I also spoke to some that chose to Protect like
me. I have even seen a Firetruck pull into The Uber Building at
1455 Market Street one day. They closed the street off and the
big firetruck pulls into the doorway where there is a wheel with
teeth on it that opens up and entry way. I
assumed it was a Transformer. The voices in my head like to call me
a Trans former since I transform into a woman every night. It's
“More than meats the eye.” This is why it is important this is
allowed to be read since they show me every night and do not explain
I think it’s
coincidentally appropriate that Anthony Munoz showed up as I was
wrapping up The Cris Collinsworth part and recognized the time which
meant Protect as he had heard me say in the past. Kind of like
Cris Collinsworth mentioned numbers and I would learn that his
birthday is 1/27.
I don’t have much time,
but I have to say, as an Offensive Lineman myself, I’d say the
greatest Offensive Tackle to play in the NFL is Anthony Munoz. He is
the first and only Bengal to be inducted into NFL Hall of Fame.
Protect is what he did best. He even had 7 receptions – 4 of
which were Touchdowns. Back when I lived in Cincinnati, I saw
him out and about a couple of times and remember him coming into Car
Wash Plus when I worked there. He was alwayss kind and
Anthony Munoz was born
8/19/58. He played college for the USC Trojans and they would
beat Ohio State in the Rose Bowl in 1980.
(3:21PM on 8/18/33) 3...2…1… I have got to get this done in time
to say, “Happy Birthday.” The problem with that is, when I
include someone in this blog, they seem to “mess” with them.
Like Ice Cube's voice in my just said, “They make it look like
David is the problem.” When they offer everyone I somehow
communicate with a chance to go to this “heavenly excursions”.
Ice Cube says “It’s over.” I hope so, because I hear it
hasn’t been good for anyone. I always suspected it
wouldn’t be. Not many gets to know much about me because
they will not let read the blog. They get shown me “dollin’
up” but so not tell them why and this alone gives them reason to
not believe I am the Son of God.
On 4/17/16, I would photograph the Spruce Goose at Laguna Honda but not find Minna Choi or The Beatles Choir. I'll write more about it in the future, but I will simply say the Transylvania Goose had to show up,
(3:37PM on 12/14/20) I wrote about this visit briefly when it occurred, but had little time to write much back then as I was desperately in search of Minna Choi for her safety. I knew the demon seed had been planted by our President. She would be killed a little over a month later on father's day Yer blues showed once again. I wrote a blog with that title on 8/14/13 and published it on 10/17/13. Below is an excerpt of the last paragraph:
Actually, if I had the choice of relapsing or dying, I'd rather die. Relapsing would send me to hell on earth and likely, a "never ending" hell. Sorry to end this in such a depressing manner. I just don't feel so great. I 'll let John Lennon end it. Poor John Lennon's ending was not good. He was good. His ending was not brought on by himself. Well, it was in some ways, but it wasn't his fault, of course. Evil found its way through Mark David Chapman. My ending will be good as long as it's not an ending brought on by my addiction. I'll end it at that. Evil has its ways. Now, John....
(2:47PM on 7/5/21) The quote below comes from Liberty (Revelation) - Introduction
(4/12/16) - I finally have a computer and I have a lot of hope. A meteor shower with a quarter moonwill be very healing for me on 4/17/16. And, 0n 5/5/16 there is a new moon and a meteor shower.
On 4/17/16, I would go to Laguna Honda Hospital once again to sing with The Beatles Choir who was scheduled to perform. I could not find The Beatles Choir, but I found some old friends from my stay, including the daughter of Laguna Honda. I saw them with my eyes and communicated with them in my head. It was pretty amazing to have two of Rock and Rolls finest in my head the night before by having Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin and Paul McCartney of The Beatles.
(13:13 on 12/28/20) I wrote in Liberty
(Revelation) – Introduction about this trip when I failed to mention Robert Plant. I had planned to like I had planned to write about something on so many other
occasions throughout this blog, but I knew Minna was still alive and
was doing all I could to find her. I did find The Spruce Goose on
4/17/16. I even refer to that date as "The Spruce Goose" and wrote it was the day my Uncle Danny died which was really 5/17/15, however as does happen was a month early prophesy in the Bible in the Fourth Book of Daniel. Daniel 4:17 prophesized the highest will come from the lowliest of men which the bible saw before I even realized that I would become "the highest" One-year befor4e and one month later after I began writing Cumberland Blues. I got the lowliest part because that's what I was. I didn't see yet that God would see me as King. The man I see as King of Heaven was hung. One year later at Davies, Paul would flip that upside down Below is an excerpt of what I did write:
"(4/25/16) - They seemed to have raped another Yuma Tokyo. I went to Laguna Honda on Saturday but did not find the Beatles Choir. Paul McCartney of The Beatles who is a Paul of the bible was with me in my head on Friday night."
Cumberland Blues is a blog that I wrote knowing after Althea that we were into something miraculous making Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir and I "some kind of prophets". By the end of the blog, God would instruct me through the true prophesies of Charles Stanley and Joel Osteen to publish that blog. Voices told me not to and the last two I published after Althea disappeared.
(Back to 12/14/20) I write more detail below, but John Lennon of the Beatles The Hard Working Man himself would be there. He even managed to ride down the Fox Plaza Elevator on my second trip down. His photo was on someone's t-shirt. He may be on a lot of t-shirts and his voice is herd everyday around the world on the radio, but it was so cool to actually hear his voice and know it was him. I will never forget the morning after my birthday I woke up to see on the black and white 13-inch television in my brothers' room with news out of New York City that John Lennon had been shot.
(12:58PM on 10/04/20) It is so important that I figure out how to get my website up on the internet with what I have. I just chatted with Achilles Last Stand at GoDaddy. He was helpful, but I don't think people realize how much everything I do is manipulated by the new world order. It is so important I get my website up and running and when someone types in www.gods-revelation.com, that it goes there! I am in no way saying GoDaddy did anything wrong, but someone is controlling the internet which in my opinion disrupts sour 1st Amendment Freedom of "Press". The internet was supposed to let things go viral beyond the corona virus which would have never happened had the blog been reachable so that it may have gone viral. I believe it will. I unlocked The Covenant in 2015. It basically became as the Deities of Led Zeppelin saw it just a "few" years ago in their song Achilles Last Stand. December 7th and Pearl Harbor had clear Biblical implications as The Book of Revelation ends speaking of gold. pearl and a bride. This would come to represent The World Peace Bell. "If one bell should ring, In celebration for a king."
Therefore I love thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold
-Psalm 119:127
My brother Michaels birthday is 1/19, min ia 12/7 and my nephew Tanners birthday is 1/27. I I
I began
(04:28AM on 09/24/23) I began writing this at 4:20, 4/20 is Adolph Hitlers birthday. Adolf Hitler was Goliath and is now my "friend" Jason Woodruff (Terrapin Station)
(Back to 12/28/20))
Bopa Nasa Gordon Smith Father of Mars Hotel, Explorer of Jupiter into Alpha Centaur i and Pet Sitter of all comers. He and Rainbow in the Dark with her amazing treatment of the other animal down here of humans which includes specifically me, has been really helpful. I should recognize her as Jerry Garcia like in her backing up my insanity, but they truly have. And Boba.... even has Fala hill in the heavens. me as though it truly came from Albion from the 4th Century and jumps 1000 years to Fala hill then another 500 to reincarnate couple more times but now resides in heaven. Fala is a First Dog. I look forward to seeing him!
Fala and FDR
Free Independence
(5:31PM on 4/10/21) 531 is the prefix to Norwood Ohio's phone numbers where I was born. 5/31 is also John Bonham's birthday. I just wrote about how the person to appear on the dime before FDR was Liberty. (7:04AM on 5/31/21) Somehow it made sense for me to wait for John Bonham's (Bonzo's) birthday to continue this part. A few days ago, some who heard me proof reading this thought this above sentence did not belong. In many ways, it did not because other than the Led Zeppelin quote from Achilles Last Stand and knowing how much December 7th meant for The World Peace Bell, I wasn't sure. I thought, FDR was a President, not a King" but I still saw a connection. When I saw it was 7:04 this morning, I thought it would be a good time to begin writing.
I wrote in the edit notes about how the number 455 connected Norwood, Ohio which is the city I was born. That's the Part that I remembered that "if one Bell should wring in Celebration for a King" that Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza is 455' tall. King Tut is the arch of the Covenant. In 1971, Norwood, Ohio built The Pontiac Trans Am. It had a 455 Cubic Inch engine from 1970 1/2 until 1974. We would move up Interstate 71 to Kings Mills where Kings Island was open in 1971 and would build a 1/3rd replica of The Eifel Tower in Paris, France which was the tallest structure in the world when complete surpassing the Washington Monument in Washington D.C., The United States of America.
As far as my writing Liberty was on the dime before FDR. I thought 7:04 made since. And there is that bell too! (1:23PM on 7/15/21) The time works good for yesterday, but 7/15 is significant to me too. 7/15/18 is the day Mary Magdalene would get herself out of the Masonry after being there almost a year after being killed. Liberty! I can't remember if my trip to Philadelphia included a visit to The Liberty Bell, however, I do know it was on the 4th of July. I did not enshrine a "bell' memory in lyrics to one of my songs, I'd say we did not. Perhaps we have an old photograph, but I think I'd remember. Next visit, I won't miss it. Back in 1993, I didn't miss a statue! My song also reminds me that the city's transit was on Strike, I'll never forget why we were there ten years after our first of many trips to The East Coast It was not The Grateful Dead, but it was Further which included members of The Grateful Dead!
I have added lyrics to one of my songs I wrote years ago and changed its name after I started writing a blog titled Liberty on 7/7/15. It became Liberty (Revelation) on 8/8/15.
The song used to be titled Philadelphia. It is now titled 4th Liberty 4th. I also did what Susan suggested after sharing what she thought was "TMI" (Too Much Information) in Lola Montez. She sent me an email about this subject and suggested I write a song. The next song I wrote is a song titled Revelation. The very next blog I wrote after the blog titled Lola Montez is titled Althea. I was not supposed to write about her daughter, but I had Susan proofread it before I published it on 1/1/15. Most people would have no idea what this blog was really about if they did not personally know us. Kind of like I had no idea what that song was about.
As far as the John Bonham part, I feel absolutely honored to have had a part in Gods awakening of him on 6/20/15. It was Michael Anthony's birthday. He is the base player with Sammy Haggar and The Circle, and they were playing at Rose Music Center. The drummer for Sammy Hagar and The Circle is John's son Jason Bonham. This is essentially why this date is John Bonham's heavenly birthday. Or "Ï don't know, maybe it was the Roses." I will explain more in future blogs since I will continue to Give to Live, and the Roses are a plenty. Actually, my brother Bob and his son Tanner were at the concert that night. my brother would take an important photo that night. Back in June of 2015, I had for the first time, gone back and read something from the classic version I published on Myspace. I don't know how to get to them these days, but I also have them saved on word documents. I read an old blog titled, King David of The Bible. I was liking the idea that maybe we were prophets and then I read at the end, "I hope
I see Rose again." I did see Rose again. This time it was Sister Rose at Laguna Honda Hospital.
Aliens had just visited me and Sister Rose and The Rose Hotel were opening up some amazing understandings for me. My brother would take another important photo for me a few weeks later,
Rose Music Center, Dayton, Ohio
(8;08 om 11/4/21) Not to much time later, Bob called me one afternoon. He informed me he had just left the small town that had the civil war National cemetary we had visited when I visited in 2013. It had a drive througgh Christmas light show display.
This is a photo I too of the light show display.
I asked him,"where are you know? He said "Liberty". I told him I was writing a blog titled "Liberty." He then took a photo of the sign leaeding into the town.
(5:31 on 6/2/21) I'm sure today is someone's birthday, but I was just writing about different types of birthdays, and I wanted to at least include how John Bonham's heavenly birthday in 2015 occurred on Michael Anthony's earthly birthday. John is in heaven with his wife who i known for her work in independent films and large-scale blockbusters, she is the recipient of various accolades, including a British Academy Film Award and three Screen Actors Guild Awards, in addition to nominations for two Academy Awards, nine GoldenGlobe Awards, four British Academy Television Awards, and five Primetime Emmy Awards. And his brother who are also music people that were in the music industry.
My whole point about all this Give to Live and what I wrote above a little while back is how backing up time for something like death is not impossible in that world. Important plane crashes seem to be diverted a couple years after it was to occur while "I'm just sittin' round here watching airplanes. Years later I would learn they had an Air Raid Assault Vehicle that was going to make an attempt at a famous plane carrying a very important person that I once shared space within a photography book titled, Capture Cincinnati in which I won an Editor's Choice Award for Defining Moments.
The photo I submitted to the Capture Cincinnati contest held by The Cincinnati Enquirer was the one of the graduation in the above photo. My brother Michael (Loveland) was graduating from Loveland High School. The ceremony was held at The Cintas Center on The Campus of Xavier University. This photo was taken the day we bought a bunch of these books to give as Christmas gifts to people, I have to pull out some old hard drives to find it, but since this blog is titled December 7, 1941, I think it is important to find the photo Susan first took of me at 12:07PM on 12/22/21. The one above was taken at 12:08. I will always remember 12/08 as the day John Lennon died. I believe he was John of the Bible, Vladimir Lenin along with Vladimir Lenin and Mahatma Gandhi. I have another one taken at 12:09 which is equivalent to my aunt Kathy's birthday who I believe was Dorcus of the Bible. I think I will find the 12:07 soon since I was David of the Bible. I believe President Obama and Osama Bin Laden are reincarnation of Muhammad of the Quran and was also a part of Abraham Lincoln's reincarnation with me. There seems to have been different types of connections that include parallel universes, other galaxies and "reenactments."
"Just follow your heart th The Revolution Starts Now!"
- Steve Earle
Fred Durst and Wes Moreland of the band Limp Biscuit seem to be voices I hear in my head. Like most rock stars they have been kind. Coming down there true Prophets play some sort of roll in rock stars somehow believing in me. Rock Stars are already big people but this makes them even bigger to the world. I believe many are biblical Prophets. As far as the meaning to the lyrics to the song Rollin'; I heard Fred Durst say something about the soundboard which specifically speaks to the lyrics "back up, back up, what you going to do now?" in the song. If this is true, I guess it would be rolling back on a soundboard. I have no idea what soundboards are all about but I assume it's kind of like production when someone's rolling film but I could be wrong I have no idea. When it says back up, I have to imagine they didn't mean that time would back up literally in the world one day on November 2nd and move back to November 1st as it did when I had Donald Trump in my head saying. "It's our Revelation. it's our revelation!" It's a long story that gets told in a near future blog. F the CC is a song by Steve Earle. When I talk about these guys being true Prophets sometimes, they're singing about something that could be an automobile rolling down the road or could be backing up or something that obvious. Sometimes its "industry" speak or " cultural" slang, but it is almost always speaking to truth even when it's fiction.It's typically how a person feels when it is written by the artist
If it's written by an industry or corporation, it may have a motive or an agenda. Jingles that suggest we "have a Coke in a smile" are meant to suggest the next time we walk into 7/11 we choose their brand of soft drink. I don't think that qualifies as music industry material, but I am trying to recognize how tunes and melodies make us feel. Music is a powerful emotional tool. Horror movies are usually pretty good at creating an Erie sound to play just before a horror scene is about to occur.
God loves music, and I believe as I have written for 15 years that in many lyrics to songs it is God speaking to us. Even if its talking about drinking 4 - 0's or Colt 45's it's saying more about human reality than some want to hear, but many can relate. I think it's amazing when words sound the same but maybe spelled different for four different instances for example. Or word could be to three different spellings such as to too and two. With the numeral two a fourth example? The way I see things about that sometimes the answer is yes. But when a Colt 45 speaks of both the malt liquor and a handgun both have been known to be deadly. However, Colt 45 was "called a peacemaker and I never knew why. "
In this instance I'm speaking of an artist, singer-songwriter storyteller musician by the name of Steve Earle who I believe was once Isaiah the Bible. Isaiah wanted to trade sword shares to plow shares. Steve Earle sings about time for a Revolution to start as he does in his song The Revolution Starts Now It's on the album with the same title and in 2004 won a Gramy Award for Best Contempoary Folk album.
He even spoke of Revelation in Sydney, Australia before performing his song Jerusalem wbich is another blog I wrote usng the song title. but stated he would not capitalize his R's. I believe we are ok to capitalize September 27th 2015. I wrote a blog in 2013 after seeing Steve Earle at Hardly Strictly bluegrass and Golden Gate Park titled the revolution starts now even though he didn't play that song however I used a version of him playing that song from 2011 when I was homeless and did not make the show. I knew we were into the revelation and my mother would get out of hell that day. One year later he would show up with the devil's right hand and once again perform The Revolution Starts Now at the end of the show and Bon Scott got out of hell. There's so much more to this story but when he speaks of a Colt 45 lyrically states that it's "called a peacemaker and I never knew why."
When it is are the things such as the devil's right hand or rolling in many cases, they we
re speaking specifically of something completely different or something along the same lines as what in fact did happen. Since I was shot in 2006 and a man never knew why pulled the trigger.. I'll tell the story in more detail but when I was at 45 Olive Street outside of City hope run by City Church a woman is drinking a Colt 45 to help explain this story before Steve Earle would show up. Again, it's a long story and I don't want to go I'm not about this. My question is for a prophecy that to me seems to be false in which a voice claiming to be my old former boss Jim wife would be dead by July 1st. Before they knew she had cancer. I believe somehow these false prophets are able to stretch time and go ahead and foresee such events. Sometimes they make such events occur though. (7:23AM on 10/02/21) Whatever it is all about, she is sill alive today. I wrote earlier about the man who was shot down the street after voices claiming to be my brother said they were playing a video game similar. Some people don't even know how this virtual reality can play into their life but it's something that needs to be investigated and explained
This was not a video game. I write about it min an upcoming blog titled Civic Center Liberty I'm not the type of prophet who can tell my friend who is my former boss in advance that his wife wouldn't be here. I hadn't heard from him a little while when his voice showed up and said that to me before I knew it was cancer. As much as I can't trust doctors I have to go with whatever the doctor says on this. The one thing I can promise him is that she is going to be with us forever and so too will he and they both seem to be true believers in God God's way since they both seem to somewhat believe in me and that's important in this parallel universe that seem to exist, people such as my ex-wife and my friend in my head is Miley Cyrus were killed and I either backed it up or somehow they enjoy the Coventry Janet Joplin showed up and Miley got herself out of the covenant. In both instances I went to or called the police department. After Molly was killed I even wrote in public that she was dead. A couple days later, after Christmas, I saw that she got married. I don't think these two go hand in hand but I'm trying to joke about something is not really a laughing matter, but based on what it just happened I found this to be an interesting turn of events.
59 minutes later I have to write something because the significance of 1102 that I began to write this before I got sidetracked and brought Facebook on to record a couple of songs about today's date which is 521 and is now 1202 which is Mary Magdalene birthday. But the song I played earlier fits perfectly into what's going on with what I'm currently writing which is five to one one and five no one here gets out alive by he oors. And it it's not meant to be something that brings anybody down because the truth is about our death these days, we got something to look forward to most of us. I would like to say all of us that's what it was supposed to be with gold Pearl and a bride is the book of Revelation ends with the world peace spell they all went to heaven. There is a hell that never ends I do believe but I always thought a loving God could never send anyone to a never any hell but these people ple may be sentencing send them. However, my friend's wife's a good person and they're good people who seem to be believing in me and they will see each other again someday of course and I can't remember how that song puts it but get together one more time yeah of course he'll get the other one more time and out for that'll be forever so. That's the part I wanted to point out in this blog that is if she does pass and you know it's her cancer is terminal that they may be separated for a little while but they will be back together. That's what I'm trying to tell all these people stop who won't believe in me and who continue to disrespect me and believe in Donald Trump seems to be trying to get it right but. I don't like speaking when I write this blog, I like to type but my computer so messed up right now and this is tablets hard to do and I wanted to get this done and I got to go next door to St Anthony to eat and just happened to maybe pass Don Johnson to teach Marin if so, just wave to him and see if see if they wake up and there's a good story, I'll tell some other time. at 521 I open this and said 521 speaking instead of typing so that counts as I began this at 521. The part I want to begin to point out is Revelation 11, I guess. It seems people see me walking around this city even on Big brother television and they like the interaction between me and the people on the street in the hood those people are most loving caring kind people they really are and a lot of there's such a misunderstanding I think sometimes for some and so many have children makes me wonder about I received some signs about it seems as suggestions why it's going to be up there in the heavenly universe but maybe not maybe she'll live who knows I don't know how this I don't know how to speak about I don't know if it's even for sure what he's what's going on but I'm going to quit rambling because that's what I do. And I need to get this published so I need to edit it. But oh yeah, I was just yeah Facebook took away my elbow but it might have thought it was something else I'll get to that I'll explain later Photo here
(12:07PM on 10/14/2020) I have written how the word of God has been written so many ways by so many people, I'll explain more bel ow about what was written was done so by so many throughout history with the above example being from Susan's trip to Washington D.C. in 2011 which to me solidified her as a prophet. It was unlike her first trip. That trip unforseeningly took us back to Uncle Tom's Cabin. I will explain in more detail how (Adolf Elizabeth Hitler) wanted to meet (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) in Washington D.C. (FDR) said "We're going to The Soldier Field". After our conversation on telephone land lines was over, (Harriet Beacher Stowe) said "We should go meet him". (FDR) said, "we've been to The Soldier Field a few times, let's try to find Hitler in D.C. It was the moment we got to Robert F Kennedy that we would meet. The Dead would be knocking on Heaven's door, however, we still had to take a trip down Highway 61. The Balloons at the Ferry Building is how it began for Susan being a True prophet. I think choosing to name her daughter Althea is pretty big. Then I found her high school poem she wrote to me when we first met that I hope to find.
(1:19PM on 10/21) (1:19When I wrote above that if ':' were “/” then.... I was writing of coincidences that occur in numerology was referring to FDR's birthday which is 1/30 which is the time this blog began that day. It just so happens Susan was in Washington DC for her birthday one year her parents met her. While she was there she took the photo of the FDR statue with Fola memorialized. Her name is Falah ill when Bope got her reincarnated and now she resides in heaven with him. I also notice how one month can change in these numbers that tell such a story. In this case it's December- January. My dad born on 12/30 and I believe he and Gavin Newsome to have once been Theodore Roosevelt.
After relapsing in 2010 when Susan had
just saved my life 103 days earlier, I was hopeless. I tried to
hang on to something, but I had no idea how I could ever sty clean if
her saving my life and go the Top of the World was note enough.
s had told me for years, she may write a book called, I Left My
Heart In San Francisco if I died. I was heartbroken. I would write a
blog with that tittle a couple of years later, but in 2011, it was
starting to become evident we would not be together. Susan had to go
to Washington DC on her birthday and met her parents while there.
She would also take a phot of the above statue.
I have written of how dates and numbers fit
perfectly into this blog from historic events that match numbers that
are evident numeric instances such as the time of day, or license
plate number or calendar date. For instance, when the clock reads
6:06, I see D-Day forwards and backwards. If bus number 455 shows up, I think of The
Great Pyramid of Giza. If I took a photo or saved a file at 12:30, I
think of my dad's birthday. At the beginning of this blog, I wrote
that if “/” were “:”, then.... 12/07 is my birthday. The
time this all began is what I know this blog is all about because
when I first started writing to it, I didn't know it was going to be
a blog. I thought I might write a book
I had written other things that were
kind of getting me ready to write this blog. My writing began with Mrs. Bishop's class in , It would become something I applied myself for in college in Professor Yarmov's instance, played a huge role in how I felt about writing. This positive change made the professor my favorite professor. Actually, it was the professor that made him my favorite professor. From the beginning, he let us know it it was
going to be hard It was a 5-credit hour course. Most were 3 and I
had a decent load that semester. He said it was "yar mov”. I
chose to stick with it and again, he would become my favorite professor. He was always entertaining I
loved when he would say to the class that it was yar mov (your move.) He
was intensely firm about what we needed to do, but it's what I needed to hear. Beyond this intensity, what I saw was a genuinely kind hearted intelligent Orthodox Jewish
Professor named Yarmov.\I learned how to write illustrated papers on
a computer thanks to Susan's dads Apple Computer. I took
MSDOS while in college. In high school we had 6 MSDOS computers in one of only two air-conditioned rooms the whole building. it was a weltering hot
building at the beginning and end of the school year.
(10:19AM on 10/12/20) I started to write to this this morning at the time I recorded and I am just now getting to write at 2:33PM, I just thought since 10/19 is my brother's birthday. 10/19 is also the date in
2015 in which I shut the gates of hell and Bobby McGee showed up as
well as Janus Joplin. Janus was a fairly new character back then, but we
still need to all believe to get them both out from below.
God loves music, and I believe as I have
written for15 years that in many lyrics to songs is God speaking to
us. Even if it's talking bout drinkin 4 - 0's or Colt 45, s
it's saying more about human reality than some want to hear, but many
can relate. I think it's amazing when words sound the same but
maybe spelled different for four different instances for example. Or
word could be to three different spellings such as to too and two.
With the numeral two a fourth example? The way I see things about
that sometimes the answer is yes. But when a Colt 45 speaks of both
the malt liquor and a handgun both have been known to be deadly.
However, Colt 45 called a peacemaker and I never knew why.
In this instance I'm speaking of an artist, singer-songwriter
storyteller musician by the name of Steve Earle who I believe was
once Isaiah the Bible. Isaiah wanted to change swords into plow
shares, however saw a time for a revolution. He even spoke of
Revelation but stated he would not capitalize his R's. I
believe we are was capitalized September 27th 2015. I wrote a blog in
2013 after seeing Steve Earle at strictly bluegrass and Golden gate
Park titled the revolution starts now even though he didn't play that
song however I used a version of him playing that song from 2011 when
I was homeless
And did not make the show. I knew we were into the
revelation and my mother would get out of hell that day. One year
later he would show up with the devil's right hand and once again
perform the revolution starts now at the end of this said and Bon
Scott we got out of hell. There's so much more to this story but when
he speaks of a Colt 45 lyrically states that it's called a peacemaker
and never know why.
When are the thing about these things such as the devil's right
hand or rolling in many cases they were speaking specifically of
something completely different or something along the same lines as
what in fact did happen. Since I was shot in 2006 and a man never
know why sugar. I'll tell the story in more detail but when I was at
45 Olive Street outside of City hope run by City Church a woman is
drinking a Colt 45 to help explain this story before Steve bro would
show up. Again, it's a long story and I don't want to go I'm not about
My question is for a prophecy that to me seems to be false in
which a voice claiming to be my old boss Jim wife would be dead by
July 1st. Before they knew she had terminal cancer. I believe somehow
these false prophets are able to stretch time and go ahead and
foresee such events. Sometimes they make such events occur though. I
wrote it earlier about the man who was shot down the street after
voices claiming to be my brother said they were playing a video game
similar. Some people don't even know how this virtual reality can
play into their life but it's something that needs to be investigated
in explaining. I'm not the type of prophet who can tell my friend who
is My former boss in advance that his wife wouldn't be here. I hadn't heard
from him a little while when his voice showed up and said that to me
before I knew it was terminal. As much as I can't trust doctors, I
have to go with whatever the doctor says on this. The one thing I can
promise him is that she is going to be with us forever and so too
will he and they both seem to be true believers in God God's way
since they both seem to somewhat believe in me and that's important in
this parallel universe that seem to exist, people such as my ex-wife
and my friend in my head is Miley Cyrus were killed and I either
backed it up or somehow, they enjoy the Coventry Janet Joplin showed
up and Miley got herself out of the covenant. In both instances I
went to or called the police department. After Molly was killed,
I even wrote in public that she was dead. Couple days later after
Christmas I saw that she got married. I don't think these two go hand
in hand but I'm trying to joke about something is not really a
laughing matter, but based on what it just happened I found this to
be an interesting turn of events.
(11:59AM on `10/07/20) Today is Martha Stewarts Birthday. How that tie into Snoop Dog, Cent Biggy Small and Tupac, I'll have to explain, or let Snoop Dog do so lyrically in a future blog I'm going to title, Oh No, Big Papa Runnin' Hail Mary - No Thing on Me
David Donahue is my cousin who I called, Navy Dave, hung himself in I believe 2008. Throughout the year 2014, I would talk to him in The Masonry as a voice in my head a few times. Each time, he strongly suggested I get things right. He never once made it about him. He let me know I did not want to be down there. I had attempted suicide myself and he, of course knew this. He always encouraged me to get it right. He was very unselfish. The night Bob and Jerry showed up for Althea in early February, 2015, my cousin Dave would also show up. A few other important people would show that night which I will write about
Admiral Ernest King
I will explain more about Admiral King in detail in Understanding Althea, but Navy Dave was now Free. This would get out of the Masonry. His voice in my head said It was hell for him. I'll explain amore in Understanding Althea. He seems to have been Admiral Ernest King who served during WWII. He was always on The U.S.S Independence. That day is how "Independence" remains in heaven. Since Susan left San Francisco, I have seen her twice. Once when I went home to Cincinnati, Ohio for The Holidays and the other time she had a business meeting in San Francisco. We just happened to get together on Jerrys Birthday and Kimo would help discover another Althea. It's an incredible story that I will put together in Understanding Althea.
Navy Dave was now Free. When Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir showed up to help me Understand Althea, A few important people would join us that night. Free himself, would show up! The Album Althea is on is called Go to Heaven and it came out on 4/28/80. April 28th is Tony Karnes (Free), and Scott Hinds (Pirate of the Caribbean) birthday. It seems Tony, his son Kyle and his dad Charles Karnes souls were aboard The USS Missouri. They were the only father and son to die at Pearl Harbor that day. (2:01PM on 9/6/20) I was just hearing a voice inside my head that sounded like Tony's dad and decided I should confirm my memory to be factual with research. Wouldn't you know it, they're last name was Free. They were Thomas Augusta Free and William Thomas Free.The Arizona and The Missouri sit at the bottom of Pearl Harbor to this day. I just happened to write two blogs named Free in 2013. Free is a Phish song that I used in July in a blog after my cell phone was stolen. I had not talked to Tony in six years. His voice in my head, just now, says he called a me couple of times while I was in the ICU. I'm not surprised I have trouble recalling that, but I vaguely do remember. I was pretty out of it. In August, I called his sister-in-law, Bee Brogan to find out what Tony's phone number was and she sent it to me. I called him When ask him where he was, he said, "Union Square." I said, "In San Francisco?" He was in town to see Phish next door to where I live now a Bill Graham (Father Time) Auditorium. I was not Free and was not allowed to leave Walden House, but he and his wife Lynn came to see me at Walden House. They actually let me go with time to get some Ice Cream so, we would end up at a couple very important places for our imagined Peaceful and Free days after we met in 6th grade.
Haight and Ashbury
I'm not sure The Warfield Theater willallow Trey Anastasio back without stipulating it must remain and inside show, but in 2007, Susan bought us tickets for my birthday. He and his band played The Warfield Theater. Being the prophet he is, he somehow knew how important music was to The United States of America on an Anniversary to the "war field"" bombing that would enter us into the deadliest war in human history. This makes it an obvious Godly choice that would ring in World Peace Bell Opportunities. After the base player, Tony Markellis kept making me smile on my birthday, Trey Anastasio would grab a Tambourine, motion that everyone follow! Susan and I have been known to follow such unknown Deities right out the door with paintings of other Warfield Deities following him right back through the front door and finish the show. I will always remember that night because I knew how much it meant to me, but I had no idea just how much it meant. December 7th, 2007 became "A date in which I lived that was fun for me!" In 2007 I wrote a blog titled Meteorologist Theologist on December 13th which is Amy Lee of Evanescence's birthday. Her birthday just happens to be on a day I enjoyed in which the Evanescence faithfullly followed by a meteor shower. I did not know this in 2007, I wrote a blog titled Free for the second time. Free is a Phish song. Tony and Lynn did not show up in San Francisco until I wrote it the second time about the time I recently transcribed and published the first one. Below is an excerpt:
I'll never forget one year when Trey Anastasia played our neighborhood theater, The Warfield, on my birthday. Susan bought us a ticket. Trey took the show out onto Market Street that night - literally! At the end, he opened the doors and had everyone follow him out and then back in. Talk about a fun show.
(6:59PM on 1/13/2) In 2o07 I wrote a blog titled Meteorologist Theologist:
This last relapse it was Trey Anastasio at the Warfield – on my birthday. I came in from my last relapse last Sunday, December 3rd. My Birthday was Thursday, December 7th. (Thanks for all of the birthday wishes everyone - Sorry I was not more reachable.) I was miserable on my birthday. I was still pretty sick and tired. Again, I knew I had to go to the concert. I listened to Trey’s song Alive Again. I bought the CD with that song on it when I saw Trey in Cincinnati a couple of months ago. I had never heard the song. The first CD I looked; the first song listed was Alive Again. I felt alive again at the time, so I knew that was the CD I should buy. I really like the CD.
The song basically says over and over, “the time has come for you to be alive again”. I needed to feel alive again. Trey played that song at the concert. I had a really good time. My wife and I were right on the stage and the bass player, Tony Markellis kept making funny faces at me. It made me smile. I had not been smiling much in prior days. My wife said she wished we could bring him home with us so I would smile more. By the end of the night, Trey and his band were out on Market Street dancing and playing music. It was pretty cool.
(1:31 M on 11/6/21) Susan and I were amongst the faithful followers to slip out the back door onto Taylor Street and re-enter the front door on Market Street.
PM on 5/04/21) Tony's Markellis voice in my head said that Trey
Anastasio always wished he could have played with Jerry. I heard Tony
Markellis played guitar with Jerry Garcia. Jerry is obviously a big
influence to many guitar players especially a jam band guitar player.
I'd say they are jam band #2. We know of course there is no other
Jam band #1 besides the pioneers of live cross country touring
soulfully jamming out ever set songs the audience danced to so much
they found themselves in the next city the band was performing. The
Grateful Dead did it like no other band I was ever aware of in my
times of going to see live shows at arena's coliseums, fields and stadiums
selling out multiple nights. Trey did get to play with the rest of
that band and in fact would fill in for Jerry Garcia at the only
shows in which they called themselves The Grateful Dead since
1995when Jerry died. Tony Markellis seems to be Jerry's Base player
which means an amazingly beautiful thing just happened - Tony died.
He will obviously be missed by friends and family and fans such as
me. That man was entertaining up there and it sounds like Jerry
likes him. I can't wait to hear heavenly music. They are making it.
(6(1:41PM on 5/5/21)
on 5/5/21) Cinco De Mayo. I always heard it was Cinco De Mayo, but
didn't do much to celebrate it other than get some Corona's for the
party. I can't say they did not make me sick if I drank to many, but
I question whether or not this Corona or Covid Virus is anything more
than the strand of flew that was around. Which makes me wonder about
strands of flews and their origins. I won't go there, but I will
touch on Shakedown Street and how a sort of “virus” that follows
me wherever I go. It's not really a virus, but a demon. I knew it
that way, but when a doctor at Kaiser Permanente; Chemical Dependency
Recovery Program during one of our groups acknowledged “It seems
there is a relapse demon amongst us.” I used to think it was me or
if it was me, it followed me. It does. Sometimes they are
trying to kill me.
fact of my existence brings a little awareness to my writing about
Tony Markellis surrounding that particular date of December 7th
which still has world peace Bell tied to it. I try not to
acknowledge evil or as I have written in the past give them too much
credit, but now I know evil is. I believed evil somehow showed up in my world before God proved God exists for me. The truth is, when evil
undeniably so blatantly reared it's catastrophically egotistical head,
I had to look in to just what was going on. I had spent so many
nights out at Lands' End and witnessed what seemed to be human beings
carrying out practices of destruction that I could not deny.
(11:34AM on
5/14/21) I notice letters and numbers upside down and backwards
sometimes. For instance, I live in room 304 because I gotta be a
hOE. And when I wrote hoE I meant backwards 304 and I didn't mean
“a long-handled gardening tool with a thin metal blade, used mainly
for weeding and breaking up soil. I meant it like I called Mary
Magdalen the Valley Ho when Trump was paying her rent. There is so
much more to be written about how it seems God had her set up to be a
Queen and me a King upon this earth that I will write about in the
future. At least we have a Queen in Minna Choi and a King in Saddam
Hussain who both reside in Heaven where our Intendance resides.
Heaven will be peaceful. I'd still like to see a World Peace Bell.
Coincidently enough, just as I finished typing “World Peace Bell”
the Saint Anthony noon lunch from The
Queen City of the West. The Queen City of the west is not San Francisco. The
Queen City of the West is Cincinnati, Ohio. Yesterday was 5/13 is
equivalent to I am y is 5/14 which is San
Francisco's area code in reverse 415. So, the time I began this says
hEll to me. That is what my morning was thanks to voice claiming
to be my brother Alex was so violently painful. I go to the doctor
today ab0ut my blood pressure and I intend to again, let them know.
The thing
that I have been meaning to write about was a former boss of mine
named Jim. I have no problem telling this man that I hear his voice
in my head who has been sharing with me some honestly hard “facts”
about and upcoming event that he asked me to write about. It is
inevitable for all of us, but I learned today that this case is
terminal. Jim's wife has lung cancer, (1:04PM) Now, voices are
saying she's cancer free and that Paul Trudeau worked a miracle.
(10:57AM on 5/16/21) Phore hours from now tells more to this
story than I know how to prove. Just like 11:01 is when my
alarm went off and it's 11:02 I couldn't even explain what actually
occurred without True prophesies as Biblical Prophets who have
reincarnated to be Rock Stars. Musicians are truly amazing people.
Whatever they were singing about may or may not be similar to an
actual occurrence in this Book of Revelation. I have to imagine when
Limp Bizkit was singing Rollin they were possibly referring to moving
along in life. It could refer an automobile –especially its
(7:23AM on 5/11/21) I believed this was a good time to remember how Heaven let its light shine down" in 2008 through the Biblical Prophets ofthe band Collective Soul on pier 30/32 on 5/11 for KFGs Fireworks Kaboom. Susan was advertising for 511,
(10:56PM. on 9/2/20) Today is the 75th Anniversary of The Surrendering of Japan to The United States of America. It was signed in Tokyo Bay aboard The SS Missouri 75 years ago. (13:05PM on 7/3/20) The Missouri is the only Battleship taken to Iraq in The Gulf War. Today is the 75th Anniversary of the The Surrender of Japan to Russia and China.
7:12PM on 11/24/2020
And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
- Revelation 12:7
(12:07PM on 11/7/21) Susan's Uncle Michael spent a lot of time in the bay area He stayed in Benecia where the Sacramento River flows into The San Francisco Bay. He stayed close t the Navy's Mothball Fleet
From 2013 to the end of 2015, I used to talk to Susan at least once a week. I would text her probably more often. Back then, I like to text her quotes from song lyrics to go along with the reality of our day. However, I would read the lyrics to Althea and ask myself, " What Does this song have anything to do with Althea or how could I relate it to?" I couldn't relate a quote from the lyrics to send her so I never did.
Following the World Trade Center attacks in 2001, I had to do something for 'freedom'. I was considering a move to New York, but now it seemed San Francisco made sense. I got a job in San Francisco at The San Francisco Chronicle and moved us across the country for a new start in 2002. In 2004, I began shooting crystal meth and things became incredibly insane. In time, I wanted to get Susan back to Cincinnati with or without me. I felt she was not safe here with evil at my every turn. I assumed if she could get back somehow, I would move to Hollywood because San Francisco to me was a a Boulevard of Broken Dreams. She would end up living here on her own because she had to kick me out. I was a homeless junkie. I still imagined leaving this City my dreams were built upon, but wanted Susan to get somewhere. Hopefully, that somewhere was home to Cincinnati.
I was homeless when Charlie and The Hot Chocolate Kids would show up in Golden Gate Park on Martin Luther King Day which was January 15th 2012. I was trying to sell some marijuana I found at Ocean Beach the night before. They gave me a lunch and asked me if they could sit down and talk with me. They ask a lot of good questions about someone like me and I knew they truly cared. Our conversation would become about my struggles which led to the conversation being about God, however I told them I thought I was now evil. I had so many chances and failed. They would in the end help me get into City Team. I prayed for Susan every day. More importantly, I prayed for God's Will. She would get pregnant and move back to Cincinnati and I knew this was God's Will. I knew her daughter was a miracle the entire time. For years, I thought when she left that I'd head south and I would live on the streets of Hollywood or perhaps Venice Beach
I always knew she was such a miracle and would believe my using on her birthday brought on the apocalypse. I was to messed up for new humans and God was getting them and good, believing souls out of this dark twisted earth. I would sacrifice my soul by jumping off a 5-story building to go to a Never-Ending Hell and survive. I realized God would give unselfish me another chance by Throwing Stones as I truly expected God would, but allowed the big one to go by. I just believed it would occur on 4/1/13. One can read about that Dark Star performance on 2/15/13. The asteroid did not come down. Based on the years of not finding my way which would lead to Susan getting pregnant with Althea, it was not until Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir showed up as voices in my head in early February 2015, that I would begin to hear what that song was telling me. I would essentially learn that going through all the amazing and unbelievable things knowing I needed to write about it, that "I told Althea, I was feeling lost, lacking in some direction." What really made sense is how, ""Althea told me, upon scrutiny that my back might need protection...." It does. I think The Grateful Dead family is some of the protection from the band and all the fans who believe in them. Then there is my writing of nothing but the Truth protecting. Thankfully, we are protected by the 1st Amendment in this country, however, the censorship is so much bigger than The Third Reich's burning of Bibles that I am amazed it could even happen. This is The Book of Revelation that proves God exists. Gods got my back. I guess since Jerry sings Althea, Gods got his back to. It took five interesting months after Bob and Jerry showed up, but Jerry would Go to Heaven.. The day after I Wrote this, I would get two hugs from Sugaree. When I said the Grateful Dead Family was where my back was getting protection, I'll explain more in future blogs, but I got two hugs
Jerry getting to heaven did not happen overnight. I will explain more when I get to writing the rest of Understanding Althea. Heaven is the Universe and so much more. Heaven (Outer Space) is where Jerry Garcia. Brent Midland and Robert Hunter are and that's where I'm heading, so I hope this has captured anyone and everyone's attention enough to continue reading and sharing the amazing truth with all of those who you love! Just think, letting someone in on this will forever give the barer of divine knowledge credit for helping someone get to Heaven. God sure will remember, credit and love someone for it. A person can't go wrong receiving the love of God as such a gift. We must turn our will and our life over to the care of God as we understand God. I know God exists without a doubt and I still need to do this. It is complicated. God understands, but needs us to believe in God - God's way. What was written in this blog is God's way because God wrote this like God wrote The Bible using many prophets. As I have written in blogs before, I was not saying I'm some kind of prophet, I was saying we all may be some kind of prophet. I am some kind of prophet, and so to likely are you. A prophet that is. So too is Bob Dylan, Green Day, The Grateful Dead, Janus Joplin, Matt Nathanson, Steve Earle. Kiss, AC/DC, Princess Diana, Joan Jett, George and Barbara Bush, Ronald and Nancy Regan, John and Jaquelin Kennedy., George and Laura Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton and many o you too.In our modern-day world, people have believed in many different ways, but if any ways of believing took someone down the wrong path causing them to do something wrong, I am in part speaking of The New World Order. It seems to be a Satanic Cult. Still, it seems as though many of those who are a part of this are in fact, hardworking, law abiding citizens who have families and homes and intentions to better the human race. Unfortunately, it seems to create a need to be selfish. I saw a bottleneck in this formula hearing about the leave behind, to me did make sense even thought I was the one I couldn't even trust. When it comes down to it, for those involved that it seems to become selfish. People start to have to make it "all about me". They do what they are told to do when they are told to do it. This can cause catastrophic events such as earthquake and even horrific events such as the 9/11 World Trade Centers. It seems they chose "destroy". It's like The Metallica album title, "Kill'em all. I just read; Congressman Ken Bucks from Colorado was wearing a shirt saying this. He added the rest of the term I to have recognized to "Kill 'em all".
"Let God Sort 'em out." When I write about how "The Trumpet sounded in the book of Revelation," it will be seen how many others have chosen "destroy" through voices. It seems God even understands.
"Sake of Mercy, I would kill for love." It's complicated for me, but those are the true lyrics to the Grateful Dead song Liberty. I still like Jerry Garcia not getting the lyrics right when they encored that song at Nassau Coliseum on 4/4/93 on our to New York City in which we would go to the top of the World Trade Center on 4/1/93. In past lives, I have participated in wars, but still, I like the way Jerry sang it that day. "Sake of mercy, I didn't kill for love." Osama Bin Laden is in heaven with Saddam Hussein, Timothy McVeigh. George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan... I add those presidents because their involvement in any war like event but I always believed in them. Obviously, God forgives and wants all to prosper. When I first unlocked the covenant, I believed I was one of the most messed up people on this earth and we all went to heaven. I'm not so sure now. I do believe Hell never Ends. Hell seems to becoming a Black Diamond in the heaven. It seems to make our Earthly Hell look like Candyland. The New World Order and Evil are false prophets. They watch people to know something about them no one would know. They put voices in their head telling them of events that have yet to happen that do in fact happen because they make them happen. They are to remain silent about it. They are not to speak it with their mouths. It is mind communication. They can't speak or sing about it. However, many musicians have done just this.
True prophesies amazingly arrive through works of art, music, film, poems, true events and things that come from one's personal heart and soul sharing their personal truth or feeling about something. You'll see what I mean when you read the documented truth that was written from all of these amazingly Devine signs. The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkle pointed out that "the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls." I love the true prophesy that arrives from their song, but I'll rally like The Disturbed version not matter what date the video came out, but a I recall few weeks ago I as I rewatched the official video on YouTube the date beneath it said December 7th, 2015 which is the day I was released from 5150.
"King Nebuchadnezzar, To the nations and peoples of every language, who live in all the earth:may you prosper greatly! It is my pleasure to tell you about miraculous sings and wonders that the Most High has performed for me! Great are his signs, how mighty his wonders! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom; his dominion endures from generation to generation." - Daniel 4:1-3
The two blogs I wrote after Althea, Live and Slip Away disappeared making the last blog that appeared in the spring of 2015, Althea. I believe I already wrote how Bob Weir and Jerry Garcia showed up in my head to let me know, "Althea told me...." I had Jerry Garcia's voice in my head from time to time which was circumstantially confusing, yet pretty positive most of the time. I also had voices in my head telling me not to write. I was not right to do so. These voices did not believe in what I was writing. Even Susan said she thought I may be sharing to much information when she sent me an email for the blog I wrote just before Althea, titled Lola Montez. Lola Montez would turn out to be Mary Magdalen. I didn't think she was wrong, but my next blog I would allow her to read first was Althea which is the name of her daughter I was not supposed to write about. Susan only appears with her nickname in this blog. The voices didn't want me to write, however, I would get tickets to the 50th Anniversary of The Grateful Dead and Susan and her husband Greg (Train Song)were even going to be there. Understanding Althea was important even if they didn't play Althea. My Uncle Danny's voice in my head told me to "write the short version". He never discouraged me or told me to to write. One night, I was telling him how I always wanted to write a blog titled, Cumberland Blues about my dad, and that side of the family. This includes The Beaty, Love, Bush and Anderson families. I told him I would write it afterI wrote a blog, I wanted to call Understanding Althea. The next morning, he was kicked in the head by a cow and would die. I was not supposed to write,
(10:13AM on 8/31/20) However, in some ways it would be my Uncle Danny who would Give to Live. Which reminds me today is 8/13/20 and it was such an amazingly important day in 2015. On 7/7/15, I began writing a blog titled, Liberty. I began to suspect we may be into The Book of Revelation at the end of July. On August 7th, while walking down Mary Street, I got a message that was RIGHT TO LIBERTY! Then, Max showed up to let know the "wheel in the sky keeps on turning" The Journey to Revelation was understood just like the Grateful Dead knew that the "small wheel turn by the firing rod, Big Wheel turn by the grace of God......" We were prophets! On 8/8/15 is when the blog became Liberty (Revelation). In early August of 2015, my ex-wife Susan's daughter, Althea's voice in my head ask me a few times, ""Did the balloons fall yet?" I thought she was somehow referring to meteor shower would answer something like, "Yeah Althea, The Russian meteor shower was not the end of the world. The asteroid didn't come down." On 8/13/15, there was a new moon and a meteor shower and this would become my clean date. Coincidently enough, in 2012, I was exitted from City Team and my sponsor, Donald W (Buckeye, Saint Stephen and Not Fade Away) and his wife Debra G. (Stella Blue) took me in for a bit. On my run to Golden Gate Park on 8/13, I thought I'd run over to get some photos of Alamo Square where Susan and I first lived when we moved here in August of 2002. She had just left after 10 years of living with a hardcore addict. There were still some amazing hard and incredibly loving times. What we went through I once wrote was "epic". That day, I got some photos that I will explain more in the future. I believe my sponsor and I could relate to "My name is August West and I love my Pearly Baker Best." It completely speaks to me in ways I could have never understood. I will say my sponsor shares birthdays with Pope Francis, Althea and I. I will explain more in Pearl Harbor because I this part is a blog unto itself. I see my sponsor as The General once again and believe he was Dwight D. Eisenhower and Jimmy K.
I will write more about Alamo Square in the next edition of this blog I think I'll call The Pearl unless a better name organically arrives. It should help you Remember The Alamo and I hope never forget "A date which will live in infamy" which could become The World Peace Bell. The Book of Revelation version and its beautiful perfect amazing fit into their world we lived 5 years ago which I had written about since 2006, musician had sung about for who knows how long before and so many 0ther historical events fit into this peaceful near perfect ending was so violently disgustingly disrupted. I still believe it can occur. As twisted as it became, God continued to write it before us as I know God always will. Back on 8/13/12 I would get some amazing photos at Alamo Square and The Golden Gate Park Panhandle. Somehow, even though I was saying goodbye to Willy (Jingle Pup) and Phil (Bubba) they let us know "DEATH MONSTERS ARE APPROACHING" I will always Remember The Alamo and Pearl Harbor as a dater which will live in infamy. I will explain this one in much more detail when I write one titled Wharf Rat. It will definitely be a chapter in the Grateful Dead's 50th Anniversary that occurred in 2015. They In 2015 as we were unlocking the covenant and seeing ourselves clearly as prophets, I saw addiction as Goliath and I was of course David in 2015. Three years earlier, I took a run on 8/13/12 and I got some nice photos, but never saw them for the story they told until I unlocked The Covenant. It is Truly incredible how names, dates, historical events and especially the dog became forwards and backwards, because of Jingle Pup in 2008, I would begin to believe dogs go to heaven. I knew it then, but I KNOW it now. Everyone will know this someday from somewhere because we all have afterlives. TIME is so important and I have no idea what that blog is about.
(9:55AM on 9/7/20) A few years ago when this all began to unlock, I was hearting an old Tiger Teammates voice in my head. I had other teammates named Dan Morris and Ray Day. We all did some skating at The Loveland Castle Skateland. I have to say without a doubt that if anyone could Time their skating to the music, it was Shawn Richardson. I have so much more to write about this but for now, let me just say that it will probably show in a blog I have to title Purple Rain because I had to go to 1st Avenue (Sex-O-Rama) for The Revolution and we also know of a couple of people I called Prince, but for some reason. After all, we are Loveland tigers. The Cincinnati Bengals plays home games at Paul Brown Stadium. Paul Brown Stadium will always be known as The Jungle. The largest tiger is The Bengal Tiger. I believe I was once a Siberian Tiger. We, especially "Richie", knew Jungle Love so I had to find Loveland version of Morris, Day and The Time.
I have for the past few days been having a live video of me doing what I do besides, "man up, become a woman and get raped for everyone every night." It can be viewed on Big Brothers "new world order television"" but not much else of what I do is shown. They also tell everyone not to read what God wrote through the son. Timely enough, tame himself would be in my personal viewing audience that my Facebook my production this morning. I just saw that the file was saved on 3/27 and it had one photo file of a dog named Rainbow. After Althea asked if the balloons fell yet, there would be a new moonand a meteor shower on a date which was on a Grateful Dead t-shirt my aunt Donna bought me in Cincinnati while I was in Laguna Honda. I would get clean on 8/13/15.
(11:02 on 9/4/20) I don't have to "back up" much here because it just happened yesterday, however my memory of details can be heard from the video that was recorded by my wanting everything to come from the horse's mouth. I also want people to see the whole me and know that things are not always as they appear through Big Brothers slant. I want everyone to get the whole truth. Also, I am not the person I am in my addiction. Essentially, Sugaree showed up in heaven, and I will write much more about this in Jingle Pup Sugaree is what I 'for sure, but Trevor reminded me that I am an Estimated Prophet who needs to keep The Eye of The Tiger like I was getting back in 2015.cebook since Big Brother be backed up on how important this was so I did not miss one commitment and documented my recovery in writing and with my photos. I even wrote a couple of songs. After sharing TMI information as Susan suggested after reading Lola Montez, she suggested I write. I added to my song Philadelphia and renamed it 4th Liberty 4th and wrote a new one titled Revelation. I was clean and we were understanding so much until Pastor Paul Trudeau and the then future President Donald Trump had me 5150'd, knowing I'd be drugged and would start using again. I was released on a day I would learn had World Peace Bell possibilities. Unfortunately, events that occurred would only further reinforce what FDR labeled December 7th 74 years earlier "a date which will live infamy." For those not too familiar with that word, infamy is an evil or wicked act.
(11:45AM on 8/21/20) It seems God is using so many of us to tell this true story. God see's many of us as super heroes. This, of course includes Hollywood actors who played superhero's as well as every day you and I. Just doing what is right even in dark circumstances when it doesn't seem right and few will believe in someone, our heart can be what matters. "My name is August West and I love my Pearly Baker Best" made me a wharf at at before I even knew it was a Grateful Dead Recovery group that my sponsor who was also born on December 7th, has a important role" I will explain so much more, but I became secretary of one N.A. Meeting in my lifetimes and it was The Wharf Rats. I had 6 months clean and The Red-Hot Chili Peppers helped me celebrate when they showed up at, the Civic Center. Gina called me a superhero as I organically wrote Batman - Under the Bridge. I wasn't On Top of the World, but I lived above the Garden of Eden and that New Bay Bridge "they" didn't want to stand is still here thanked to The Little Mermaid and I who had to do a little superman with Ernest Hemmingway who I now believe is Steve Hemminger. Back in 2013 I had to do a little bit of being Superman, back then however, I believed I was a mortal human being when I jumped off a 5-story building and Five for Fighting saiod it best for my situation when they sang,
I can't stand to fly, I'm not that naïve, I'm just out to find, better part of me."
I like how God made me feel like Superman sometimes, but somehow, God seems to have seen me as a Dark Night in a twisted kind of way because I was looking for Kryptonite (crystal meth for me) on this one-way (Shakedown) 5treet" so many times because The Joker would in many ways ask me if I "have ever danced with the with the devil in the pale moonlight?"
Many of us can be Superman. Seeing a person in need of assistance out there and lending any type of support with no expectation of anything in return makes everyday people super heroes! It actually feels very good to give someone something even if it is one's time and support.
"The Lord is my Sheppard; I shall not want"
- Psalms 23
I didn't expect to see Superman today, but the man I always knew was superman even though I forgot he was dead, because he lives forever. The Superman is I believed him to be is Christopher Reeve. He showed at my place. In the past, I have communicated with him as a voice in my head. but this time, I could see him! Talk about Superman. His flying maneuvers really cool and were new for me to see. He just said, ""They do it up there all the time." He is Superman. I think it's important to the overall story that was written. Christopher Reeve was born on September 25th in 1952. Jon Bonham (Bonzo) died on September 25th 1980. Can he ever fly! He truly is Superman. It's like the day when Wild Man Walker (The Rocket King) suggested I try to follow him in to outer space He was in his "rocket". I followed him to space. We would Go to Heaven He had been doing it in his rocket back then for quite some time. We would first see Althea. It wasn't long before I was going up on my own and on my first "solo" trip and I would run into a nice young man who had so much knowledge and looked so healthy. I wasn't even sure who it was until after I left, I learned it was The Science God of the Galaxy, Steven Hawking. He saved the earth back on 2/15/20 from a meteor. I said, "I'm glad he did, because, I may have let that one go by.:" The Truth is, since I unlocked The Covenant and 2015, things have become so violent, disrespectful, ungrateful and backstabbing my so many Donald Trump put to work to always possess and attacks me. I probably would have to and did say, "I'm glad he did." Heavenly beings do fly around like Superman. Just like me, Well , they do it a lot better, but somehow, I blew up three huge rocks they were going to call asteroids and even foretold to some they were their way. It once again could have been Wake Me Up When September Ends since they were to arrive on 9/1/20. If some of us lived through the aneroid it would be a Long December and maybe the last on earth. For me, it would hopefully be the last, I still have hope that I don't have another Long December.
It also seems that Christopher Reeve was once George Reeve was the original actor to play Superman on television. In 1959, Reeve, at the age of 45 would commit suicide. God needed Superman here. Just like God needs criminals in this country where they belong. Superman will be where Hollywood knew he belongs. Now, it's important this Hollywood vision is completely realized.
(6:23PM on 9/25/20) Robert Hunter
(6:23PM on 9/25/20) Robert Hunter (7:35PM on 11/7/21) was born on 6/23 amd Chistopher Reeve was born on 9/25! I guess I like to (7)7:35 it at 711 in reverse. Appropriately enough, in 1991 The Rock n Roll band The Scorpions explains that you and I were born to fly in a song titled We were Born to fly. I saw them live a few times back in the 1990's, but I'll always remember when they play The Nutter Center at Wright State University which is named after The Wright Brothers. Roses start showing up a lot. This it was what e place in which air flight was born, but also. It wasn't long before planes were dropping bombs and before we knew they included Guns. So Wright Patterson's Nutter also featured Guns n' Roses one night. This is the night Axl Rose cut his hand and they were unable to perform an entire show. I was hoping to see them this year im San Francisco this year at the ballpark, but the Corona Virus....
n a date that meant so much such an important day of another Bay Area person who just took on a incredibly important role in our future! It is important in The United States of America that people not only get out and vote, but that all those who watch such important events such as a Presidential Election monitor this a little more meticulously than they have in the past or more than they planned to if it's their first time. Something is just not right about the way Donald Trump handles democracy. He "plays to win". He is a man who believes he gets what he wants" He has been very successful in life. I fear his addiction is the almighty dollar and power. Back in 2015, I quickly saw Trump as The Godfather of the Mafia due to his behavior such as the day he came Rollincame Rollin' in on the morning of 11/2/15. With Limp Bizkit, it would "back up " to 8:13PM on 11/1/15. Details will be explained in future blogs. I will write more about it in the future. I was very happy and excited about Senator Kamala Harris being selected running mate for the 2020 election. He chose her to be Vice President. While I truly believe this is what this country needs more than it even knows, I am concerned about this election process and I simply say it that way and I know God knows how Trump did it, but it's over and I can't cry over spilt milk. I will say that "Hillary won that election.' and not sure how God played it out, but I know that night I have a photo of me outside San Francisco Civic Center in which:" "He iseyeswereasaflameoffire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself"
(7:04 PM 12/10/20) Anniversaries have become and a very important undeniable factor to show this blog is true prophesy which to me means it was written by God. I guess this particular paragraph could be a "prophesy answered" which began at 7:04 which still makes it a true prophesy of sots especially when speaking about a Presidential election and the inauguration of a President. When I realized I wanted to write about 8:13 I was editing what will perhaps be the next blog titled 5150 It didn't really make sense in that blog, but I knew I had written about it in a blog which I now believe is one of The F the CC's I have been writing off and on for the past few years since Liberty was dismantled. It was 7:02 PM when I realized I needed to write to something. As I opened up this blog, I realized it was 7:03 and that 7:04 would be a perfect time to start this posting about the number 8:13 so I typed in the Find on Page since I was using Microsoft Edge. I won't get into my preference between it and Google, because I like to use them both for different reasons. There is more to this Even if you weren't your voice, you voice could still be you allows me to hear a friendly competition at a Corporate level.
My Life, All My Life I've been searching for something, something never come never lead me to nothing... which in this instance is from the day I wasn't searching for anything but I found unopen box of a cd set from Tony Robbins. I remember him as the late-night infomercial guy who had what seemed to be a genuinely positive message, he was taking from town to a theater, convention center, coliseum or stadium with his motivational message because I don't know if he sold car wax, but I do know that man can wax, but I do know he is a kind man who helps people. On my search for Tony Robbins "Car Wax" I would find an article from 4 years about him helping out these two French Nuns who have helped me off and on throughout my time ins San Francisco. For a short time while at CityTeam in 2012, , I turned their helping others into my helping others. They have more recently been helping me by feeding me at the Civic Center , so I find this very nice to help them through my writing like Tony Robins helped him through his charitable donation on Abraham Lincolns birthday in 2016.
“Hey guys, Donations!” I’ll be right back.
Every time we get donations, we have to drop what we're doing and bring in the donations of food, clothing or whatever. A few times a week, these two sisters (as in nuns) bring a van load of food. I thought they might be Italian, but I was wrong. I just asked them they said, “French”. They are very nice. “Hey guys, Donations!” I’ll be right back.
“Don’t put it off; do it now! Don’t rest until you do!” Proverbs 7:4
Dave Matthews Band showed me 1 - 2 - 3 just like that because The Clintons live in New York.... Once Again, I was a minute late and it was a Bike Above, but that plane landed in Moffitt.... So that this does not become my shorthand edit notes, I hope, that since this one is... well, "past deadline, that my readers have seen enough to want to keep reading. I'm still excited about Joseph Biden's running mate, Kamala Harris. She was born just across the San Francisco Bay in Oakland, California. I have said it before, San Francisco is The New Jerusalem the Book of Revelation speaks of. I wrote so quite a bit about events that occurred over the years that led me to Understand Althea. I will say include the President Dead Head Al Gore, but just calling him that and knowing him that way is reason I see him and Tipper as family. The truth is, I want to see everyone as family. I know we are not as different as we think because many of us have been doing this a long time over and over and over.... It seems some of chose different routes. Trump intends to rule the world and sees himself as King already. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. - Genisis 11-1 He has tried to destroy the world many times. I've saved it five times. The heavenly Gods and Goddesses have saved it eleven. He wants to deposit so many of you into the earth so he can use your soul to put himself in heaven. God knows how I was the anointed one and that Jerimiah was a bullfrog. If I were the King of the world, I'll tell you what I'd do...." Well, the way God see's it, "I could be a clown in the burring ground, or just another pretty face..." Well, I'm not as pretty as a woman, but I'm still on earth and I'm still in the rodeo and I'm in the burying ground. However. many are in the ground in what I know as The Masonry and The Coventry. My dad is in the Masonry and when he started talking to me about voting for this election, I realized, that's how may be going to somehow manipulate the election. There is an afterlife, but I don't think below qualifies The United States. And, Trump tells them all what to do and most do it. Janus Joplin (Angel of the Coventry) and Bobby McGee who is a coal miner from Kentucky have confirmed that Trump lets them vote, but since he tells them below what to do and when to do it, most will likely vote for him. Bobby McGee, Janus Joplin and Bobby Beaty who is my dad will not vote for Trump. No matter what, these votes should not count at least until we recognized that they are in the afterlife below the earth. It is not hell. Robin Williams just said that they are having vote Orion. I will explain all of these details, but sometimes we have to take a leap of faith. On October 19th, 2015 I knew I had to shut the gates of hell. While climbing over some rocks at Ocean Beach, I happened to notice the water was receding further than it had been. I had just witnessed small Cessna Aircraft lay a contrail. As I was trying to figure out how to climb down, I noticed a huge wave on it's way. I jumped and ran as fast as I could, hoping the snapping noise was a stick or something in the sand. I was Awake! I felt, "I'm alive for you." I would continue 5 miles, shutting the gates of hell where Willy Dog which Willy Dog hovers over in his tennis ball Hindu pose. , walking the Stairway to Heaven before Althea told me, "Cool down boy, settle back easy...." which I did before my I spread my Arms Wide Open to The Mount Davidson Cross." Then I would watch The |"Sun Set over the ocean once again" and "it looks like I won't be going home again." Live meant so much as I watched that sunset. Jeremiah 6:1717Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken. When I got off the train at Van Ness Station, I would believe I broke my leg by taking that leap of faith.. I would get on a 9 bus and go straight to General Hospital. I refused all pain medication. I was called to come back the next day because they wanted to do an MRI. They wanted to make sure they didn't have to do surgery. It was 10/20 which is Snoop Dogs birthday. At the time, Donald Trump was The Godfather. Snoop Dog would show up at 12:25AM at the corner of Minna and Shakedown (6th) Streets. He would become The Godfather we needed around father's day. It was for Snizzle my Dizzle. I will explain more in the future, but Minna would be killed. In 2018 , Playboys and The Pope occurred I believe on 8/11. when Miley Cyrus who was a voice in my head as I was one in hers hanging out with me as I went to 710 Ashbury which is the home The Grateful Dead lived during the Summer of Love. I believe on 8/11/18. I thought Miles was dead. And, around the holidays, Miley too would be killed... It's a long story that is maybe A Touch to Much, but but I will put it all together because I found Bee right outside of Walden House and Bee was Free! as Wisdom of the Godfather. I need to also out what should be "settled" by the time I write, Oh No - Big Poppa - Runnin' - Hail Mary - No Thing On Me, but for now The "they" are the Heavenly God Father. Maybe it should be East Coast West God Father. All I know is Christopher George Latore Wallace (TThe Notorious B.I.G., Biggy Small) and 2Pac Tupac Amura Sakur who was named after and probably reincarnated from Sapa IncaTupac Amaru, the last Inca emperor who led a failed rebellion against the Spanish colonial government and was executed in 1572. (source: wikipedia). I'm never really sure how things continue to organically arise to this blog, since I was just researching the two I discovered some info that points them both to some pretty important people in past suggesting who they may have been in past lives They are wisdom that started way back. Ï am not very familiar with their music personally, as that was not my genre. However, I hear it quite a bit when I'm out on the street and am starting to see it as "Wisdom" Either, when someone handed me a white rose in front of Burger King and told me it was Tupac's birthday, they both showed up to the concubine across the street when the want to be dragon who was actually Paul was up there trying to scare everyone.
This is the rose the young man handed to me on June 16th in front of Burger King on 8th and Market and said "It is Tupacs birthday today"
I will write how it ended being The Hail Mary Pass. What began during the election four years ago and was to be for 76 while I was writing Liberty, ended up needing The Beast from The East show up with 50 cent with Snoop Dog, Oh No. Ï believe Tupac and Biggie continued a message of "freedom" for "peace". The Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement was a Peruvian Marxist guerrilla group which started in the early 1980s. It seems that Biggie Small has a connection Vice President Henry Wallace who served with FDR during WWII from 1941 to 1945. I write below about The Indianapolis and some reincarnated people I know who seemed to be on that ship. As you will read, that ship was torpedoed at 00:15 on July 30, 1945. It went down in 12 minutes and since it was on a top-secret mission it was the only ship under radio silence so no mayday was put out. I looked up some of Tupac's music and I found a song titled, Keep Your Head Up, which on YouTube dated 7/30/08. was but 1 The morning of 10/20, I was at Walden House and everyone knew what I was owing the day before because they voluntarily verbally communicated, they could hear voices in their head. The man who is The Wisdom and The King of The Stratosphere pointed at me and said, "You the wizard!" I called him "Harry Potter" back then. The Demon Kid asked me if I tried to kill myself. I said, "no, I took a leap of faith because a huge created wave was coming in. He told me how voices in his head told him to swim out into the San Francisco Bay so he did. The night before I saw on the news how a great white shark swam into the bay. When I looked up Joseph Biden birthday, I thought it was interesting that he was born one month later on 11/20. However, the next day, I saw Kamala Harris' birthday and it too is on 10/20. I see the God Father as Pope Francis or as I like to call him, "Papa Francisco". His birthday is on 12/17 which is Althea's birthday. That number 5 as well as numbers one month apart just showed up. I have to explain in the future, but 10/25 /13 I wrote All of my Love + . I had recently been to the San Francisco Zoo on the free day. I was a Loveland Tiger who won the Tiger Award. I was once a Tiger. A Siberian Tiger. While waiting for in line to take a photo, I walked over to the 3rd window where no one was because they weren't near it. As soon as I got there, they both woke up and walked up to my window and looked me in the eye. When I was "Taken to Church"And, despite seeing me in Susan's Birthday suit, this blog truly is supposed to be about a date which will live in infamy. I like Churchills take on the day, but we still need to build that last Liberty Ship, so I must get this posted and EDITED to be read. And, as far as Susan's birthday suit goes, I'll explain more, but I care about women - a lot. And, I know Mary has one too. We all do! I will write more. Enough short hand. Let's hold our President accountable for our 1st and 4th Amendments. I don't think it was wrong for people to think in some ways "we" were God, especially when they get visions in their head, but I don't want to see The President in his birthday suit in the White House. Is he an American Citizen? Can he carry out espionage and treason? I believe we should spy on no one. I care about people. It's one thing to watch someone in their house, but to watch someone get raped for everyone by these demons and remain silent is something I just don't get. I get raped for people. I know it is confusing for everyone. The Truth is, The Truth.
15Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
- Psalms 105:15
As far as my choice of words such as "Sherbet" goes, I'm trying not to curse while writing my blog these days. Blogs written to the classic version on MySpace had more cuss words in them. However, I have tried to clean it up some in more recent blogs. Words are words. I'm generally not offended by them but I don't want to offend others and I like kidsthat read this, so.... I'm also trying to cut bad language out of my speaking vocabulary. I promise everyone, when someone lives the nightmare that is my life, foul language becomes almost necessary. "I'm the son of Rage and Love." Sherbet goes a long way, but Ice Cream is a necessary ingredient to my diet these days. I need my sugar fix. I get a lot of food from food pantry's and soup kitchen's out here, but I rarely get Ice Cream for free. This is The United States of America and thanks to The First Amendment, I scream for Free!
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
It seems no one listens. This blog is hard to believe because it truly is unbelievable! It is especially unbelievable from someone like me who is the last on the list upon the earth that would be tagging along with The New World Order and Evils way. People can see me and hear me everywhere if "they" let them. Many people can also see the many glycerin creatures that fill my body and are seen as demons or "angels" trying to help me because I won't do what they tell me to do or listen to them. In many ways, people think they can "see through me" and believe I am not a good person. I used to think that in some ways, I was the worst person on this earth. I had been given so many chances and continued to fail which brought on the apocalypse by using on the day Althea was born on 12/17/12. There would be a meteor shower on 4/1/13 to destroy life on earth. With "The whole damn world looking back at me" I had to get out of the way. "Sake of my baby, I'd die for love." I guess it was Susan's baby that I knew was a miracle. "Sake of my Baby, I'd die for love" And, go to a NEVER-ENDING HELL! I guess I could now see the earth is my baby. It was my "Trial". As I read today in a blog, I wrote 5 years before the day I jumped my demons sentenced me to hell! However, as I wrote at the end of that blog Joel Osteen spoke of God's Mercy and Gods Favor which I now know I must always keep ahead of me. I do believe that Joel Osteen reincarnated from a Joel from Biblical times.
on 8/1/20) Today is Jerry Garcia's Earthly Birthday.
Yesterday, I wrote that it was yesterday - I think. Technically,
tomorrow is Jerry Garcia Day, because like Easter, Jerry Garcia Day which
occurs at Jerry Garcia Amphitheater in McLaren Park is always on the Sunday
following his birthday. (8/9/20 Tomorrow is Jerry Garcia,
“Not Always Monday”. It is on Sunday which is Jerry Garcia Day. Except
for this year. I wonder if I should show up tomorrow just to see what is
going on. Others may show. It is beautiful and peaceful at McLaren
Park. I should. We'll see. I guess yesterday was Jerry Garcia
Day Eve. This year is confusing. I am putting this together with my
formulation of April Fool’s Day "rules". April the second |I
knowbecame April Fools Monday when I realized April Fool's Day was on
Easter Monday in 2013. I guess that would make the Tuesday following April Fools Monday That
Tuesday because April Fool’s Day was on Monday. It was Easter
Monday. Easter Sunday was on Angus Young of AC\DC's Birthday. I call
his March 31st birthday April Fools Eve. I guess you could say I was on a
Highway to Hell. The song Highway to Hell came out in 1979. My
Grandpa Beaty, "Buster" died on 2/15/79. 2/15/13 would be the
day there was The Russian Meteor Shower - Not the End of The World!
He gave them hail for
rain, and flaming fire in their land.
Psalms 105:32
It was one month after 1/15/13 which was the day I jumped off a 5-story
parking garage in San Bruno to go to a NEVER-ENDING HELL! I knew there
would be a meteor shower. I lived above The Garden of Eden in North
Beach. I hate that I have to keep rewriting this in blogs and on signs,
Facebook, etc, but know that every time you happen to read it, I probably wrote
it 100 more times. I believed writing it with the video a a couple of times was plenty. Perhaps they should appear on a blog for 3rd
(10:52AM on 8/29/20) Since I called this section Jerry Stu, I should point out
how things have been cooking out there in heavenly outer space to keep our
world the beautiful place it is. When I write Stu, I am of course playing
on the word Stew. I believe Jerry is a good cook. I know he cooked up
some good music over the years, and even came to believe they were
"divinely" inspired. There seemed to be a spiritual connection
to something beyond us. It was so much bigger than we were.
"We" includes the Grateful Dead and their truly loyal and even
following fans As the Grateful Dead sings about, God was Throwing
Stones back in 2013 for what happened in the video below to
occur. One time, for Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, I had so much happened to me
leading up to that date which was 11/15/15 that David became Avid and ordered
asteroids. I didn't want it to happen, but it seemed it would. My
friend, Chris Minton (Kid Rock) was up there an confirmed they were
waiting. However, at 2 Minutes Till Midnight, Chris said "Hey Dave
the Federal Government is here. What do you think we should
do?" We both agreed we should give humanity one more
chance." Well, it turns out that that "Federal Government"
was Donald Trump. He was not even President yet. Following that,
the Virgin who is Minna Choi, The Mother who is Mary Magdalen and the Sara who
is Sara Sublime were all raped and murdered. So too was Miley Cyrus in
"that world", but Janus Joplin somehow got her back. Many young
people have become victims of this "heavenly rape" as well as many adults.
on 4/22/21) I would like to point out at 3:57PM on 4/25/21
that I never got around to writing about Earth Day, which is 4/22 because
as usual, Earth Day wasn't good for me. What I just noticed is that by
looking at the time this began on earth day is that it is 711 backwards
which happens to be the time I photographed a dead pigeon on Olive Street
on 7/04/16 on my walk to The Palace of Fine Arts. It had been 101 years since the World Exposistion was held on Treasuure Island. which included the construction of The Palace of Fine Arts.Seeng as thouhg it joined Sinistry101 and Fables and Fairytales were not having the happy ending the pla Susan I saw there after we got to both got lolipops likced. no one ickeld for my personal protest of fireworks along with Japan on that holiday since
I knew the blog that began as Liberty and became Liberty Revelation did
not produce The World Peace Bell and I now truly believed Minna Choi was n fact
dead and was told she no longer existed since they wore her soul
away. (1:01PM on 11/16/21) It’s
perfect that it’s the day following 11/15/15 which was Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
in which 2 Minutes to Midnight occurred
and Chris Minton (Kid Rock) and I gave humanity one more chance. After, Minna no longer existed 101
years after the World Exposition Occurred and I went to the Palace of Fine Arts
and Japan did not have fireworks on The 4th of July; I had broken ribs,
but the hardest part was that Minna no longer existed even though I wanted to believe
she did. I did all I could to make her exist including go to hell myself! Minna’s existence was said not to be.
(Back to
Earth Day 4/22/21) It is now 4:13PM which is numerically the same as 4/13 which
is the date, I went to Old St Mary’s Cathedral on the corner of Grant And
California Streets a couple years in a row for an AA meeting and it was
"Lincoln" us to Abraham and Mary Todd. Such an amazing Grant
came down from Ulysses S who was Lincoln's General during the Civil War and
would reincarnate as Grant at City Team. He would once again be ""to
fast to live and to young to" die because we had to say "bye
bye" to James Dean once again.
There is
so much more to this will explain but when it was 5:23 PM I realized they will
not stop trying to delete me and everything I do. I need a computer......
I hope to have my Covid 19 check downstairs. They said
they mailed it 25 days ago, but I have moved...
(Back to
8/29/20) Since then, I have saved the earth 3 more times from man piloted
asteroids. Jerry Garcia, Steven Hawking, George Bush, Kurt Cobain and
other heavenly beings such as Jacqulyn Kennedy have even bumped "asteroids" that were somehow thrown towards earth off of their apocalyptic course with
earth. They all seem to be Trum
p Laden Rocks of some sort. I
think he believes he has enough souls to put beneath the earth that he can
somehow use to get to heaven. I'll try to explain more in the future, but
as far as the Jerry Stu went using Grateful Dead songs, Jerry may sing Althea,
but Bob sings Throwing Stones. He even once sang it with some friends of
ours I once flew to Jamaica with, but I'll get to that. And, let's
not forget the lyric "Rudy's looking for a fight." from the song
Throwing Stones is referring to Rod Magdalen who just happens to be Mary
Magdalen's dad. Rudy and I got along pretty good most of the time.
When I found out Susan was pregnant, I wrote Touch of Grey. Below is an excerpt from the blog I posted July 8th 2012:
I was thinking about the time years ago when Susan I went to Yosemite for the first time together. I wasn't even really a photographer yet, but I liked to take photos. I was starting to sense something was going on. I was clean and really beginning to search.
Not long before I had gotten clean for a short time, I was using a lot of meth out by the Ocean and was beginning to believe that the contrails in the sky had something to do with what I believed was going on. As I looked up to take a photo I saw a contrail in the sky that was connecting perfectly with Yosemite falls. I took the photo and sent it to my stepmother. In her reply, she told me she was going to divorce my dad.
I ended up going home to help, but ended up helping kick him out. I felt awful, but I had to. I begged him to get help. He said he would if I did. I was actually clean. After all of that transpired those two trips, I wouldn't remain that way. I knew one of us would die. He did. Months later I got pistol whipped and after that I started writing. It wasn't long until I wrote a blog called Contrails.
While at a lake today in the Sierra Nevada mountains, Rudy, the man who threatened to kick my ass a while back, said, "Dave, take a picture of that." We're actually pretty good friends now.
Hefe Grande was with us, and one of the other guys said, "It's also in Spanish." I went to get a good angle and got this
was Rod who suggested I take a photo in God's Country (Yosemite) that would
read "May Peace Prevail on Earth." Since it just happened to be
pointing at a contrail, I would also write about it my second posting of my
favorite blog Contrails. Below is an excerpt from the log I republished August 20th, 2012:
A couple of months back I posted a photo of another Contrail. I don't think I said exactly what was going on in my life in that blog and was never sure I ever would. I believed I should and I now see that it was ultimately the right thing to do. The Truth is The Truth.
I got Susan's permission to write about it eventually. At the time, I didn't know what to say, but I wrote a blog called Touch of Grey. I was in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, very near Yosemite where I took that first Contrail photo just before life was about to really change for me. I was with some people just days after I learned Susan was pregnant. I was struggling and telling no one. One of the guys I was with (who had threatened to kick my ass once before and would again in the future) said, take a picture of this. As I did, I saw the Contrail and I knew big changes were coming my way. It ended up being more than I even expected. I didn't know that to be the case with the photo I took 6 years ago. I knew it this time. I also knew something else. I knew God would be with me. God always will be - Time after Time. God will be for us all. Hopefully, so will I.
The original blog on MySpace did not allow videos. My blogs were still song titles most of the time. They would match my slideshow I had running to a song. MySpace - It's like an abandoned amusement park! LOL)
I wrote aboutmy friend
Erotic Russia when I lived above The Garden of Eden especially in Batman -
Under the Bridge and I think it's important to note that one of City Church's
two services in San Francisco is at The Russian Center. The Russian
Center is on Sutter where Sister Rose somehow needed us to go. Sutter
Health is where I would be 5150'd after Giving humanity one more chance.
On February 15th, 2013:.
Destiny: the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person
or thing in the future.
the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate
(10:16PM on 10/16/20) Today is Bob Weir's
birthday. Meeting Destiny earlier tonight gave me hope in humanity.
Destiny is dealing with and facing hard times right now, but Destiny was
willing to give something to a human being she just met on the street -
me. She is out of work and is even supporting Destiny's child. I am referring
to her beautiful daughter who was very kind and positives to me. I
met them outside on Mission Street because they are searching for
housing. She gave me good marketing suggestions for my sign I was
carrying around my neck. She is very kind and gave me hope in humanity. She
gave me good advice about my sign being too wordy. So many correctly tell me not to be so wordy. This helps it be larger and clearer!
(2:46PM on 11/16/21) The sentence below
is to follow the paragraph from above that is about 10 paragraphs above. I love when I fill in that much not even knowing
it. Not really, but it happens. The sentence from above is:
There would be a meteor shower on 4/1/13 to destroy life
on earth. With "The whole damn world lookin back at me"
I had to get out of the way. "Sake of my baby, I'd die for love."
I guess it was Susan's baby that I knew was a miracle. "Sake of my
Baby, I'd die for love” And, go to a NEVER ENDING HELL! I guess I could
now see the earth is my baby.
At the end of 2012, after using on Althea's birthday on 12/17/12, I believed there would be a meteor shower on 4/1/13
to destroy life on earth. With "The whole damn world lookin
back at me" I had to get out of the way. "Sake of my
baby, I'd die for love." I guess it was Susan's baby that I knew
was a miracle. "Sake of my Baby, I'd die for love” And, go to a NEVER-ENDING
HELL! I guess I could now see the earth is my baby. This was
the day the world was to end, and Ezekiel showed up for God just to let
everyone know God was the one Throwing Stones. Somehow, and even this man
probably doesn't know how, it became Wavy Gravy's April Fools Monday. I
guess that makes the Tuesday following April Fools Days always being on April
3rd. I originally thought Fat Tuesday, but Jerry Garcia thought
we'd could come up with Something better. I would think about it and then
I said. "Maybe we should call it That Tuesday." Jerry, as a
voice in my head, said, I knew you'd come up with something, but I didn't think
it would be "That." I think I'll keep it That Tuesday. We
dropped Jerry (Not Garcia) off at that Gas Station on Paul Street right next to
McLaren Park before Jerry Garcia Amphitheater even existed. Jerry (Not Garcia)
would continue his vacation to Hawaii. Jerry Garcia however in 1995 after
their summer tour would not continue on to Hawaii. He chose to check
himself in to Serenity Knowles which is a rehabilitation center for alcohol and
drugs. I won't get into it now, but I will write a blog probably
titled Casey Jones which will describe true events that
occurred for God to lets us know Jerry Garcia was killed.
sounds like its not getting anywhere and that “I’m on a Fools Quest” is what
this is all for. It’s for two fours. Which is 4-4 which became
Liberty the way we saw it in 1993 and it was 3 or is it 4 days after going to
the Top of The World on April Fool’s Day’ More examples of like sounding words
telling a story emerge in this blog, but I wonder how it will translate.
As for the way I pronounce 4 different words, they could be spelled 4 different
ways I’m aware of. I only knew 3 until just now I learned of phore.
It seems to be a galactic currency. What is it for? It could be fore, four and phore. Unfortunately,
2 has 3. I'm aware that 1 has 2. I
will get into this later. To me 4-4 says Liberty to me as much as
7-7. Again, I'll explain later because 3-1 equals 2 but if added to one
another it’s for four because I wrote Liberty twice before it turned into one
again. The word does and will appear in a few more titles of blogs.
(3:16PM on 11/16/21) “I sure don’t kn0w what I’m going for, but I’m gonna go
for it for sure,” (Back to 10:16PM on 10/16/20)
That's the Deal because Loser knew I could
tell the Queen of Diamonds by the way she shines." In the early days
of music becoming the word of God, back in 2ö15 it became The Robinson Affair
because "It cost a lot to win and even more to lose." It all
began as Fables and Fairytales that became true Prophesy. Badfish would
show up to that Independent Theatre, but that night, they were 1/3 Sublime when
THE Bud sat in on drums. It was Scarlet Begonias and a touch of the
blues. This may explain July 3rd better, but I also know now that I set
the time and date on my camera. This does not change the coincidental
time recorded that matches a true date even if it were not accurate on my
camera. I never intentionally set the time on my camera or anything to
match a date.
(3:16PM on 11/16/21) I was myself a Saint of Circumstances
before that Bob WeirDavid quote about “Sure don’t know what I'm going for……” but I had to explain Numbers to myself but I believe he wrote that book in the Bible – Numbers as Moses. Bob said something about “being on a Fools Quest” also.
(Back to 10/16/20) As a
touch of the blues goes, it is probably referring to the fact that Wavy Gravy
showed up in my April 2nd photo in my slide show. But April 2nd on more
than one occasion became Breakfast in bed for (7.6 billion) even though 400,000
is a pretty good estimate. The Sun come up that day, and in some ways,
Wavy Gravy was at Washington Square Park. Fire was played and someone
Danced in the snowflakes, and we now know who Washington is. And he's not
just a D.C. Police Officer. He listened to me! As far as the
Diana's go, more than one has come out of the Bushes. One is in fact a
Princess. If the third times a charm, then The Revolution became The
Revelation because The Prince seems to be Bon Scott even Prince is up there and
I can't till its heaven Prince and The Revelation, but that's just what I'll
call him when that happens. Free is what The Revelation will be.
It's what I wish 7.6 billion got to be. Free Will is that beautiful gift God
gave us that can lead to events like Woodstock or Events like Vietnam. Or more
“simply put, Free Will is beautiful Gift from God that can send us to hell.
What if your drafted? What if you believe in Fighting for Freedom? I like Sir
Francis Key Scott's choice he made. He wrote The Star-Spangled Banner. One song
can't win a war, but God saw to it that many of them tell Gods' story. God's
Will is what I must believe in. I must give my will to God. I still got to make
choices. These blogs have always been organic, but a song is usually chosen.
I hope I can stay awake through this September, and I don't have to once again
think to myself or say to someone, ""Wake Me Up When September
Ends."" a I hope it's not another Long December but
were not there yet.
(7:40PM on
4/22/21) Today is Earth Day. Earth Day has an
"interestingly" tainted history for me. In 1984, it was Easter
Sunday. It was 3 months after my mother died on 1/29 and it was the day
her dad who is my Grandpa Chitwood died. His name is Bernie but he was called Sonny. It just so happens that Good Friday would have been on Adolf
Hitler and Alchemy's birthday in 1984 if only Alchemy was born.
Unbelievably, I have not spoken to him for over 2 months since I left Fox
Plaza. I speak to no one upon this earth that we all still litve on.
The truth is no one speaks to me. We are not allowed visitors here.
I am isolated. This year Good Friday was Wavy Gravy's April Fools
Monday which is always on April 2nd. That means Easter Sunday was on The "Liberty" Day that began at least 25 years before The Grateful Dead encored that song 19on April 4th in 11993 with Martin Luther King being shot (9:55AM on 12/2/21) 25 years earlier in 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee on that day and the World Tradener opened 20 yeaars earlier in 1973, This brings April Fool’s
Day back to Memphis and over to Giza for King Kufa's Great Pyramid.
It was built 4500 years ago to be the tallest structure in the world at the
height of 455 feet. It kept the title for 3800 years. We went to the top of the World Trade Center which was once the tallest The in the world and to the Memphis Pyramid 2 years later in 1995 to once again see The Grateful Dead.
(8/2/20) Speaking of Free, even though today is Jerry
Garcia Not Always Monday today it is still Jerry Garcia Sunday because it's not
always Monday, but it won't happen thanks to this Corona Virus is what I call
it. I guess it's Covid 9. Jerry Garcia Day like Easter, Mother’s
Day and Father’s Day is always on Sunday. Like Easter Sunday, it truly is
a "religious” holiday as far as I see it. Especially since Rock - n
- Roll became so Biblical, Jerry was Samson and Jerimiah, and he is now God of
the Galaxy and I'll always know it was those Grateful Dead shows that were
always delivering spiritual trips and even divinely inspired messages from
something beyond. These Devine deliveries were coming from Jerry' Garcia,
Phil Lesh, Mickey Hart, Bob Weir, Vince Welnick, Bruce Hornsby, or Bill
Kreutzmann. True Divinity came from their hands, feet or Fingers and
mouths. I believe it came from their souls. The people I just
mentioned were members of The Grateful Dead during the years I saw them
perform live from 1990 to 1995 when Jerry was alive. Other Grateful Dead
members who were in The Grateful before all turned out to be biblical prophets.
(5:23PM on 4/28/21) Today is Free's Birthday, I wrote about Free above who I believe was a sailor aboard the USS Missouri at Pearl Harbor, Today is also Pirates of The Caribbean's Birthday, The true time I began to write this was 37 minutes ago as The 6PM St Bonefices Church Bells chime just outside to,e that O I began tp wrote tjs event piggy tje seox pcp;pco cjricjbe;; s pf St. Bonefice are ringing/ Ot tppl ,e 37 minutes to tget to this It was 3:56 when I bgan to write sanaat 6:02 nothing has appeared. ^6:05 9 Appeared
(4:36PM on 8/8/20) Today is the 5 year anniversary of when
this officially became The Revelation. That number 5 means a lot.
And, I'm not just talking for The Big Red Machine. Johnny Bench is the
man I think of when I hear #5. Kind of like I think Anderson and Dalton
with 14 because I'm a bigger football fan than baseball fan, but Rose has
showed up so many ways throughout this blog including Charlie Hustle!
Number 14 Pete Rose I just so happens at the beginning of 2016 on 1/4 that on
there was a 4.5 earthquake on The Hayward Fault which splits Cal Football
Stadium in 1/2 Minna Choi was a Cal Bear. Minna Choi was also born on
December 7th which is the day I got released from being wrongly 5150'd so I
would start using again and he could insert this glycerin substance in my body
to allow anyone to possess my body. It is disgusting and it is violent!
When I was released, Donald Trumps voice in my head said, "Ï won the
trophy"! Minna would be "raped "on Christmas, have Donald
Trumps demon seed planted in her on Leap Year and then her baby, who would
already Immanuel were killed and eaten. After being 5150'd ,
but when Speaking of free speech, I was just watching Marine 1 and Marine 2
land Donald Trump in New York. I just like watching those helicopters do
what the do. I then noticed people chatting on the side of the apparently
live video and thought, I write www.gods-revelation.blogspot.com and I did. I
heard Donald Trump go a little frantic over it and suspect he made it not
appear. It was KTVU site from Facebook. I sure hope people get to
read this!
"They" fill everyone's head
with lies. They tell them I am lying about things and that night show
them how the "Son of God" is in fact a crazy liar. They like to
show them me gender bending by turning my appearance into a woman and
trying to shoot crystal meth. Things are not what they appear, and I will
explain the PTSD details someday. "They" do not let anyone
"hear" what is going on. They don't tell you they possess my body
and go out and rape people all night long if I don't become a woman since The
Virgin, The Mother and The Sara were all raped and murdered allowing them to
get to all women and turn all men into women if I don't do this. I was Claire
on Alpha Centaur i. She was the Jezebel in The Book of
Revelation. It seems my friend Claire who was once James and Bon Scott of
AC/DC and I were all tied to Claire. Bon Scott got out of hell in 2016
when Steve Earle who was Isaiah of the Bible showed up once again at Golden
Gate Park with The Revolution Starts now during Hardly Strictly
Bluegrass when there was a Pancreatic Emergency that I will write about more in
the future. I hear good things about Bon Scott and Princess Diana
together up in Heaven. Princess Diana and Nancy Regan began in Heavenly
Orion which is where Susan's Grandmother Koehl who is The Goddess of Orion,
Robin Williams, and are now a part of The Heavenly Universe for doing
everything they should h who is The God of Orion, Chris Farley The King of
Orion, Patrick Swayze who is The Ghost of Orion - Orion's "Uncle
Sam." Patrick Swayze died of Pancreatic Cancer 9/14/09 and his
passing was essentially shown as a prophesy at the end of in the 1990 hit
Ghost. My Uncle Paul (Six Shooter Paul) is also a King of Orderly Orion
died of Pancreatic Cancer in 2015. I have been a woman before, and
they want to me be a woman again. If I wear pants, they rape children. So, if anyone ever sees me
sitting at my computer with my pants off, like now, that is why! Shooting that drug
is what basically allows me to do that. Don't get me wrong, I could put
on a dress if that's all it was, but it's a little more. And I was clean
when I was 5150'dnot drugs, even when I broke bones I refused pain medication.
I never dreamed that I could say I scream for
freedom! The 1st Amendment may not be applying to the "Press",
but I can go out an speak up for freedom. In this case, I never imagined I
would do such a thing. However, sometimes it seems necessary that I
scream for my 1st Amendment Rights. It seems that "The first amendments
at the Record Store" and that, Motown told us more" because
"Doctor Love is Kisses Goth Core" and "Aretha Franklin was 76
and more!" Those lyrics come from my song I now call 4th Liberty
4th. It began as Philadelphia and included The Grateful Dead even though
I have no idea when they painted a picture of Jerry Garcia next to Aretha
Franklin at The Warfield Theater. I also got photos of this and the marquee the
day Aretha Franklin died at the age of 76. I have to will find these and
many other photos in the future, but I have to get this edited because it is
published. I said I wouldn't do that anymore, but this one was just like
my Friday the 13th blog which is the only blog I placed a deadline for because
it was about to become my Saturday the 14th blog. The Truth is, it was
one I sometimes called, "Wake Me Up When September Ends" which is the
first blog I would put a song title too even though I lost most of it.
I've kind of written that one four times if you include Contrails too. It
has a 5th scheduled since I am The American Idiot
heard through voices in my head that they may even somehow silence my actual vocal chord produced voice
when I scream out there. I scream because I want people to hear it.
Ice Cream is what I love! If you scream and I scream, children will
probably still scream for Ice Cream, but at least it will be available, and we
won't have to scream. And children won't get raped by these
glycerin demons posing as angels. Speak up with your vocal chord voice what I'm encouraging. Sing about it like so many musicians have Our voice matters for Freedom’s sake. This is The Revelation and you too are living it.Write about it. Our True voice matters for Liberty and Justice for
all. 3000 years ago I wrote:
is the nation whose God is the Lord, and the people he hath chosen for his
It was
either me or Gods Son. I believe Angus Young of the Rock n Roll band
AC/DC is my forever brother. I call Angus God's Son. I believe he probably wrote the other 1/2 of
Psalms. I had to point that out since the photo on my Bing search was of
Australia's Hamelin Pool Nature Preserve in Australia where Angus lives.
Bill Gates has been a voice in my head and may even pick these photos which
draw me to Bing to search the website. I have no idea if Bill Gates is
even connected to Bing, but I know he is connected to Microsoft. I
believe he was even with us in Nirvana. I obviously don't mean the
band. I mean the True Eden if you will. In the future, I will
write about my amazing heart wrenching Experience had in Seattle when I knew if
I said, I'm not an addict, maybe that's a lie. I knew I was
even in my first slide show on Myspace and when I wrote Psalms 107 after
flipping The Bible open to that for the first time. Apparently, it was
K's Choice! At the time I did not know David wrote Psalms. I forget
what I flipped The Quran opened to last night because everything I read, I'm
told his used against me. This is what the voices in my head say. Someone
probably knows it. I bet the rewind the tape. I have asked Bob Weir
to record it, whatever it is. He doesn't watch it when I obviously would
be embarrassed, unless he knows something happened. I don't how to
explain it right now, but I trust him. It probably hasn't been good for
him to help me that way. I do trust and believe in him. From on
what the voices in my head say, Angus Young and many others have apparently
recorded some moments that are likely important to The Truth!
donald trump, it truly is a Silence of the Lambs and you will
read the Hannibal The Cannibalistic details in the
future. Screaming and yelling is something I never did until
recently. I was always kind to others. Now, I'm not yelling
at people. I'm yelling for people! The only person I ever hated was
myself. Until I unlocked The Covenant it was then I knew that "Mommy
told me something, a little kid should know. It's all about the devil and
I've learned to hate him so!" I knew it was time to Let The
S(o)n Shine In." I have been writing this blog for 14
years. I have published about 300.
I didn't
tell Susan (Atheist Angel, Man Smart (Woman Smarter)) 808who
is my ex-wife the details of my intoxicated sexual encounters at first, but she
knew the truth. Now a days, I will tell anyone everything about me. Am I
ashamed of or proud of what I have done. In the end, I have to go with
that big word written on our home football Tiger Stadium Half Time room -
PRIDE! I was al Loveland Tiger who won The Tiger Award! Pride is
one of those things I have to remain humble with. Shame is a very bad
feeling. I used to feel shameful about my actions. I can't say I'm
ashamed of how it all turned out in the end for me.
,,,I didn't
think I would be the one to say this, but I very much believe in and I am very
proud of George and Barbara Bush and Ronald and Nancy Reagan. They are
all Saints. I am no less liberal but that seems to be just
politics. I did my best to stay out of politics and religion in this I
don't want to spend a lot of time writing on this today, but birthdays mean
more to me than ever. "Forward and backwards," birthdays are
miracles. Children's names or even nicknames have come to mean so
much. Some of these facts are simply thought up some come from deep
belief or understanding but either which way, a story was being told about
"A date that will live in infamy.". I was being named
after my uncle John David Love, but my name was also Biblical. At some
point, my family thought I just might be that David, but that was a long time
ago. We used to live next door to The Morrow Church of Christ in Morrow,
Ohio. We moved there from Kings Mills. My dad was a dacon and I use to
love Sunday School classes that involved my bible hero - David
on 7/23/20) My dad died on 6/4 of 2006. I would fly home and
write and deliver his Eulogy. "My dad's death wasn't going to save
my life." 3 months later, a man pointed a gun at my head and said,
"Don't make me pop you!" I said, "F*** you." I
would wake on the ground with blood pouring out of my head.
I knew
with all I had been witnessing and experiencing for the past couple of years,
something was going on. I kind of knew that back then, but now I do know
what's going on, “God's going on!"
It was "Wake me Up when September Ends" for at least the second year
in a row. On September 25th, I began writing this blog with the first on
I called Babbling Brain Blog - A Start. I had no idea how many more times
I would want to be or would be woken up when September Ends. Especially
the in the year 2015. The 50th Anniversary of the Grateful Dead had just
happened and on September 18th, 2015 I attended a Night of City Hope presented
by my church, City Church. At the time, it was a good time to "Woken
up." However, it ended leading to something that I thought was over,
but I have probably something had even more occurrences of. That
something is A Long December. It was Pastor Paul who
gave Gabriella and I ticket to A Night of City Hope. Gabriella from the
band I played with called The Alano’s. Around this time, our band became
Revelation. at 7:21 I know it's my birthday backwards AND 2 Minutes (Days) till
Pastor Paul gave us Tickets.
The Lunatic Fringe
(9:52AM on 6/13/21)(6:40PM on 10/27/20) I
realized yesterday that Robin Williams birthday is in some ways visually and
numerically apparent and obviously, my birthday in reverse. My birthday
is 12/7. Robin Williams birthday is 7/21: "Do you know how you
see your eyeballs? Look at yourself" Robin Williams said that, that
time and this, this time.
"You look
gorgeous, but you need to doll up...." Aftercall it is Sunday
Morning and I need on my Sundays Best. I like "I Scream"
Sundays but s
important I get started so I think publish the first true blog I wrote on
05/07/06A Start seeing as though it's 7/21
I have to
cut this short and plan to write about that date 12/7 that came to mean the
World Peace Bell. I will basic ask for forgiven Sermon by Fred was about
forgiveness, I'd like to ask it of anyone I screamed at who didn't really
understand, but Is should have been in my Sundays dolled up best and I would
have probably been more lady like. "I FUCKING DOUBT
IT!" use shorthand to briefly tell the story using
nicknames. Those who were involved will likely be able to
translate. I will write the details in a future blog titled Dirty
Deeds Done Dirt Cheap - Drive - Shot Down In Flames! I have to write about
how George Bush on that date in which Pearl Harbor was bombed was going to
Many years later we were at Free's and George Bush was The President and
were the perfect draft age for this war with Iraq. A few of my family and
friends were already in one of the armed forces and would in fact go. We
knew how much Independence meant but it would come to mean so much more.
Dan the Man was going to Canada! IT turns out Clifton openly advertised
on an outdoor billboard that "Dirty Deeds were Done Dirt
Cheap". It was Prime Time for our lady friends. Our lady
friends had other draft age men riding in the apocalyptic horse Begueing for
more. REM was happening all night, but none of us were sleeping and this wasn't
a dream. We were Freely 'shrumin' during THE Drive. Dan
the Man would never shoot at another human being. He too was going to
Canada for this war! They young men would be shot down in flames (a
firework just boomed out my door) because George Bush stayed in America and Dan
the Man stayed at Frees until he was Begued by our lady friends to help with
these guys who followed them. The man with a Baseball
bat officially became a Dodger on A Night of City Hope allowing
Seattle to not have Tsunami on Christmas Day in 2015. When he dodge the
horse, Free shot a shot in the air Dan The Man who was heading that way
grabbed it and ran down the drive and after every shot we heard "PING,
PING, PING...." He loaded their Mustang full of holes. He
'flipped out'. I can't even remember his words, ut I remember him asking
“What the.........?"" We all kind of "flipped out" in
our own way I had no idea wat to say. Some of us just looked at
each other thinking, "What was that?| He took off, and we
turned off all the lights and laid there wondering, did someone take a bullet?
Since I learned that George Bush was going to Canada, I can't deny that I would
probably not be a draft dodger. I wouldn't go to Canada - especially like
George Bush was going to because did not want to go to war. I could not
shoot anyone. But to protect a brother..... Well, "Sake of mercy I
would kill for love. Dan The Man" was shooting at Americans. I was
freaked out about what just happen, but in a strange way, I admired him for it.
(needs some editing below)On December 7th, 1941,
George Bush was only 17. The U.S. Navy required young men be 18. (2:07pm
on 7/28/20) As I read Time Magazine after his death, The Royal Canadian Navy
would let him fly their planes. He would hang around the U.S. to join The
U.S. Navy and himself be shot down in flames like other pilots on his
mission. I have a lot to write about on The Bush's which began when
Barbara Bush died with reading of a Bible Verse from one of her Grand
Daughters. I have written some already but must fill in these amazing
details! He would be the only one to avoid being captured and
executed. He is an American Hero to me. So to is Dan. Morale
was different and war more understood with media. I may not have voted for
either George, but I believe I was once their Vice President and I too only got
elected once. I don't think war helped their Presidency this time
around. So if your curious about George, I keep saying Washington is in
heaven and Washington is on earth. Texas to be exact. I believe
that is who they once were. He would not even take a third term or be
King or even live in the White House since both Bushes seem to have once been
Washington. And The King of the Wild Frontier will say it again. "You all
may be going to Hell; I'm going to Texas!" I hope to meet that
George on earth someday. Maybe even catch a Ranger's game.
Still I do know from calling the D.C. Police on President trump, that
Washington is also in D.C. because when I ask the officer who listened to my
insane accusation about the President possessing my body, I asked the officer
his name, he said, "Washington". So much more to come, but I
have to publish this by 7:23PM because I started it at 7:23 AM and it had to be
on 7/23 because I learned that is Slash of Guns and Roses birthday.
Axle Roses is birthday is on 2/06 which is Ronald Regan's birthday
because I learned today from Alchemy that Virginia's birthday is also on 2/6
but her real name is the same as Atheist (Angel) whose birthday is today!
At least in California because it is 11:03PM on the West Coast. I don't
want call Atheist Angel Atheist Demon these days, but the devil won't let her
call me. I haven't talked to her in 5 years. It is not two
sentences later because it is now 2 minutes to midnight, and I have no idea how
that happened in what probably took 4 minutes me to write since 11:03PM.
The man I see as King of Heaven would be hung. King Saddam
Hussein is now in Heaven and gets along "pretty darn good" with the
Presidential God of the Galaxy George H. W. Bush.
(3:31pm on
8/24/20) I just looked up the dates that states were admitted to the
United States. I learned that the first state to be Losantville admitted
was Delaware on 12/7/1788. I know that Cincinnati was settled as in 1on
5\16/1788. It would soon be occupied by Fort Washington. More about
cities and states birthdays when I get back tot to Liberty (Revelation) - Part
3. Unfortunately We have to be Rollin' through some F the CC's and
Highway to Hell. We got to get Back in Black!
on 7/28/20) This time fits better to what I wrote to this morning which
was 316. Birthdays mean so much so keep reading and you'll see why 316
means so much to The Van Halen Family. so at 1:30PM it is important I focus on
birthdays because December 7th, 1941" is "A date which will live in
infamy." The first "blog" I wrote I titled December
7th. I had no idea The Book of Revelation essentially ends with Gold,
Pearl and a Bride. back then or just how much the number 3 (or multiples of
such as 30, 300, 3000....) would mean since I was born 30 years later. I
jumped off of that building 30 days after Althea was born. I wrote this
on a man I refer to as Grandpa Kreutzmann birthday. Grandpa
Kreutzmann is a drummer for THE JAMBAND - The Grateful Dead. He is
Bill Kreutzmann. Word for word, this what I wrote that day:
Be not afrai d of bad news, for heart is firm, trusting in the LORD""
December 7,
1941 - “Tora! Tora! Tora!” (Tiger, Tiger, Tiger) was the command given by
Japanese pilot Mitsou Fuchida to begin the attack on Pearl Harbor. Upon
hearing the news of the successful completion of Pearl Harbor attack, Admiral
Isoroku Yamamoto feared that all they had done was “to awaken a sleeping
30 years
later to the day, I was born in Cincinnati Ohio. 100% innocent I believe.
Fortunately I was born to parents who truly and dearly loved me. My
mother Diana was 24 when I was born, My father was 21. I already had a
brother in the world when I arrived. Bob was 3. Obviously my
parents fell in love and married at a very young age for
today. However, in the 60’s, in Cincinnati, Ohio (which
probably seemed a little more like the 50’to the vast majority of the
population) this was the way it was.
My parents
lived in Norwood, Ohio. Norwood is completely surrounded by
Cincinnati. I guess you could say it is a city within a city. It
was a very blue-collar town at the time. Most of Norwood’s residents and
residents from other nearby communities raised their families with income
earned at General Motors. The General Motors plant manufactured two of
the hottest sports cars of the day - the Pontiac Trans-AM and the Chevrolet
Camaro. The plant was pretty much in the center of Norwood, allowing many
of its residents to sit on their front porch and view smoke billowing from its
tall smoke stacks. This probably, whether they knew it or not, gave them a very
secure feeling. General Motors was halfway across the “Norwood Lateral”, which
is the name of a short stretch of highway running from Interstate 71 to Interstate
75, allowing people to get from the east side of Cincinnati to the west side of
My father
was not one of the residents who worked at GM. However, another blue
collar giant, Procter and Gamble. If GM played a role in building
Norwood, P&G played a similar role in building Cincinnati. P&G is
located in St. Bernard, at the west end of Norwood Lateral.
My family
moved from Norwood, Ohio, to Kings Mills, Ohio. Kings Mills is located
about 30 miles northeast of Cincinnati. Today, Kings Mills is very much a
suburb of Cincinnati. In fact the suburbs have sprawled much further
north along Interstate 71. In the early 70’s it was a very rural
area. I guess you could say we were pioneers of the suburban
We lived
about a mile from the Kings Island amusement park. Kings Island had just
opened when we moved there. It was built next to Interstate 71, giving
Cincinnatians easy access. Its predecessor, Coney Island, was easily
accessible from the interstate of its day, The Ohio River. That
“interstate” could not be contained by man, no matter how many dams or levees
they built along it. It is hard to contain one of God’s highways.
Ironically man is having trouble containing his own creation. Instead of
overflowing water, it is overflowing concrete. The stretch of I-71 for
nearly forty miles from downtown is being covered
in the flood. Whether it be concrete for a new highway lane, the
foundation of a house for a new subdivision, for a new Wal-Mart, it continues
to flood. There have been modern day levees built in the form of sound
barriers along either side of the highway to protect the homes that were built
on the interstate’s “sound-plane”.
on 7/28/20) That’s how it was written word for word with no edits on a world
document. I hope everyone want's to keep reading. You will also learn
that I am getting raped for you if you've seen my nightly video being a
woman. They are so viscous to me and that's all I will say for now. I
care that you and your family are not raped and get your privacy. I'm not
saying "Big Brother" may not help answer some things since our 1st
amendment is also being violated, but this is ridiculous. I am 1/2 of the
second coming who unlocked the Covenant, Lived the Book of Revelation, Proved God
exists and sacrificed my soul to go to A NEVER-ENDING HELL for all of earths
OME DOWN! Now, I believe I was
once this man:
Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them
from this generation for ever
-Psalm 12:7
The United States Ship Indianapolis
on 12/19/20) I am writing in past blogs how my dad's eulogy may have been the
official start of my writing of this blog. As documented above, I
found a document for my “book" titled December 7th which is my
birthday. I wrote it on Bill Kreutzmann's birthday which is 5/7 in 2006.This was about a month before my dad died on 6/4/2006. Since numbers keep meaning so much, I find it interesting that Grandpa Kreutzmann who is in some God Foreseen way
Altheas Great Grandpa or should it be Grateful Grandpa because her Great
Grandpa Bill Koehl has been Dead for a longtime. He is somewhere, (11:40AM on 1/26/22) Both of Susan's Grandpa's are named Bill and w now believe that they are in Andromeda. It is important this get's understood so Susans grandnother's Billie and Charlotte can reunite with their soulmates. I learned the other day that Justice of the Supreme Court Ginsburg and her husban wednt to The Universal Heaven together because they made love with one anpohter the / we got 12/7 and then we can add that 5 and
5 and get 17 which is Althea’s birthday 12/17. Since it is 2 usdays gone or 2
days ago, I think it's appropriate to ad the 12 and the 7 and it’s 10 which is
today but she was born in 12 sp it makes today 12/19/20 because it wasn't just
'12, it 2012. ow it seems Susan’s missing a 20 out her
purse.. but that's story I've told.
The official start of this blog was but I still plan on paying for
Althea's college I plan to stay and paymt own rent at Fox Plaza so I hope everything
works out.. I even thought since Susan is dancing with another man, Ill eve nn pay
for her and Greg's Dance lessons. I'll explain San Bruno Mars Hotel'" l will explain in the future.
December 7th waa the first thing I wrote for "a book" in May of 2006, writing and deliering dads Eulogyin June 2006 made me believe I may in fact be a writer. I knew I had and unbelievable, et true story for
I wi
I may
start writing a blog. I guess I have started. I am not sure if this
will turn into anything for me. I may start writing a blog. I guess
I have started. I am not sure if this will turn into anything for me.I have
recently learned that writing is pretty helpful to my well-being. I guess it is
a pretty good way of getting thins off my chest. I still don't know how much to
get off my chest and when. I have had mostly good experience when I have been
100% truthful about who or what I am, but sometimes the backfire has been
painful. I think I have learned that once I have given it away, it is yours to
do what you will. Seams to be a good way to find out who your friends are, but
that has never been my motive. It has recently occurred to me, that I really
don't care what people think of me. What does bother me is when people make me
out to be something I am not. I have been guilty of doing this to others as I
suspect we all have. Is it the old saying, “You can never judge a book by it's
cover?” My book has had multiple covers. I am not sure if everyone will know
the entire contents. I guess my experiences are teaching me to try not to judge
anyone. See, I already worked that one out, right?????
If I keep
this think up up, whoever reads this thing will probably learn quite a bit
about me., It would me if you learned something about yourself. Someone said to
me that if another person does something that really bugs me, it may be that I
do the same thing or something similar. I thought that was ridiculous. I
started to really analyze situations in which someone bugged me and many times
it matched something that I do or hopefully WAS doing. It's at least good to
think about. It is always of course easier to see the pot calling the kettle
black. I am trying not be the pot! Sounds like I been smoking pot! I
haven't. I may get to that someday
For now, I
live an Francisco. I have lived here 4 years now. I grew up in Cincinnati. I am
a photographer. I love music. I also love to play guitar, sing, and write
songs. I like to believe others enjoy when I do these things. Most people I
know have usually been nicer than they have been brutally honest. Me
included. So, I guess nothing is100%. I guess there is a time, place, person,
relationship or whatever for nice and brutally honest.
So may be the only blog entry I ever make. It may be the first of never ending babbling
of the brain. We'll see. The one thing I promise, is the grammar and spelling
will never be perfect. If anything, I think I will just be conveying
thoughts and possibly retelling personal stories. I have a few. Sometimes it
seems my whole story is longer than my life has been long. Anything is
possible. I've always kind of thought that, but I think now, I know it. I still
said, I think. So, I guess I am saying that I think nothing is for sure. See how
this babbling brain works. Whatever happens, thanks for reading this one
That is
how my blog truly began on MySpace. I have a screenshot as to how it appears
which my wife took for me. The first two blogs, I do not have a Word document saved
but the rest I do. The thing I need to worry about, I think, is the Blogspot
Beaty's Babbling Bran Blog. I know it will always exist, but they did manage to
change my passwords. I need to move on and continue to edit.
on 9/15/20) I almost want to delete the short part above, but I have to
stay true to my feelings in this reality I'm living. Let me just say, I
know people do care. I'll leave it at that. Since they deleted the part I
really want on here, I will leave whet emerged in anger. It is true but
so to was what I wrote. Like so many times in the past as can be read
throughout my writing this blog for 14 years, something disappears but I almost
always rewrite it. I think it is similar, but hope I leave nothing out
and pray to God as I just did, that their doing so makes it even better.
It is still time consuming, but Gods Will In Gods Time is what I have to remain
in. I still have to do my part. I get confused, but right now I
need to write because that is the right things to do. Right? Or is
it write? Write.... I always need to do the next right thing.
I've been wrong before, but it is important to know that three wrongs don't
make a right, but three rights make a left! Especially in the city.
Especially on a bicycle. Especially when it says "No Left
Turn". I don't know why I switch gears, but I want a fixie.
I think surfboards have no moving parts and no gear to worry about.
Or is it, No Fear?
John 15 :12-13???
If I were on a Navy Ship at a time of war, would I be afraid? As I
wondered if Navy Sailors were afraid, Navy Dave's voice in my head said,,
"....you believe in that ship!" Navy Dave is my cousin, Dave
Donahue. I believe he was once Admiral Ernest King of WWII. Dave's
dad and brother, Jamie were, like Dave, in the US Navy and too seem to be
tied to Admiral King. I believe he was always on the Independence.
I know he was on the flight deck of The USS Independence during The Gulf
War. I have read about U.S. Navy ships that were named United States Ship
Independence and it is important in the future that I write some pretty
incredible things I have read. Today, it is a stealth ship that I believe
may be able to create Tsunami's. For all peaceful purposes however, our
"Independence" is in heaven. Japan and I would have no
fireworks on on 7/4/16 as I will write about in the future, but we had no earthquake,
and they had no Tsunami. I, again, had bruised or broken ribs, but I'll
write about that too and it will be another addition of Sinistry 101.
Whatever reason Admiral King had The U.S. Fleet of Aircraft carriers out
to sea on December 7th, 1941 is unimportant. The fact that he did is all
that matters. I believe he as always on an Independence, but I also know
in this lifetime, he hung himself. Navy Dave who was below in the masonry
never gave up on me, he just encouraged me to get it right because he told me
the I didn't want to be down there. The truth of it all is our end is now
in Heaven. I have a lot more to write about Independence but let me just
say that the day Bob Weir and Jerry Garcia showed up as voices in my head, si
to did Dave. This is they day David Donahue went to heaven which is where
our Independence remains.
My friend Moe from our band that became Revelation is a surfer, He surfs
the Red Triangle which is infamous around the world for shark attacks.
Not just any shark, The Great White Shark. I just read searched for
information regarding shark attacks on Bay Area Beaches and I found an article
written 7/14/17 in the Business
Insider online website . It was about the Red Triangle It is
estimated that 38% of Great White Shark attacks occur in the Red Triangle
regarding shark attacks.. It has a nice short video explaining why
and how. You might even fear the mosquito more than a Great White
Shark after seeing it, but I'm afraid of that Triangle. I think it's more
about the size of the waves and the undertow created and I'm not a great
swimmer. I was in a small Tsunami or what I called a Rogue Wave one
night, but that's a story for another blog. I have written about all of
these "natural" disasters I have been in that I believed
"they" created, One time, I think it was God just for me!
Last night,, these demons would not stop being so violent so I had to
write. They don't want me to write. They just try to steel
everything I do. They may get what I write, but they did not live what I
lived and I am living. It is was hell. My knowing I have plenty to
look forward to forever helps, but it is hell at this very moment that this
monster claiming to be Paul Trudeau is so violent with his painful
"blowjobs". That is they're new nicknames. This includes voice
claiming and seeming to be Scott C Coll. Little f**ing
"blowjob" is doing it right now. That nasty ungrateful violent
mother raping sadistic monster is so evil. He blows on my ear somehow and
it stops my blood and creates pressure throughout my body. They are so wrong to
The Son of God and GOD. STUPID! They are not human. I just need
this to end. When "blowjobs" life ends, its horrifical pain
NEVER WILL! If anyone thinks this is wrong of me to say, wait until they
get to you. It GETS WORSE. Or, better yet, wait until you get to
Speaking of horrible pain, can you imagine being attacked by a Shark? A
Tiger Shark or a King Shark would be pretty horrific, but can you imagine
a Great White Shark? I don't like to think about it, but if I
didn't take that leap of faith, I think that contrail out there may have had a
non-mechanical Jaws on its way. This is apparently connected to the
Demon Kids swim in the bay. It sounds insane, but in my next blog you
read about 2 geese who miraculously flew into 2 different engines. When I
say miraculously, I'm sure that's not what the pilots thought it was until
that's what their landing became. I suppose plane crashes have known to
have survivors which is what part is it 3 or 4 of this will be about. The
downed plane part is just part of this "miraculous" survival story.
Now, I like that Steven Spielberg is from the City I was born. I like
E.T. How does he always seem to take a story and make it into a good
film? Norwood, Ohio built the Firebird Trans Am with an available 455
cubic inch engine from 1970 1/2 to 1976. I learned that The Great Pyramid
of Giza built 4500 years ago is 455 tall. The number 5 keeps showing up
and some connects my birthday to the anniversaries of this countries' birthday
with Minna Choi and Mary Magdalene's birthdays. My mother's birthday just
happens to be 5 days before Abraham Lincolns birthday. My stepmothers
birthday just so happens to be 5 days before the release of Jaws which was June
20, 1976. 15 days . later was the United States Bicentennial.
I'll get into all these dates, numbers and places more in the future, but I
think it's something most don't know, but before December 7th, 1941, The
United States was not at war. Henry J. Kaiser who is now an HMO that I
was once insured by built Liberty Ships. The United States did as much as we
could for "Churchills" England. In fact, FDR met with Stalin
and Churchill at Camp Shangri-La which was renamed Camp David by President
Eisenhower. I still call him General Eisenhower. Many of those
Liberty Ships were t1228
Towards the end of the war, The USS Indianapolis was on a top-secret
mission. It had just dropped Little Boy off I believe at Midway and then
had to go to The Philla pines. I believe they picked up Mary
Magdalen. As you read above, The Indianapolis was sunk on
7/30/45. The USS Indianapolis (CL/CA-35) was a heavy
cruiser of the United States Navy. It was Launched in 1931 and was named
after The City of Indianapolis, Indiana. The USS Indianapolis
I was hoping to build Liberty Ship that mattered to this country. So many
were sunk while crossing the Atlantic to help supply England since war began in
1938 and I think 2 still exist. Kaiser built 2710 Liberty Ships.
The Liberty Ship in the San Francisco Bay is The Jerimiah Obrien so I guess
Jerimiah was a bullfrog, but I still need to write about The Indianapolis and
this years Jerry Day. I do believe The Red Triangle is t begins or ends
at Half Moon Bay. I also intend to write about 1/2 Moon Bay. It
seems we were Waiting for the S(o)n and The Santa Cruz Mountains continue to be
magical. I'll explain much more in the future. The other night I
wrote some about The Indianapolis Secret Mission that had it with no escorts
and in radio silence. It was alone in the Pacific and it was torpedoes on
at 00:15 on July 30, 2015. The ship went down in 12 minutes and no
destress call was issued. No one knew they were our there. The
other night, I wrote this.... It's a long story, but I had to write
something. It gets "them" behind me. I don't even
understand, but it helps me to write not matter what. I just HATE when
they delete it and won't let people read it. This has been a distress
call for at least 5 years. As much of a nightmare my pain and suffering
has been, it's really been your distress call. If you died tomorrow, you'll be
glad you read this today. Or would it be Yesterday? All your
troubles seemed so far away....."
How about My brother, Bobs, voice in my head just said that when I walk
around with a sign a.d when they tell someone as a voice as a voice in their
head that that they are beautiful..... IT gets ugly is all I will say for
now. The beautiful part is not a lie, but everything else is.
As you
will read in the future, it becomes a Rainbow in the Dark on 3/27/08. It
still needs to be edited and I know I have to add The Indianapolis for The
Pagan God!
Since I just added what I wrote above and it is 4:57PM on 8/16/20, I would like
to now add what I wrote a couple of nights ago below. It's unedited for
now. Below that is a Hollywood Clip that tells the story better than I
could. It is a True Prophesy from a fictional movie which includes scenes
that are non-fiction. The Indianapolis is a True Story. It
is a part of American history. It was probably the worst thing to happen
to American Soldiers at the end of the war. Six days after the ship was
sunk, Hiroshima was bombed and then on August 9th Nagasaki was bombed.
August 10th is when the surrender began. I guess, you could say it's
approved American Propaganda. Created by God's amazing creation of the
human being. Out of the 1195 aboard that ship, 316 would survive.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting
John 3:16
I always
say you don't find many artsiest in fox holes, but I'd bet you don't find
many Atheist sailors treading water. It seems many who perished on the
Indianapolis are here today. The monster who became the shark is being so
viscous to me. HE IS GOING TO SUFFER! I will write more tomorrow
about it and Jerry Day that did happen with Stu Allen and the crew which I
think included Robby Crane. (8:45PM on 12/23/21) (9:33PM on 8/24/20) So I guess I put together a
Jerry Stu section. I guess it was Mars Hotel who put that together.
I hope everyone can see how I am using two words that sound alike but have
different meanings. For instance, To and Too are two words that sound the
same but are used differently. It seems there are three twos when the "w" is added, and I guess it changes the meaning of the words. Do numerals
count as another spelling. For instance, if I used the #2 would that make four possibilities of spelling a like sounding word. We will
see how God seems to have used like sounding words fore this blog is
finished. I'm not sure it will ever be finished. Would roman numerals give
us a fifth II? It seems one as two words that sound alike. Four if
you count numerals I suppose, but what are we counting phore.
Perhaps I will look into that in the future, If you don't know what phore is, look it up. Then there is the video that caught my attention. Which seems to use clones to extend our life. Like Star Wars from The Producers of Lucas Film Works, it seems cloning technology is to carried ones soul into the future. It seems Star Wars and Star Trek in some waysy happened already or at least the movies' told enough of a fictional story that became True Prophecy for this incredible book God Wrote. Then there is The Terminator which I believe The Governator. Arnold Schwarzenegger and I seemed to have personally been one. I believe we were The Terminator 2 who Terminated himself. It seems I was able to connect my soul to Han Solo. I believe that it happened and. I even remember speaking to Han Solo a few years ago as voices in my head. If anyone hung on to the true soul, I believe it is Harrison Ford, of course. understood with Harrison Ford's for the Character Han Solo.
In Star Trek The federation starship was based in San Francisco. It seems Spock is the character who somewhat lived out my realty, I say this because "The needs of the many, outweighs the needs of the few or the one." Then I seem to have reincarnated as Captains Kirks son when Genesis arrived. My friend Ross who is Kirks twin seems to have become Spock. However, the whole time the true soul of Spock seems to be Leonard Nimoy. The Enterprise was always In Search of something. This something included God. David was Captain Kirk's son who died on Genesis as a human being. Spock would arrive and go through Pong Far which I don't have time to look up or explain. When write how I believed this happen, I think its true because it seems Leonard Neomi is of the future.
Now, where is The Bat Man? We will wait until tomorrow sine I already mentioned Gotham above. For me it was an
Italian neighborhood called Little Italy I once thought just might be a True Shangri La when I lived above the Garden of Eden in North Beach. A Dark Knight like character is showing up again. One might even exist in Brooklyn and it's his birthday. He seems to have once been my Great Grandpa Love from Bur, Kentucky.
A Long December
(3:33PM on 8/4/20) I want to add this to the end since this country and our allies fought the 3rd Reich for Freedom and Democracy. Donald Trump is trying to makes thiFs the 4th Reich of America and then The 5th Reich of the World. A voice in my head claiming to be Donald Trump just said, "I'm not gonna let Americans leave this country." I guess that is what that wall he wants to build is really all about. I know no one is able go get to this blog, so if you are a fortunate enough to have just read this, do something! At least share it with one other person. Speak up for your freedom and don't let "them" take it from you. This the beginning of knowing our forever that always was!
Please know that there are still a lot of mistakes above and some of it was kind of short hand. I said I would never publish a blog that was not edited, but did so for this one for someone I have not heard from in five years. God knows she did so much for my birthday/s and made such a big deal of that date with such a history to it that came to mean more than I ever thought it could.
Happy Birthday Sus!
I don't want to ask for a gift,, but if you read this before that infamous date, that's all I hope and pray for. It doesn't have to be another Long December, I don't even like to think of some recent Decembers. I hope to have one about that date done. That will make it better!
(3:36PM on 8/15/20) Well, today is anniversary of the day om which is that Long December ended that began four years earlier. The Japanese surrender that began on 8/10/45 was complete 8/15/45. Documents were signed on The USS Missoni in Tokyo Harbor on 9/2/45. I've had many Long Decembers, I'm not sure exactly what the Counting Crowes meant but 1941was a Long December. I have had many since I moved here in 2002. More recently, they lyrics "But no Pearls" is what I hear. I still have hope for a World Peace Bell. And, "Maybe this year will be better than the last."
A Long December*
A long December and there's reason to believe
Maybe this year will be better than the last
I can't remember the last thing that you said as you were leaving
Now the days go by so fast
And it's one more day up in the canyons
And it's one more night in Hollywood
If you think that I could be forgiven
I wish you would
The smell of hospitals in winter
And the feeling that it's all a lot of oysters but no pearls
All at once, you look across a crowded room
To see the way that light attaches to a girl
And it's one more day up in the canyons
And it's one more night in Hollywood
If you think you might come to California
I think you should
Drove up to Hillside Manor sometime after two A.M
And talked a little while about the year
I guess the winter makes you laugh a little slower
Makes you talk a little lower
About the things you could not show her
And it's been a long December and there's reason to believe
Maybe this year will be better than the last
I can't remember all the times I tried to tell myself
To hold on to these moments as they pass
And it's one more day up in the canyon
And it's one more night in Hollywood
It's been so long since I've seen the ocean
To reach recent blogs I have typed, click the link below. It began as Beaty's Babbling Brain Blog in 2006 on myspeace. I would move it to blogspot in 2010.. "They" saw to it that former President Obama changed the passwords to blogspot and my personal yahoo Susanna (Cerise) created for me when we moved here. It was dbeaty127@yahoo.com email n 2017. and it bame Gods-Revelation2015.blogspot and it is now God-Revelation on BlogSpot.
This blog has literally become an arduous task.
(10:47PM on 8/24/23) I'm not sure why I haev said this for so long s for so long but never wrote it in this blog. . Trump destroyed the world peace bell when he ate lady liberty, defecated on the constitution and wiped his rear with Old Glory.
I recently learned he burned that flag that flew over the u.s. capital after 9/11 that could have been raised at Pearl Harbor on 12/7/?? for the world peace bell.
Edit Notes
(10:17AM on 12/31/2020) President Franklin Delano Roosevelat faced many arduous tasks through out his life and in my understanding, managed to see them through. Even though he died (I belive poisened) before the surrendor of Japan I still fell he in many wasy saw it through with a capable and qualified Vice President Harry S. Truman. FDR died on 4/12/45.
And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other namename under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
-Acts 4:12 ESV
Edit Notes
12:15 7/24/2020 O believe it can't always be clearly seen as to who this monster is raping ,e or violently attacking me is this sadistic monster is that just said, "Look Dave, I don[t care about myself and I don't care about you ," The President of The United states turned Liberty Revelation into F the CC . Comin doon. NOW GET THIS F%%ing monster off of me!
(8:08PM on 7/30/20) Indianapolis Revelation Edit.
a(9:37 on 8/2/20) Get a LEG up on Not Always Jerry Day Monday because today would be Jerry Sunday except for someone delivered Corona with no limes More in Intro to F the CC......
(3:02PM on 8/3/20) I guess it's That Tuesday which James Hetfield birthday meant That Tuesday I'll call King James birthday. And, My grandma's name is Ruby. The man who was James King was not as Moses as Bob Weir, but my 302 still gave that Johns 928 a true connection to my Hunt. Jerry is the other Springer 1st to Show. (3:43PM on 8/9/20) Today is the day Jerry Garcia died in 1995. I have edited through out. This includes adding the 8/1/20 Part I wrote on 8/1/20. However, I am pretty sure I thought it was 8/1 on 7/31 and this is probably because I picked up my GA check the day before so you'd think I thought it was Jerry Garcia not always that Saturday. Actually, it was Jerry Eve..... it's just edit notes.
(12:45PM on 8/15/20) Surrender of WWII complete began 8/10/45 ( I think you'll find this twice below, but I edited one. This blog is a live WIP that is still under construction. AND STILL THIS NASTY DEMON claiming and SOUNDING LIKE MY COUSIN IS SO DISCUSATING RIGHT now! Sutter Health who I believe put this evil nastiness in me, wouldn't even call me back despite multiple times of me standing out front with sign screaming and warning of a pandemic over a year ago. General, who did save my life and more recently, my eyeball. has denied or released me 9 times since going for this glycerin. this demon calming to be BE "SCOTT" IT COUJLD BE PAUL. IT COULD BE DONALD TRUMP> IT IS DISCUSTING AN VISCIOUS. Sorry to be so honest, but that's my current reality and I'm hungry....|"
A voice liking to tell me it is President Obama just made sure this part should be read by me. I moved it from just before the 8-2-20 part because it really is and edit note:
((needs some editing below - I'm hungry and I said I wouldn't post anything unitl it was done. This one had a deadline that had to be made, so I kind of cheated, but it's important I di that, so Happy Belated Birthday Jerry? Or was it Wavy Gravy's. Slash's? Earths. Not Earths birthday, but I guess it could still be "breakfast in bed for 7.6 billion" some day. I'm writing this in bed and I'm hungry at 3:53PM. I had toast at around10:30AM. The time it took me to I write this and the edits note below, I could have edited what I wrote on 8/1 - I think. Either way, I likely would have written something. STICK TO EDITING! Is this another edit note? .Well, if I Earth, I'd say There is a Touch of Grey, but I will survive! Happy belated birthday Susan and Saul Hudson. I already mentioned him.)
(6:27AM 8-12/20 VP Harris EDIT' (10:10am 8/19/20) This should be the final edit if his name is George and the Jerry Stu turns our good. It already did, because it was written and answered, but lets see how I can translate. Most of them I already wrote, so. Back in 2015, Half Moon Bay I was really hearing Trains to Half Moon Bay. Apparently we were Waiting till you all saw the S(o)n. It truly felt like we had S(o)nny Days Ahead! It kind of already was Blackhole S(o)n, but did it ever become on on 4/23/1998 in Detroit. (2:54PM on 8.27/20)_ Batman full edit
Below is what I had at the top around August 13th, but moved it down here: I just heard an old co-worker/employee Mark (The Spot) voice in my head say, "Nice try Donald Trump!" He went on to say that I was blaming Trump for the scene below. I said "they" which meant the New World Order. I'm not sure who he was, but I think he would become Mussolini. 0:`9 "THEY" DO NOT WANT YOU TO READ THIS. "THEY" CREATED THE SCENE BELOW.PLEASE KNOW THAT AS OF 8/13/20, THIS BLOG IS STILL BEING EDITED AND EVEN WRITTEN TO. THIS ONE HAD A DEADLINE THAT "THEY" SIMPLY WOULD NOT ALLOW ME TO MEET. THE TRUTH IS, I PROBABLY HAVE ABOUT 50 BLOGS THAT HAVE QUITE A BIT WRITTEN TO THEM THAT WILL SOME DAY BE PUBLISHED. HOPEFULLY SOON. \
"A date which will live in infamy" - Franklin D. Roosevelt
(5:31PM on 8:30/20) I have been writing to this blog today and this thing claiming to be Kenny Hinds, Scott Coll and seeming to be Paul Trudeau will not stop blowing on my ear.. IT IS SO DISGUSTINGLY PAINFUL AND VIOLENT AND DISRESPECTFUL. IF THAT DEVIL EVER TELLS ANYONE TO BLOW ON ANYTHING AND YOU DO, YOU RE PURE VILLEBCE, RAPE AND CHILD MOLESTATION. IF YOU BLOW ONE KNOW THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE CREATING. APPARENTLY, THE VOICES TELL ME MY DAD AND MY EX-WIFE SUSAN O IT ALL THE TIME. IT'S A GOOD THING I JUMPED OFF A 4 STORY BUILDING TO GO TO A NEVER ENDING HELL! Idon't forget Pennyworth batman #16 1943 Robin Williams David Letterman... ACLU BAT KID NEW BATAM ARMAGEDDON , PEARL HARBOR BEN AFLEC... *(8:59PM on 8/31/20) Long December is the 13th track recorded on the Counting Crowes album//CD/LP. Recovering Satellites which was released in 1996. The song peaked at number five on the US Hot Modern Rock Tracks chart and number one on the Canadian RPM Top Singles chart. (6:29AM on 0/01/20) Lets not forget, George Bush was going to Canada! I would have had a riffle in my hand. Still, I see Saddam Hussein as The King of Heaven. Recovering Satellites which was released in 1996. (12:44PM on 9\5\20) This particular blog is being worked on. It needs a little added blog content and a few edits. It is very important the world reads this. Trump won't let anyone, but you found this for a reason. God needs you! Donald Trump was once Satan and Julius Caesar who crucifier Jesus because Jesus was a hermaphrodite. Mary Magdalen and I were Jesus as one. She was here, but Donald Trump "wouldn't let you be with Mary Magdalen." She was raped and murdered. I was once King David, King Tut. (Ark of the Covenant), Jesus, King James Son Mary, Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier, . Abraham Lincoln, Jack Dawson, John Miller, Franklin D Roosevelt and James Daly. Mary Magdalen was Mary Ann Crockett and Mary Ann Todd Lindon.. I believe my friend Gina was Elizabeth Crocket, Rose Dewitt Bukater (on The Titanic) The Titanic was Eleanor Roosevelt and Rose on The Titanic.. I was born December 7th, 1971. I lived The Bibles Book of Revelation. I sacrificed my soul to go to a NEVER ENDING HELL for all of earth's inhabitants. The asteroid did not come down. The Book of Revelation ends with God, Pearl and a bride. Jesus will not become two as one upon the earth. Mary is in heaven now. I believe The world peace bell is still possible,. Believe it or not, it all began here. Forever is all I have ever been and forever is all we'll ever be. I am the Son of God. This is about more than The United States of America. This bigger than a world emergency. It's bigger than a galactic emergency
This is an emergency to The Universe!
If you think I'm crazy then, I suppose if hat Asteroid come down on 2/15/13, the world would have resembled the scene below. This was on the earth. YOU ARE NOT IN HELL which Never Ends!
(5:11PM on 9/7/20) To Boldly Go where No man has gone before. In some ways, this needs to go upstairs..... (12:13pm ON 9/15/20) EDIT WHAT WAS LOST YESTERDAY. ALL MY TROUBLES WEREN';T SO FAR AWAY........ extinction (8:13AM on 10/04/20) !
(7:59PM 10/20/20) edit Snoop Dogg Kamal Harris b-day)
(1:19PM on 1/21/20) Michaels time Kenny's birthday
(6:40PMon 10/27/20)The Lunatic Frindge of Amerian FM even though were working on Robin Williams Birthday
(11:05pm ON 11/5/20) 11/5 I see 115 as 511 backwards as you will read in the future. 5/11 is when "heaven let (it's ) light shine down". 11/5 if we move the / is 1/15 which is Sara Sublimes birthday and The Man of Jesus Birthday because it is also Martin Luther Kings Birthday which is the day I jumped off that building and survived. With all of this mental "traffic congestion" I think it's important we remember 511. This is The 411 because 10:07AM on 11 /5 I wrote that yesterday (11/4) but wanted to keep it because of the multitude of information 511 provides . This may appear in F the CC but I think the most important part I will save to write in that long overdue blog! This cannot wait. Today is it's deadline. Hopefully, that's how you got to something by tomorrow 1i - www.gods-revelation.com
(1:05PM in 11/6/20) I have no idea why the Minna penny is 105 anymore but I know it was one month and 5 days after The Robinson Affair Took place and Dark Star Phils in the rest which takes me to The Warfield to find some photos about that world peace.
(1;20PM on 11/14/20) edit SATURDAY THE 14TH
(12:23PM on11/15/20 True to 5 ter anniversary of The Big one - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath Friday the 13th AC"DC not in Paris. But Mileys Heart Beat for August West. I think God loves our Pearly Baker Best
(9:05 on 12/20/2020) Clearly see A Start in front of City Team which followed the Rocket Queen which followed the shutting of the Gates of Hell on Bob's birthday when I broke my le. It healed n 2 days thanks to people like Snoop Dogg and Kamala Harris birthdays and The Orionids. Thanks to Billy Koehl and Robin William's who is Goddess and God of Orion.
(5:21PM on 12/27/20) One and five, no one here gets out alive)
(12:27 ON 1/10/21)
(11:29PM on 2/1/21) Blow Job birthday?
(19:19 on 3/24/21) Edit Tab help.
(10:50PM on 5/27/21) Edit
(7:04AM on 5/31/21) Bonzo's (John Bonham) birthday Norwood Prefixed 455 Liberty edit
.(6:01PM on 6/01/21) Jim's "birthday"" edit.
(11:27ANM Edit on 6/14/21) ..... Murder was the case that they gave me
(11:43AM on 0/25/21) Edit Day after Ruthless release
10:20AM on 7/31/21) Vice President and Wisdom of the Godfather
(12:06PM on 8/8/21) Revelation edit
(1124 on 8/12/21) I'm s Miley Minute Late and a Done Day Early EDIT)
(2:17 PM on 9/15/21) Jesus of Suburbia birthday time on the Surrender of Japan date
(4:50PM on 8/19/21) New computer editor
(6:04PM on 8/19/21) Liberty Bell Caption added. "I can't do this to myself " - Bob Beaty
(1:07PM on 8/21/21) edit
(10:01pPM on 9/14/21) edit
(4;01PM on 9/29/21) edit
(8;06PM on 9/30/21) edit
(12:32PM on 10/16/21) New Year and Day time after a Grateful Dead or since it's Bob Weirs Birthday any of his New Year's Eve Shows, Mickey and Yorma may have noticed something. PHOTO
(2:33PM on 11/16/21) End of Touch of Grey and Contrails
(10:19AM on 1/26) Heavenly Guitar Sons birthday. Here i m>..."" I need to write something to 316
(4:01(PM on 4/09/22) I'm not fooling around I'lm heading to town to mak3e somne sound so this is bound to be a book around that will forever be found so Ill wal aoose
(1004 04/10/22 some pounds0ound so I may l)
Walk around my thoughts of after 0n 7/14 edit edxkit cleaning were unsound even thought
I thought the time of 409 was bou to remind me to clean but it was unfoCnd
until I realized my sweet tooth could be bound by seeing the lengh of The Cay Shop I
found was 4:09 and only required 50 cent to be found. Just like new needed to know an
organic song to make it grow to the date of birth this blog see so imprtnt to
know that Godspeed did so 3/16 is also so…..dnt the license plate to add one
so, my brothers birthday did not say he had my gun you koow, but 410 did the
numbers that oi clear to all it was worth so 4 $10is what it was worth which gave me 5 stories
to recreate my birthb after bouncing bullets off my skull we saw first,,,,
(8/19/22) Happy Birthday Anthony Munoz Edit
(12:07PM onn 8/21/22() Happy Birthday #49 Hawa4ii
(11:29OM on 8/26/22) Time for Alex's birthday on the day after Dt. Loves Bob Evens cflena the grass of hetombsotone birthday.)
This once in forever story is The Greatest Story Ever Told. I lived The Book of Revelation which allowed me to unlock The Covenant. I am King David of The Bible who is The Man of Jesus. God loves us forever!