Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for
themselves, and, under a just God, cannot long retain it."
-Abraham Lincoln
(11:18PM on 6/19/23) This blog is being edited.
It gets hacked into and has more parts deleted sometimes than I can add.
They at least go back and change all of the edits I perform as I am just now
really starting to understand that they cannot even hear what I write as I
write it which seems to suggest that everything, I write without a mistake will
never have to be edited and therefore cannot be deleted. (It has to be
proofread and this is what they use against me and for them). I'm not
sure about deleting parts once it is published when I read it, but by then it
is published. I have so much editing to do to this blog, but I think that
it is important that I focus and write it.
I will not go back and read what I just wrote or anything else that I write until you see a photo of the Trans American Pyramid looking as though it could have been taken in an earthquake. I took that photo just before I relapsed in 2012 and would eventually bring on the apocalypse. I had not made it to "The Gutter" and I will write using photographic documentation along with what was written to show how a "real picture" came out of "The Gutter". It's what is in "The Gutter" that has taken on more to me in a way that needs to be seriously understood for a human soul. For years I have said and many times written on self-defining profiles that I have been in the corporate world and I have been in the gutter. My photos have usually had and urban gritty feeling to them which is how I was seeing the world after checking out of everyday society. Hopefully people in the world will be able to see more into themself and this blog will help them understand others.
(8:10AM on 11/04/24) One such occasion in which I mentioned “The Gutter” was in a blog I published on 8/30/12 titled 21 Guns which is a Green Day song that is about Surrender. I should say that Surrender is what really could be heard by me at the time that was just months before I would ultimately Give up the fight and give my soul to go to a Never-Ending Hell. I even used the photo I called The Gutter which has the Trans American Pyramid in the gutter which is the “Real Picture” I took back in 2006. So much more will be written about this and already has since I once wrote a blog, I titled The Gutter in 2008. Below is an excerpt which includes the photo I called The Gutter from the blog 21 Guns:
I always say this is my signature shot, because I've been in the corporate world, and I've been in the gutter. |
(7:58PM on 11/17/24) The Gutter photo hangs all over the world as it was one of my best-selling photos over the years of selling my photos as a San Francisco Street artist. (7:47 PM on 2/2/23) I may have chosen Protect, but I sure wish I could protect my computer. (back to 6/19/23) This needs to be published before midnight because I chose to protect. I will explain that more as soon as possible. With that in mind, I believe former Mayor Willie Brown is a person who I feel may be in some sort of danger. Through my apparent communication through Telekinesis, I believe he seems be committed to be on Gods side. His voice in my head has indicated that he has even voiced some of his concerns about what is going on. Simply put, that could spell trouble for him. He is a government official. He was once Mayor of what I believe God sees to be the New Jerusalem the Book of Revelation speaks of which is San Francisco, California. I feel good about him. I'm not sure how to explain Willie Brown, but I think he is in grave danger and hope it becomes “was” in grave danger as soon as I publish this. I will contact the police, but I believe they may know what I'm thinking right now and believe it or not, I'm fine with that at this stage.
![]() |
Trans American Pyramid photo from the last time I went out to take artistic photos at the end of 2012 before I would jump off a parking garage. |
- I can never deny suggestions from The San Francisco Police Department to contact a psychiatrist after my “crazy” claims to them in the past, because it is insane as in some ways, so am I. However, it is real. I have written in blogs in the past something like, " if it is real for me than isn’t that real to you."
(2:41PM on 11/6/23) Back in 2007, I had recently began
hearing voices in my head for the first time. I had no idea where they
were. Was it the voices of my family, friends and or other acquaintances
at that moment when they were walking past me on the street, sitting on the
couch or driving down the road or while they were in bed? It seemed I
believed it to be them during my schizophrenic or is it telekinetic
conversations. I was told by both the voices in my head and from voices
from their mouth that I was “crazy”. Hearing voices and especially
acknowledging them with my mouth was “crazy.” Revealing such a thing has
honestly made me a schizophrenic person. At least I am not a
Schizophrenic liar. The thing about schizophrenic liars is they would be
hired to a job before I would. When it comes down to it, who would you
rather trust? How does anyone else know the schizophrenic liar is
schizophrenic or if they are telling the truth. It seems the truth is
ruled out in this way of doing things. Little secrets become big lies
which in this case becomes a huge catastrophe which I see leading to the end of
humanity. It’s crazy because everyone says that I am crazy. You can
choose to not believe in me, but I hate to say it, but that would be crazy.
We were talking about the love that's gone so cold
And the people who gain the world and lose their soul
They don't know
They can't see
Are you one of them?
(back to 11/6/23) 12/3/07 would become Jingle Pups birthday which is probably some of the greatest news some humans learn from me. The news that their loved ones who have died live on. This includes their pets. At the time, I was going crazy. We had to put our dog Willie to sleep the next day. I had recently relapsed as the reality of having to put Willie to sleep is something I had to escape. I was tweaking and it was after midnight that I wrote that blog before putting him to sleep the next day. I would end up writing a blog titled Jinglepup which I published on 1/13/08. In that blog I wrote how the last thing a said to him was, “Just give me a sign buddy. I’ll know it when I see it.” Like I suspected, my buddy Willie, would give me plenty of Godly signs to let me know he's in heaven until I unlocked the covenant and I know he's up there now. I have also written about being crazy in that blog I mentioned above. In Crazy, I would write:
I’m living in a life that is crazy. I don’t know
if it is crazy reality, crazy-crazy or a combination of the two. Any way it’s
crazy. Does that make me crazy? I guess so. But from the way I am understanding
things is that if I’m crazy, your crazy and that means were all crazy. Where
did I come up with this crazy line of thinking? I’m not entirely sure but I was
at leas reminded of it from a usual source of my information. A song. I always
say all works of art are divinely inspired at some level. The divine
message/reminder came from The Beatles this time. I guess I should say that it
may have been the earliest teachings of my crazy way of thinking – I just never
really heard what the song was saying. I do that with a lot of songs. I love
them for years because of the music but then one day I really hear the songs. I
listen to the lyrics. This has happened frequently in my struggles. Perhaps God
captivates our ears with the melodic sounds that our ears like to hear to
prepare us for a future or present situation our minds and our souls need to
hear and understand.
I am not sure if I was making a lot of sense. The other
night I wanted to explain to the voices how the lyrics would help prove my
point that if I’m crazy were all crazy and a few things happened. First of all,
we (the voices and I) decided that if I can prove this I would eventually be
proving that no one is crazy. That sounds better, huh? Because if we are all
the same, then how could anyone be crazy? What would define the difference? I
believe the only thing that makes us crazy is seeing others as crazy. Because
everything they are, you are – and no one wants to be crazy.
(11:35 on 7/8/23) One minute ago, I was told if I said two
more words, someone would win a couple of hundred dollars. What I saw
upside down and backwards is what I always see when it is 11:34, was hEll. It’s
important I Sell this upside down and backwards. Since this is real to
me, I might as well explain how I was talking to people earlier about how I was
in President Obama's head at the end of 2012 and I thought what a serious
occurrence for a U.S. President. I was a Lunatic. I figured I’d try
to look up something about that and typed in my blog search, "Obama"
and the first blog to come up was Brain Damage. I feel I have been so
mind controlled and have this satellite that follows me around that I have in
fact developed Brain Damage in many ways. The truth is, for as crazy as I
was back then, I was not wrong about the insanity of the reality that was to
come., I really did bring on a meteor shower as I wrote a bit about and
my jump did in fact give me Brain Damage. Like my blogs Crazy and Brain
Damage I would point out as I knew I had in other blogs that, “If
it was real to me then isn’t that real to you question.” In the
blog, Brain Damage, I wrote:
I will likely focus on this a lot in the future. I sometimes
tell people about the voices and the parallel universe and the
devil, aka "the big bad wolf", as he was known during my last
relapse. When I tell people how I was dragging my loved ones down into
the darkness with me and they say, "you know that wasn't real,
right?" The answer - "It was for me!" So much
so that I jumped off a rooftop to kill myself and stop hurting the ones I
loved in that universe. This would allow the insane darkness I was applying
to my loved ones to stop. Was my suicide attempt real
to everyone? If something is real to you, isn't it real to me?
If something is real to me, isn't it real to you?
(1:30PM on 12/14/24) Later in the Blog Brain Damage I would write:
The devil is not one to make deals with. Obama once helped me just by being here. I was not helping him by continuing to be in his head all the time when I relapsed and kept using. I had to go. What good is a crazy drug/sex addict in The Presidents head? None. I even realize this today. Plus, I was dealing with the devil. Having the devil in one’s head will put them in hell. Obama was now on his way. He's the President! If the devil could now access his head, then.... Way too much! The end of the world was coming if I did not stop. I believe it was supposed to occur April 1st 2013. I had done too much damage. Thankfully, for all of us, I put a stop to the insanity. I think I'm joking. It was so real to me. If it was real to me, then wouldn't it have been real to you? Hmm? It was real to me.
The lyrics to the song would later go on to point out what I was asking the voices who said I was crazy but they were in my head. Who is crazy here? I know I am in their head but why won't they tell me? What the blog Crazy said I was saying to the voices in my head was basically, you think I'm crazy. What is the person who is in my head? I know I acquired brain damage from my jump, but I also believe voices may cause brain damage. I have no idea what Pink Floyd was referring to in their song Brain Damage, but it somehow points out their intentions which I have been going through for the past 17 years up to this moment. Some of the lyrics to the song Brain Damage are:
The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me 'till I'm sane
You lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me.
This blog is about an upcoming catastrophe for little old
San Francisco, I thought it is important how I pointed out in the blog I wrote
in 2013 that if the world was coming to an end for me, wasn't it coming to an
end for you?
(3:52PM on 7/25/24) Many great “rock and roll” artists
contributed to the writing of this blog over the past 19 years. On
a very few occasions, it is not just a song that ended up being True Prophesy
that can somehow translate into what was written, sometimes, the entire album
does. The artist did not tell my story as it happened before it happened
because they were telling “their” fictional and/or non-fictional stories when
they wrote their album. One such artist whose album translates to help
tell what was lived in the Book of Revelation is Pink Floyd and their album The
Wall. I’ll explain in more detail in the future, but I just happened to
write two blogs using songs from The Wall to explain the moment as it felt at
that moment. I’m sure others have felt a time when they could say
“Goodbye blue sky.” or a time when they needed to “Run like Hell.”, but I’ll
explain how those songs explained of things that were about to happen before
they happened that did happen. I knew many of the songs chosen to go
along with a blog went along with what was going on, but it wasn’t until 2015
after writing Althea that I would notice many of those songs said so much more
to what did happen. This is how The Covenant began to unlock.
Somehow, the Pink Floyd songs I chose as blog names captured
the moment of what I was feeling at the time with such true prophesy of the
future. (10:36PM on 7/10/23) I will explain this in a future blog,
but the day Susan and I said our last goodbyes I wrote Run Like Hell which
I literally did that day is one example. Another one I wrote is right after I
relapsed in 2012, I wrote Goodbye Blue Sky.
(12:06AM on 10/10/24) Another album that fits as amazingly true prophesy to so much that was just written is Rushes 2112. It has so many connections to what you have just read that my explaining them all would basically be writing the blog I’m sure I will call 2112. I won’t write it here, I will simply point out it’s connection so that someday everyone will be able to click on a link to it that will be here, and it can clearly be read. Once again, it is pretty amazing. Lyrics to songs continue to be The Word of God. What started it all was my seeing Rush has something on Roku explaining 2112 that I suspect came about as true prophesy from the band one way or another. As lyrics from 2112 say, "Listen to my music And hear what it can do" Like I said, “It’s More Rush!” Still Rushmore will find it’s place too I believe it will be carved on the side of a Mountain.
As of 6:12PM on 6/12/23, this blog needs a lot of editing
and a little more written to it. I hope to have it completed by the end of
today for the Health of American Beauty. 6/16 is also significant.
It is currently 6:05PM and I am going to publish this blog
at 6:12PM. (1:45PM on 6/13) Yesterday which was 6/12 at 6:12PM, I
clicked the “publish” command on the Blogger screen. It did not
publish until 6:14PM on 6/12/23. 6/12 is The Presidential God of the Galaxy who
is George H. W. Bush’s birthday. I also published a blog titled King
David of the Bible on 6/12 in 2008. You will read more about 6/5 in the
future. I wrote a blog called Letting Go on 6/5 in 2008 in which the
voices told me I was King David of the Bible and that I would have to save the
world from the apocalypse by convincing everyone just how important the truth
was. It is also the day, Heavenly Presidential God of the Masonry,
Ronald Reagan would die in 2004. The American Flag at half-mast
which I sometimes refer to as Old Glory would repeatedly and photographically play a very important role beginning with the first.... So much more to come and so much more has already been said. Since I said, I repeat myself, I won't say it, but I do. I find no connections to
6/14, Forwards or backwards, so I unpublished it. I guess I am
still keeping it organic, but I have recently noticed the actual time I do
something that makes some sort of coincidental since. I never paid
attention over the years that I wrote this blog to number connections. I
didn’t pay much attention to times or dates unless it involved a person, I
knows birthday or a holiday or known event on the date I wrote it.
(Back to 6/12/23) “They” make it so hard for me to do so that I find
myself making excuses for no one which gets everyone nowhere. I can’t
even blame myself, but I believe it is my responsibility to get this thing
viral. I am working against an army of hackers who’s reasoning is
unapparent but ridiculous to me. (12:04PM on 6/25/23) I can't deny
that motives seem to be as usual for human beings, power and money is where the real issue arises. I can't
deny fear and blackmail may also be a factor.
My 1st Amendment is a victim of my 4th Amendment
being obstructed because by watching, they learn how to delete what I do.
I need to “Let Go”. I need to keep me and “D” in this blog because I must
come before “D”. Staying grammatically correct and if I keep social etiquette,
I should say “D” and I. “W” told me 6/15 was the day this had to be
published because this is a coincidental day for me in a way that is kind of
organic. I guess it’s still a planned deadline. (8:54PM on 6/15/23)
I'm currently editing it, George “W” Bush was trying to tell me stick to
my deadlines. Speaking of “I”, I realized that that an "I" is what is
missing from my friend, Damon for this to be fully explained. That W
needs the Geek Squad I believe so I will call them at 2:20 on 6/13 and get my
Facebook running soon as well. I am literally dealing with an Omen now.
It’s important I keep this Omen healthy because it is very valuable.
Things are a little out of order, but I’ll explain “live”. I can’t sleep
with my “Omen”. I need to keep this “portent” real for me by stopping it,
but not letting it happen but still “public” knowledge. How did I figure
this out. God. God knows I do not want this to be an omen of great
portent. I sometimes wonder if evil is an entity. This “W” matters to
this Book of Revelation on these dates that match these times, but I don’t want
to overdo it. It has been said I say things over and over. Yeah,
Yeah well I do have PTSD but that’s not really the culprit for some of this
factual occurrence, The major reason is that they never let me finish a blog
due to all the manipulation and I have to keep writing the important reminders
such as “the asteroid did not come down" because I figured that fact would
have to be remembered and even appreciated, but I believe it first needs to be
heard or realized. Perhaps a meteor has to be sunk into everyone’s skull.
This is simply my attempt at humor about something that I can’t
really laugh about but dare not get excited and scream. I'll just say what I
keep saying out there. “Big deal.”
(4:51AM 6/02/23) 2 Shakedown Street has been divided into a
third part. I suppose it will be called, Lights – Shook Me All Night Long
for reasons that can be read. Information about this earthquake needs to have
something published. As a result of this continuous tampering from
hackers to my blog and everything I do, it has been too long since I have
published anything. I have a lot to write and edit to finish
it. It is ridiculous that I am working against so many to get this
done. Sometimes, it seems they delete more than I can
write. With that said, I will point out that this blog seems to have
started on 5/13/22 with what is written below. When it gets to
Lights is about the section that needs to be edited by adding a little more
about my being in what felt to be a very large earthquake on a walkway between
the Giant’s Baseball Stadium and McCovey Cove. The interesting thing about my
being shook that night is it did not stop me from wandering out onto one of the
largest Piers on the San Francisco Bay. I would wander out onto the
infamous Pier 30/32.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
-Psalm 23:4
(2:29PM on 6/23/23) Today is Robert Hunters
birthday. I write more bout Robert Hunter, but just noticed the way that
date as 2 23’s. That number 23 has become to me like 3, 7 and 13. I guess
if I placed them in order it would be 7, 3, 13, 23 They keep showing up
in my life. You will read and see how #23 showed up as he usually does.
(12:57PM on 9/7/23) A couple of months ago, I started to write a little bit
more about #23 as he showed up in reverse in a “splash” from #25. It all
disappeared, but someday I’ll probably read it because it seems #25 saved a
copy, thank God. It’s not that big of a deal, but it happens all the
time. As a writer, it is incredibly frustrating. I guess it is a
big deal. I’ll put a cry out to all my hackers, please stop! It’s getting
you nowhere good. I’ll have to see how I write it next time and I’ll
probably post it. I hope I get to see what was saved.
It will probably be a bit, but if so, I will post it. Since
then #25 showed up in reverse (#52) for me to get a “real picture”. The
makings of this prophesy will be read below, but the new version has to appear
in the next blog.) It was not just my being in that earthquake, it was
what followed. My seeming to meet God really “shook me all night long.” Yeah
God, “You had me shaking and you, shook me all night long”. I think about
that night to this day. It would become one of the greatest moments of my
(12:25PM on 6/4/23) I get to that towards the end. So now I
guess it's Lights - Shook Me All Night Long. Below is what I began to
write over a year ago on 5/13/22 as I sat outside of The San Francisco
Federal Building.
Is the new largest self-anchored suspension bridge in the
world safe? Why did "they" order an earthquake for Independence Day,
7/4/16? Why weren’t daily bridge commuters allowed to read what God wrote
through God's only begotten son? They could have fallen to heaven. True
Liberty! But....
(4:47PM on 10/29/22) The above was written on a
sign I had displayed on my much needed “grocery getter”
cart. It's not the “Love Machine”, but it's what I
got, and it works overtime for me. Like the Love Machine,
it is a multi-purpose vehicle. I bought the Love Machine in
2008 because I was out growing the transport vehicle I was using at the time
and it had more space and a motor. It was a silver 2004 Honda Odyssey
I bought at the Honda Dealership on Van Ness and Market Streets in San
Francisco. I had to trade in my Black 1999 Ford Mustang GT at The Honda
Dealership. I bought the Mustang brand new in Cincinnati.
I now see it as my dark horse of the Apocalypse. That dark horse once
took me on a Highway to Hell – literally. If you haven't read about
it already, you will if you continue to read this blog. It's when the devil
showed up and tried to buy my soul. He said that in 3 years from the time, I
would die and I would have to "Come on Down”, but I chose
Love Machine
I guess the grocery getter needs a nickname too. I don't
mind being the ass in the idiom when I call it the mini donkey cart. I cuss
like a sailor at (see below). I don't need to insert too many idioms, and I need
to stop cussing so gosh darn much. That complete idiom is at least PG13 and is
probably not appropriate. until they see that Golden Gate, but the ship has
not made it to port yet. The grocery getter is downstairs waiting for my
laundry to be finished. It is not just a cargo transport vehicle. I guess right
now I can call it my Ponder Launder Wander. It also serves as a billboard when
I sit on or walk down the street and while it sits in the laundry room of The
Civic Center Residence to all other's doing their laundry. I am known as
"the sign guy" by some in San Francisco since I almost always carry a
sign advertising which hangs on my cart board or have one
hanging from my neck. One of these blogs prophets who told me so many things,
Robert Hunter somehow knew that in the Book of Revelation that "I told
Althea, I'm a roving sign." When it includes my computers in the set up, I
have to referred to it as my outdoor mobile office and I sometimes think it
could serve as my Big Ass Truck, but my back probably won't allow for that type
of moving many times a week. I'll explain more in the future, but anyone who
read these blogs years ago. might remember my Big Ass Truck.
Big Ass Truck
(2:34PM on 11/7/24) I pushed my “Big Ass Truck” from 7th
and Minna Streets to Justin Herman Plaza those few years of being a Street Artists. One requirement for my commute was a speaker
that amplified my soundtrack each day.
That sound track was not very long and always included the song Street Beater
which was the theme song to Sanford and Son.
The original version worked just fine and was heard by anyone walking
near me, however, I really liked when the cover version cued up. Our old friends, Ekoostik Hookah covered that
song from time to time and of course allowed concert goers to tape their
concerts just like The Grateful Dead did. Street Beater was a must for my daily
commute. I’m trying to get back out there
with my cart more often which means I have got to find a dependable
speaker. It will include that song!
I at first thought of naming my grocery getter my little
butt truck. Since Queeny Come Clean, I will explain how I'm deriving the
name for the grocery getter from a band. I named my very dependable hand Truck
after a Psychedelic Funky rock and roll fused with rap, rhythm and blues band.
Their rock and roll band member line up included a Disk Jockey scratching a
turntable. They were a relatively new band out of Memphis, Tennessee. The band
was called Big Ass Truck. I know their first album titled Big Ass Truck came
out on October 17th, 1995. I had seen Big Ass Truck many times already before
the album came out at various locations throughout Cincinnati, Ohio. They often
played at a small concert venue called Ripley’s in Cincinnati’s Clifton
Neighborhood next to The University of Cincinnati. It was owned by my Loveland
Hurst High School friend and Tiger teammate Dan (Dan the Man) who would become
my neighbor after his ownership began. One way I remember Dan is “Dan knows the
music industry and the music industry knows Dan.” I believe my other friends
Tony (Free) and Jeff (Nederland) were also part owners.
I will explain more but I would like to point out that my
cousin Kenny (Elvis) and I saw Big Ass Truck in Nashville, Tennessee on March
30th in 1995 on our way to see a Grateful Dead concert in Memphis, Tennessee.
We saw them perform in Nashville’s Broadway District. The next day we were
traveling West on Interstate 40. We we're just east of the Casey Jones Museum
when we saw a semi tractor-trailer (Big Ass Truck) that caught on fire.
It looked like a Highway to Hell! March 31st is Angus Young's
birthday. Angus Young is the unmistakable charismatic one-of-a-kind lead guitar
player for the rock'n'roll band out of Melbourne Australia, AC/DC. I have
referred to March 31st as April Fools Eve. Once we arrived in Memphis we would
go straight to Graceland. You will read how significant 10/17 is since it is
the day in which San Francisco’s Loma Prieta earthquake occurred in 1989. I
will explain more below but I have written some about how they refer to April
1st quite a bit as a date they will reach as a goal. (4:01PM on 6/22/23) It was
3:57 when I realized I already noticed a time to begin to edit this blog.
When I got to it I saw, “I at” starting a sentence so I copied a few paragraphs
to be edited and pasted them on a word document. I knew the time I saw
fit to begin was (I just used the shorthand keystroke Control P (Paste)
forgetting I had since used Control C(Copy) for a few paragraphs, and it Pasted
the few paragraphs I already pasted doubling its length) The time I typed and
then copied earlier “somewhere” was 3:31. Do I need to explain more about these
numbers? They are all significant numbers to this Book of
Revelation. I’m not exactly sure, but I may be over explaining how I do
this and latching on to many numbers, but this is how it is organically
derived, and I see as graphicly designed before us. I often notice numbers
these days. Back then, it was voices in my head that made it seem as though
April Fool’s Day was the date the earthquake was to occur in 2016. My
being 5150'd had something to do with that. I was 5150'd on March 30th and
taken to General Hospital but would be released on April Fool’s Day Eve.
I’ll explain more later, but five years later after spending 2 weeks in
Zuckerberg’s Emergency Trauma Unit for spinal surgery, I would be 5150’d for
the third time. This time, it was on October 17th which
was 33 years to the day of The Loma Prieta Earthquake. I believed they were trying to fool us and the
earthquake would not occur on April 1st in 2016, but on Uncle Sam's birthday on July 4th in 2016. That Independence Day would make it
clear that Fables and Ferry Tale's don't always have a happy ending. It
became Sinistry 101.
The Heavenly Queen of England approved of my felicitously
calling the grocery getter my Mini (but truck). I guess I am trying not to have
a potty mouth by losing a t at the end of the word “but” I'm probably being
"as" with an extra "s" or the middle word of the band.
Seriously though I cannot deny that many who I look up to, including Snoop Dog
back me up in my attempt to stop cussing. His voice just said, I would look up
to him if I stop cussing. That is real to me. Stop cussing was my New Years
Resolution. I know a heavenly God such as George Bush is watching over me and
respecting me which is a blessing and an honor. I believe The New World Order
seems to have set things up so that qualifying humans can hear, see me and even
get to possess me. Universal Heavenly beings do not possess me. I know and, in
some ways, understand that humans upon the earth do see and hear me, however, I
believe we are protected by the 4th Amendment Right to Privacy as a U.S.
Citizen which should cover intrusions such as toilet bowl cams. Still, I
believe some are seeing me as someone who cares but aren't sure how to do
anything about it. Then there's those like the voice in my head that just said
“listen ***hole we don't care what you want we wanna watch you!” This too is
how I need to write necessary cusswords such as ones that come from direct
quotes that have cusswords, with ****ing asterisks.
I say to people God is a lot more understanding than some
believe. I even say things like, “God is cool.” I explain things
like, “God is okay with Gay Marriage as I will explain this when I write about
Proposition Four Score and Seven.” It might be a little contradictory in
these examples but I then say “Do unto others as you would have others do unto
you.” Well, I’m short, so I may not date a really tall woman, but she is
not tall, I am short. If a really short man was interested, I wouldn’t
date him either but I would appreciate his attraction to taller me. I
would not date a man regardless of his height. I’d wouldn’t have sex with
a man but sex with a taller woman is not out of the question. As far as
the number connections, I thought, “I wonder what Book this comes from.” But
more importantly, I wondered “what numbers” would be as I typed it onto an
internet search engine to see if they connected to anything. I
found two of them which are Matthew 7/12 is the chapter and verse which I
quickly saw my birthday which I sometimes refer to as the World Peace Bell
instead of Pearl Harbor these days. I think it would have and still could
finish off what the man I admire to this day saw that day to be. In fact,
I quoted him more than anyone else, but I have not used a quote from this day
in history. In the Georgian format which is what most of the world uses,
my birthday is 7/12 which is the anniversary of Pearl Harbor which was a U.S.
Naval Base bombed by the Japanese on 7/12/41. Winston Churchill would see
that day as a day the War would be won.
I admire the man who I believe is Winston Churchill
today. In fact, I just heard a “new” song he released about a year ago.
The song is titled Patient #9.
You will read below how I was a kind of Patient #9 at
General Hospital. My cousin who was once #9 as a late model race car in
Cincinnati had told me they were going to put me back in a wheelchair in
September before I had any idea I was going to get a spinal infection causing
me to have spinal surgery on a day in which I was also told would be the end of
the world. I wrote about it while at General Hospital in a blog titled
Open Up Your Heart and Let the S(o)n Shine In. It was about my family
living on S(o)nrise Drive in the Loveland Heights. It was also about his
family which is also my family living on S(o)nrise Drive which is where we
often stayed after my mother died. Kenny’s stepfather was a Proffitt was
my step uncle was #9 at Queen City Speedway when we were a 6 pack as there were
6 cousins consisting of Richard Proffitt's 2 boys, Greg and Timmy
Proffitt, Big Kenny Hinds two boys, Kenny Wayne and Scott Hinds and my dad’s
Robert (Bob) Beaty’s 2 boys, Robert Allen (Bob) and David Beaty. The six
of us were of us on his pit crew. It was kind of like 6 pack which is a
Kenny Rodgers Movie.
When I heard Patient #9, I believed it was a
good song coming from Ozzy Osborne as most songs over the years have been. This
one featured the always good guitar playing of Jeff Beck who I read just died
on 1/10/23. His voice in my head just said, please say I’m in the corporate
headquarters of Donald Trump. I believe he is referring to a place I call
Orion. I believe Donald Trump gets there through me and my brain in a way
that I can’t even understand. Appropriately enough, it connected back to
1/4/17 when a 4.5 earthquake occurred as I was reading The Book of Revelation
after reading Book of Jude for the first time. I remember, John Lennon
was with me that day. When it happened, I was reading Revelation
1:10. Both World Trade Centers had 110
stories. I found another connection with numbers that I
had no idea would match, but as I searched for the Bible verse that I recently
say all the time as a way of pointing out just how cool God is, I found another
link to numbers. The two bible verses that I am speaking of appear below.
There are two places the Bible documents where Jesus spoke the words we call The Golden Rule:
“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 7:12, KJV)
“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31)
If it were a date, in the Georgian Format, it would appear
like this 31:6 but since there are only 30 days in June the other date I wrote
about if we move the colon over and replace it with a slash it is 3/16 which is
the number that continues to show up as will be read about in a blog I’m
writing called 316. (8:45 on 7/31/24) Staying with the
Georgian format, Matthew 7:12 can obviously be connected to my birthday I
always referred to as “Pearl Harbor” but have more recently been referring to
as “The World Peace Bell” because in that format it represents 7/12 which is
the seventh day of the twelfth month or December 7th as we say
in The United States of America.
(Back to 10/29/22) The numbers this Bible verse is made
up of, I wrote about above and is a future blog. Like I just wrote, if we just
switch the number on either side of the colon and then remove it, it reads
316. Since rock stars are connected, I’ll simply point out the Van Halen
song I never knew but always kind of wondered where and how it got its song
title since it is numbers. It was a time when I was not seeing number
connections the way I do now and was uniquely surprised to the numbers 316 come
from the date of his son, Wolfgang Van Halen’s birthday which is 3/16.
Appropriately enough, the length of that guitar song is 1:26 which is
equivalent to Edward Lodewijk Van Halen birthday which is 1/26. I have
called Eddie Van Halen, The Heavenly Guitar Son. When a call him a son,
sons and daughters are like Gods and Goddesses and there are the Fathers and
Mothers like Jerry Garcia for instance who was once Samson, I tend to
call then Gods but the sons and the daughters became before the Fathers and the
Mothers. I’m not really sure how to explain this but I do know there is
one God which I’ve heard the Man who was once Isaiah refer like many as The God
of Abraham. I call that God The Universe, Now when it comes to
Steve Earle, I see him as something between a Father and a Son such as an
A couple of weeks ago, Ozzy Osbourne showed up for San
Francisco in a way that prevented the Big One from being set off which simply
put, saved San Francisco and surrounding Bay Area Cities. It seems some
below were thinking it was not wrong to set one off because I was not believed
in so much in my visits to the Power Exchange. For one, I received oral sex
from a woman who seemed to be with a man. This man was with her, so they
were good with it. When I hear people heard about it, some do not believe in me.
What I really needed and need is sex in a way that God completely
understands. They killed all the women who I was once married to in a
past life and was committed to when I was trying to get to them. After
they were dead, I tried to help a young lady I really admire, but thought she
was too young, but every now and then, I knew I wasn’t talking to the kid on
that Disney Show. I was probably the only 40 year old man without teenagers
watched. By this time, she was a full-blown Rock Star to me, but I
still thought of Hannah Montana. I hope Miley Cyrus can be a good friend.
I hope to be with her dad too. Her and Billy Ray Cyrus I believe have
ties to King Cyrus of the Bible. I believe Billy Ray might have been Walt
Disney. On one of the times it rebegan, The immaculate conception of Adam
and Eve was Steve/St. Eve so that Mary and David would forever be. In
fact, my world is so crazy, I hope it was her is all I can say about these
experiences that came from voices in my head. This time, Mary or Eve died
giving birth and I believe Steve was Me and Miley Cyrus. Steven Tyler was
The Heavenly Father of Truth. I guess I’ll get to that in the future. At
some point, I would become committed to Mary Magdalen again. Everything
was fine until I heard General Hospital pulled the plug when I was put under
for spinal surgery on 10/8/21 which was the day I informed everyone a couple of
weeks before they were going to try to end the world. I would not die,
and they would not cover me up, so they didn’t “kill” me. In fact, I gave
them credit for saving the world.
Mary Magdalen was told I died and went down to Orion because
they told her that’s where I was going to be. She got back up to
universal Heaven, but they never gave up on giving up on her making her a
fallen angel by shooting her down to become what I call a shot down
angel. On Earth Day in 2017, “The van pulled up and open the door,” just
like 7 Mary 3 say in their song Waters Edge. It predicted something I
predicted before Easter Sunday at Davies which is where I stood outside with my
sign yelling to Paul who came up to the Microphone to say something, but I
didn’t hear, I just stood outside and screamed, “where is Minna Choi
Paul?”. He would send a security guard out who ask me if I could move and
said I should think of the children. I told him that is why I Was
there is to protect children and adults and that I was protected by the 1st Amendment.
I have videos of both of these events that were on Highway to Hell – Back in
Black but one seems to have been deleted. I think I have it on a hard
drive I need repaired. I would learn that Mary would go into Davies with
her dad, Rod Magdalen. Paul would ask Mary to go to camp May Mac where
Rod and I spent a few ”vacations” as Rod’s voice in my head just said, because
It was a vacation compared to CityTeam on 6th Street, but we
still worked quite a bit and had groups like Bible Studies. Camp May Mac
is where the van I drove while At CityTeam would take Mary Magdalen. Paul
had told Mary I’d be there, but I wasn’t driving like I did while there, so I
guess Paul would drive them there. Not sure how I’d be the van driver,
but I guess it makes some since. Camp MayMac is very near the epicenter
of Loma Prieta in 1989. Sleepless in Santa Cruz was written about and was
actually written some while at Camp May Mac. You will see a photograph from the
beginning of the blog Sleepless in Santa Cruz of how the
double suspension bridge section of the Bay Bridge appeared on 10/17/89 which
is the day of Loma Prietta. I took that photo on 9/2 in 2008. 9/2
in 2017 is the day Mary was killed. The trip kind of ended my pursuit of Mary
but I never gave up on her. “Do you wanna die?” was all I kept asking her
as Possum Kings put it. I knew he was going to kill her like he killed
Minna. 4/22/84 is the day my Grandpa Chitwood died after my mother had
died on 1/29/84. 4/22 in 1984 was Easter Sunday. It was and
still is Earth Day. 1984 was a big year. I have mentioned the important
Book which came out in 1948 with that title because like I keep saying “Big
Brother is watching. There was a big album in 1984 titled 1984 which was
my favorite album. It had a number one hit on the album The song
is Jump. 29 years later I did just that. On 1/15/13
I walked to San Bruno and jumped off a 5 story parking garage to go to a
Never Ending Hell. One month later on 2/15/13, there was a Russian Meteor
Shower which was not the end of the world because the asteroid did not come
down, 2/15/79 was the date that my Grandpa Beaty died. It was 1979 that Highway
to Hell. came out. Since I came to the conclusion that “I might as well
jump” on 1/25/13. I think that God said, “Go ahead and jump.” Because
like another number one hit from the year my mother died and my Grandpa
Chitwood died, says. “If you fall I will catch you, I will be waiting.” Time
After Time by Cyndi Lauper was a number one hit in1984. She would show up
and seem to save a major catastrophe from occurring that started with a
pancreatic emergency which I had 3 years earlier from The Revolution
Starts Now.
So much more to come. (4:15PM on 1/21/24)
I’m not sure why they would not let me go home, but I
suspect they weren’t to sure what to make of me, but they certainly were not
believing King David. I have MyChart on the internet that spells out the
seven weeks at the hospital. It’s doctor and nurse type of notes, but my
favorite notes are from a psychiatrists who I believe is from San Francisco and
especially from a New Preacher from Chicago. When I got out of the isolation
ward because I also had covid 19. That Day was 10/17/21. I have
video from that day which was the 33rd Anniversary of Loma
Prieta Earthquake. When I said they never gave up on giving up on Mary
Magdalen, that is the day she became a Fallen Angel who I like to say was shot
down. I had to just let her go and began to see myself as available.
As far as what some of those in the Masonry but more of
those upon the earth It seems their welcoming Transsexual human beings in the
sex club makes many, especially below, uncomfortable. I assume many are
homophobic. Men who look like women are confusing to even me. ,
Based on unimaginable circumstances, I more than cross dress, I do as much as I
can to literally make myself appear as a woman and I intend to remain a
man. I do know that in heaven, I can become a woman and a woman I am with
can become a man if we choose to do so. That’s what God lets us do in The
Universal Heaven. I believe I would only do so if a woman became a man
while I became a woman. My true soul is that of a man. Gods Only Begotten SON.
The thing about all these demons who attack me is no matter
what time of day it is and no matter how wrong they are told they are by
everyone, some of them only get more intensely disgusting in everything they
do. This thing will not get off of my head. I can’t stand this
thing and if it remains in it’s evil ways I have no choice but to hate
it;. I hate everything it does, and I don’t want it to suffer, but….
The Power Exchange seems to consist of overall good people,
but Paul Trudeau, Donald Trump and a few others lie about me so much and to
others about me so much, that even they do things like shrink my penis and put
it in hard core pain. I’ve had some money disappear and I’ll leave it at
that. I’m dealing with my bank on that so I can’t point the finger at
them, but I have some suspicion, but the workers are friendly. It’s kind
or a long story as to why I went there, but I may get to it some time.
I could explain, but I think one of my favorite songs that
will be a future blog tells it in it’s title and the song when its called
, Man Smart, Woman Smarter. This was at one time Susan’s
nickname. However, since Susan had to be the one who took care of us
while in San Francisco and I was kind of being a woman in some ways I will have
to explain. I’ll simply say it was PTSD. I can say, I didn’t do
much crossdressing until 2017 when I learned that my becoming a woman kept them
from Mary Magdalen and eventually from everyone. It stops them from
getting raped. With that said, I guess our song hast to be. Susan Smart, Dave
The Queen had to get to the Delta of the West since there
was a Valley Ho waiting at the end of The Sacramento River to have made me a
King from the Royals buy never managed to get to Mary Jane and Rudy and they
did not manage to get to Fox Plaza.
It seems the guys below were not thinking I was making a lot
of since and even needed to get out of here. It was Bobby McGee’s hearing
Ozzy Osbournes warning that he instructed his men to not set it off.
Apparently, many have trouble with what I do because so many are lied to and I
honestly have to do some unacceptable things leaving me nothing but a lose,
lose situation. It’s the lesser of the two losses some time because like
Rihanna says in her Love the Way You Lie part 2 song, “In this tug of war, you’ll
always win, even when, I’m right.” The New World Order seems to have
designed it that way. Without God, it would be the only way to do things.
Still, I see it as a Bottle Neck and I believe it would have a bad ending
some day. It is the second best way to the one and only God’s Way which
is forever and true.
It was New Years Not Always Monday that I would learn on New
Years Monday, from Ozzy Osbourne that an earthquake was planned for San
Francisco the next day which was January 2nd or the day I just
calling it New Years Not Always Monday because it actually
fell on That Tuesday .
Without going too much into it, I’ll just say Ozzy saved San
Francico. Ozzy’s (voice) in my head has been really cool. He’s mase me feel
like he gets or understands or perhaps tolerate some like me. He, like
many, doesn’t see why they don’t believe in me.
I have seen Ozzy Osbourne in concert a few
times. Ozzy was good whoever he was playing with, but, when he performs with
his original band, Black Sabbath, it is truly a special treat. The lyrics
to his songs say so much to what the world needs to hear. Back when in
Cincinnati, Woody who was Goliath and Adolf Hitler won a WEBN Bus trip to Deer
Creek Indiana to see Ozz Fest. We went up with “Dude” who was a WEBN
Radio Personality. Like all the times I went to Dear Creek, it was
a great trip. When Sabbath Bloody Sabbath became a real-life possibility
to everyone was when I knew this was really happening.
I like when I first started to believe Ozzy Osbourne was once Winston Churchill in a past life. I spoke to the voice of Winston Churchill in my head and told him about who he became, and he was pleased and really looked forward to being a rock star and a Revelation Prophet. It was not like the meeting at Camp Shang ra la, when he was Churchill, and I was FDR and I heard the reincarnation Joseph Stalin visited that notorious camp since my “sponsor” who I believe was once General Eisenhower became President and renamed Camp Shang ra la Camp David. Stalin seems to have reincarnated to become another world leader since I believe he may be President Biden today. He was once my father since David begat until his ancestry bloodline begat Joseph who would be the father of Jesus.
(10:18pm. on 11/14/23) I began writing about the New World
Orders intentions to destroy that new Bay bridge in 2015. Below is an excerpt:
![]() |
A night with Gina |
![]() |
Nina Choy |
God oversees David and Goliath |
![]() |
God oversees David and Goliath |
David AND |
![]() |
Goliath |
Goliath |
(3:04PM on 9/13/24) I
would like to recognize that Nina Choi is a person whose name was similar to
Minna Choi’s and there seems to be no connection to her with that bridge that
would be negative in any way. When I was
looking to find Minna back in 2015, I just typed her name into a search engine and Nina's name
came up. I had recently begun to find signs
that the new bridge was to come down and coincidentally enough, she worked on
that bridge. I was also seeing signs of
new high-rises being set to fall. I
found it interesting that she lived at Rincon Hill which at the time was the
tallest residential structure in the Bay Area.
I love tall buildings. I believe it may be set to fall. I worry
about the safety of that high-rise. Nina
Choi’s “voice” in my head has been very kind so I don’t want anything negative
to be attached to her.
I would also like to clear Rachel Donovan of any negative connection
to that bridge. She worked with my ex-wife,
Susan at The Metropolitan Transportation Commission. I will say that I even went to her home years
ago which is where I believe I would learn that she too was born on December 7th. That Pearl Harbor Anniversary date is significant
with it’s World Peace Bell Possibilities.
One other name I must clear and say has been nothing but kind and positive to me in my telekinetic conversations is Steve Hemminger. Steve Heminger is the former executive director of the San Francisco Bay Area's Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) until his retirement in 2019. When I spoke of something ridiculous, I must say in no way did I mean he was “ridiculous”. It may have been his possible carnation connection to Nazi Germany that I said was ridiculous, however I have called the U.S. The 4th Reich of America. I have read that Charles Bruce Hemminger The Beef Jar was not bad in my readings of WWII. I think I was referring to any connection to The 3rd Reich. It was just the bridges suspected demise that I believe he had nothing to do with I was writing about.
(6:19PM on 11/17/23) I think it is important to point out
that the last time I successfully Iv’d Methamphetamine was exactly 2 years ago
today. I had just gotten out of The Chinese Hospital after being
transferred their from General Hospital where I had neck surgery because of a
spinal infection. I also had MRSA which seems to be where the spinal
infection began. I also had Covid which I wasn’t even worried about
because I had warned of a Pandemic a year before they said Covid was a Pandemic
which I don’t believe it was but I still believed I’d somehow get it. I
had trouble swallowing a couple of times and spent 10 days in the isolation
ward only to be let out into a 5150 because I knew I needed out of there.
Was I ever right about that, but I’ll explain some other time perhaps in Mary
Jane Spiderwoman or My Name is Mud which ever it becomes. I think it
deserves a superhero title but I need to always honor The Colonel
Claypool but the way the blog I am writing about Mary Magdalen turned, I might
know whose name is Mud and it is something I can’t really understand. It
is also the fact to myself that I was committed to and loved her for so long,
that I think she deserves a superhero title. I guess Spiderwoman is not
Catwoman and since I’m no Bruce Wayne, Batman is still Under the Bridge seeing
as it has been 2 years as of today that I have literally been able to “draw
some blood” but I am kept in this joker like life setting. I guess this
could be the modern-day story of Batman and since Gotham is fictional, San
Francisco is as real as it gets for such a setting to take place. If
someone would have asked me when I was younger what city I believed could
become to be seen as a New Jerusalem, San Francisco would probably not have
been towards the top of my picks until I lived what I’ve lived and realized it
is in The Book of Revelation. It is San Francisco that makes sense to me
because I believe it will take us to The Jerusalem which will become New
as a result of this Liberal City by the Bay Herb Caine called
Bagdad By The Bay which is the city where The Summer of Love had
strong roots to with its biblical feeling hippy generation sometimes known
as Deadheads
(2:26PM on 5/13/22) I just realized before I came
here that one of my favorite blogs, I have written began with a photo of
another clue to what The New World Order had planned for San Francisco on July
4th, 2016. I took the photo on (Memorial Day) weekend in
2009. The blog was Sleepless
in Santa Cruz.
(1:27PM on 10/17/23) Today is the day in which the Loma
Prieta Earthquake occurred in 1989. I have mentioned how the epicenter of
that earthquake was very near Camp Maymac in the Santa Cruz Mountains. I
wrote a few of my blogs from and or about that place that seemed magical.
It always has been to me. The blog Sleepless in Santa Cruz began with a
“chapter” called Lights. Below is an excerpt.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Sleepless in Santa Cruz
When the lights go down in the City
And the sun shines on the bay
Do I want to be there in my City
Ooh, ooh
So you think you're lonely
Well my friend I'm lonely too
I want to get back to my City by the bay
Ooh, ooh
It's sad, oh there's been mornings out on the road
without you,
Without your charms,
Ooh, my, my, my, my, my
When the lights go down in the City
And the sun shines on the bay
Do I want to be there in my City
Ooh, ooh
When the lights go down in the City
And the sun shines on the bay
Do I want to be there in my City
Ooh, ooh
(8:53 on 10/18/23) I used that photo because it
has lights to the city.. I guess the lights were going up in the
city cuz I took that photo at sunset. As far as the photo I use at the
beginning of the Lights chapter in the blog Sleepless in Santa Cruz, I just thought it would be interesting to have
a photo of that bridge when it was truly empty without using photoshop to make
it appear to be that way. In no way did I suspect that east span of the bay
bridge to collapse and leave the old one standing as result of an earthquake
like it appeared after Loma Prieta in 1989.
I never alter my photos except to occasionally brighten them
up or turn them black and white. None of the photos that I have ever
taken have been doctored in any way.
The song lights by Journey I believe was written with my City by the Bay in mind. I was on my way back from a few days in the Mountains. We did a lot of good work for Camp Maymac where they host camps for children all summer long. As much as I look forward to going to the mountains. I also look forward to getting back to “my city by the bay”. I love that I used a photograph at the beginning of the blog Sleepless in Santa Cruz that I took of The San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge and Downtown San Francisco from Yerba Buena Island. This is the bridge San Franciscans use to get back to The City by the Bay when returning to the city from the Continental East. As one comes out of The Tunnel that cityscape appears on the right side. At night one can see The Lights of the City. Yerba Buena Island just above the Yerba Buena Tunnel is where that photo was taken.
The version of Lights I used at the beginning of Sleeplessin Santa Cruz blog happened to be a live video from Houston Texas.
Houston and Texas showed up in the last blog I wrote titled Jack the
Beanstalk. I was wondering what date they shot that video. The
concert took place on 11/6/81. 11/6 is the day I wrote Give to Live in
2012 which would be the last blog I wrote before bringing on the apocalypse
because there would be a meteor shower to destroy life on earth. I would
give my soul by jumping off of a 5-story parking garage in San Bruno to go to a
Never Ending Hell. I lived. 11/6 in 2015 would be the night
Godsmack would show up at the Warfield to help God write up Sabbath Bloody
Sabbath which was to be 11/15/15. 11/15 in 1981 was the day the Journey
video was released. On 11/15 in 2014 I was at the San Francisco Civic
Center where I saw and photographed Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown
(Downtown Willie Brown).
The photo taken below was taken just above the Yerba Buena Tunnel
on a normal day.
The photo I took below is how traffic usually appears. We were just getting ready to exit the Yerba Buena Tunnel.
15 Thus saith the Lord God to Tyrus; Shall
not the isles shake at the sound of thy fall, when the wounded cry, when the
slaughter is made in the midst of thee?
Below is another example of a paragraph I came across that I wrote months ago and didn't know exactly what it said. Since I was quoting something significant to the world, , it would not have been too hard to rewrite. However, my saving a copy of what I was writing before and after each time I wrote to a blog seems to be valuable making it readable. In this instance about 1/2 the paragraph disappeared. Below is what appeared in my blog:
."…Oakland A’s and The San Francisco Giants as Al Michaels
said those words when audio was restored moments after the earthquake ended.
The coincidences that occurred are undeniable."
Below is the entire paragraph I recovered:
"I will write more about it in the next blog, but for now
I will say that “...the greatest open in the history of television....”
occurred as The World Series “Cross Bay Series” Game 3 between The Oakland A’s
and The San Francisco Giants as Al Michaels said those words when audio was
restored moments after the earthquake ended. The coincidences that occurred are
(11:09PM on 6/20/23) I wrote a little bit last night, and probably didn't write what I was supposed to. Willie Brown has been kind to me as a voice in my head and I know he now lives in the Millenium Tower. I gazed at the construction of that tower each day as I pushed my Big A** Truck down Mission Street on my way to sell my photos at Justin Herman Plaza. I’d say to myself, “I’m gonna live there someday.” It seems Willie Brown may have made God a bigger factor in his life, and I think that someone might have told him he wouldn't live much longer. If I'm getting false information, he does live in that building that I know I have saved already a few times, but if they get one by, I believe that building is set to fall. I’ve heard my building is too set to fall. I think The San Francisco Police keep an eye on me. Who doesn't? People want to and often try to kill me too, but God won't let his Only Begotten Son die in this one. I feel Willie Brown probably has the correct faith to get to universal heaven, but I think we could use him on earth for a bit. So many people would die in a huge earthquake, but I sense his soul is valuable to evil. Evil seems to find life threats funny. I don't know how to say anything more, so I won't.
"Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers! For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. "
- Psalm
37:1-40 ESV
I love how music says how some one feels about something
that I can agree with or relate to. I know when Green Day sings of not wanting to be an
American Idiot, that is what I say I am because that is what I "don't want to be." When I said I was The American Idiot, I simply meant the album tells some of the story of Susan (Whatsername) and my (St. Jimmy and Jesus of Suburbia) life. Growing up in Loveland, Ohio which is
20 miles from downtown Cincinnati, I may be The Jesus of Suburbia, but I love
the city. I never thought I'd say this, but I love fog.
I'll explain some other time because I’ve explained before in my blog I
love when Foghat sings of being “a Fool for the City because that is what I
am. I have always loved that song because “I ain’t no country boy! “
There is just something I love about the structure of an
urban environment. The bigger the better. Society has become very
innovative and creative in its handling of urban environment design. When
square footage at ground level begins to exceed that of which humans can
occupy, man’s answer has been to go vertical. Placing occupational space
such as work or living environments seem to make more since in an upward design
as higher up spaces tend to create a more revealing optical vantage point.
Below the ground has provided space for transporting such necessary human needs
like water, waste and modes of transportation to and from these populated urban
environments. When bodies of water or large crevice’s get in the way of the
quickest route to something, we no longer go around these obstacles, but have
chosen to construct over them. All of these factors have allowed for the design
and construction of a modern-day urban environment that consists of
innovative, creative and appealing architecture and design.
(3:27AM? on 8/8/23) Since I was young, I have wanted
to live in a high-rise. I have verbally expressed this and I have even
written about this desire many times throughout my blog. My dream was
made true by God when Kerry (Angel Superwoman) my social worker for The
Community Living Fund placed me up on the 26th floor of Fox
Plaza and it was supposed to be where I would stay the rest of my life.
However, evil has its ways and Donald Trump did not get back to the White House
a second term. I believe I have to say yet, as he seems to possibly be
seeking another term. I am not certain of this, but I will continue to
discourage any support to him. Like I said, I’ve always dreamed of living in a
Highrise. In the blog, The Death Star, which was published in the
classic version on, I expressed this desire. Below is an excerpt:
I also started to notice back then that the neighborhood
was on the rise – literally. High-rise buildings are going up all around us.
This is funny, because when we first moved here, I always wanted to live in a
neighborhood with high rises. Now I do! My next goal is to live in one of the
high rises – at the top!
Speaker Nancy Pelosi Federal Building The Death Star
In the more recent version I published a blog
on 12/24/14 I called Lost In My Mind, I would write:
...I was then blessed with something I never expected but always dreamed of – housing on the 26th floor of a highrise building in San Francisco. Despite all of my blessings, I did what I said I would never do again but have always done, I used. How could I use after all I had been through and after all I had lost? I still have no idea, but I did. I am an addict.
In the song at the end of that blog, the band asked an
important question to my blog about being blessed to live in a high rise and
admiration for San Francisco’s upward growth and bridge construction. The
song asks in a video from The Head and The Hearts live performance in
‘Is that bridge getting built?”
Yes, it did get built. You will read more about Seattle
below when I write about the planned Exxon Valdez oil spill that occurred
earlier in the same year as the Loma Prieta earthquake, 1989. Voices claiming to be Members of
the bands voices in my head said, “They knew The Exxon Valdiz was a true myth as an
accident.” Kind of like I knew The Cosco Busan was no accident when it
happened as I wrote about at the end of Ashes to Ashes like
I wrote above.
That bridge got built and it was essentially a seismic
retrofication project in which I would get a chance to tour twice during its
construction, Again I love bridges and skyscrapers. I would write Moving
on Up on 10/22/13 and published it on 11 /7/13):
This amazing day just got better. I got my
housing today! I am so excited. Not only did I get my
housing. I got my housing on Market Street. I got my
housing on the 26th floor
of Fox Plaza! Talk about a dream come true. A
couple of weeks ago, when asked if I was apposed to high rise living, I said,
“I’d love high rise living!” I never dreamed I’d get
it. And, I never dreamed it would be that high!
Later in the blog, I would write:
I got my housing! I'll be living on the 26th floor of Fox
Plaza! I knew if I kept doing the right thing, Good things would happen.
I am so grateful. I've always dreamed of living in a high
rise. This is truly a dream come true. I always knew a better life
would start showing up again, but I'm getting more than I ever
dreamed. This city is so amazing. It really cares. God
works through so many. Thank you everyone. Thank you God.
In Rise Above this I wrote on 10/15/13 and publish on
11/7/13), I wrote:
(11/7/13 - I said "I'd love to!" and, now I
am. Living in a high rise is a lifelong dream come true. I never
dreamed it would come like this, but God works in so many amazing
(6:15M on 10/22/23) Like I wrote above and as can be read, I
wrote about it quite a bit prior to receiving it. I also wrote while
living there how much it meant and how important it was that I kept it. It’s
obvious I wanted to live in a high-rise and that dream came true when Kerry
(Angel In Disguise, Angel, Superwoman) with The Community Living Fund showed up
and housed me near the top of Fox Plaza. I was going to live there
the rest of my life and I will write more about it, but since Donald Trump did
not get to stay in the White House, I didn’t get to stay in my dream come true.
At 1:07 PM on my birthday, I need to get myself over to
Columbus and Broadway via and to The Underground. Last night, was
dinner. I ate my first Big Mac in probably 16 years. I make my own
(vegetarian style), but, last night I could not resist. The last time I
had something resembling fast food was in 2014. My brother
Michael (Loveland) and his friend Justin (Just) came out for a couple of
days, and we went to Pancho Villa in The Mission District. I guess my Big
Mac was my big birthday gift, but now I want to buy myself a poster. Where I
live today which is very near 7th and Market is just a block away from 6th and
Market which is where The Underground used to be located when it first
opened. It was conveniently located beside The Warfield where so many
bands have performed in its 100-year history. I believe it is just after
Christmas this year that the Warfield will be 101 years old. Somehow,
since one of the 3 things this blog is based on, Rock and Roll, I guess I
should call it Sinistry 101. The other 2 that we as humans have made
sins of are, of course, sex and drugs.
(11:00PM on 12/24) On more than one occasion I wrote
how this blog consisted of sex, drugs and rock and roll. Appropriately
enough, The blog I wrote on 12/29/14 just before the Covenant began to unlock
was Lola Montez. Lola Montez in that blog ended up being Mary Magdalen and it
began like this:
Lola Montez
Late Night San Francisco |
“When you worship something, you become like the thing you worship.”
- Reverend Jay Wilson, City Church
The lust of my life is I.V. meth and sex. Does that mean I worship those things? Kind of. Is their anything Good about lusting for something. I can promise you, there is not. Especially if it's sex and drugs. Lusting for rock-n-roll is okay. Music is in my soul! I need to keep it there!
I have said so many times throughout this blog that it is
about me but it's about so much more. In the blog, Already
Gone I wrote on 6/13/12 and publish on 7/10/12 began like this:
I'm having a hard time. I wish I could end it
there. For starters - I can't. I think it helps me to write.
Others have told me it helps them. That's all I need to remember.
Although this blog is about me - it's not about me.
When I say it’s not about me and how it’s about so much
more, that so much more I meant is God. Sometimes I refer to it as The
Universe. Sometimes I just spelled it out: G-O-D. Man has had
his vices since the Time of Creation which I believe was the Garden of Eden.
This includes the oldest profession in human history. I guess it can be
seen as an exchange for a bite of that forbidden fruit. I don't think God
likes prostitution, but I also believe God understands humans in
that way, but I know as humans, we complicate sexual things.
(3:03PM on 12/15/23) Speaking of Complicating sexual things, in the past
two nights, I have gone to a strip club, and to a concert venue only to learn I
was pick pocketed for my ticket which wound me up into a sex club. I'd say it
was because I was locked out of my apartment but Fables and Fairytales had me
take a Last Dance with Mary Jane I Highly Suspect it allowed us to Dodge Old
World Order wave Experience but my Pastor that used my ticket and he is not a
Great American, but he once gave (Alonos Saxophone and I a Night
of City Hope with a Magic Orchestra with a Little Firecracker at a Music
Hall and Girl that is.
(2:45AM on 10/11/24) Again, this blog has been about me, but
as I have written throughout this blog over the past 19 years, it’s about so
much more. It’s about G-O-D. It’s about GOD. In Wake Me Up When September Ends, I
It actually had TWICE the normal readership for some reason. I guess people love drama. Come to think of it, isn't that what this blog is all about - the drama surrounding sex, drugs and rock-n-roll! No Dave, it's supposed to be about God! It is, but my being has a tendency to wanna slip into my old ways. That's why I need God. That is what this blog is about.
The Underground Rail that I can still take to the
New Underground Rail (The Central Subway line) is under
Market Street. Today, The Underground Store is by where I used to
live in North Beach. I lived above The Garden of Eden. I wrote some
good blogs while living there because even though I didn’t feel like I was On
Top of the World, I Perhaps was not a rat, but a bat because I once had a dog
who was a rat but posed as a bat. I was just a man knew My Recovery Comes First
which is why I got to feel like Superhero even though I just led a bunch of
Phil's Halloween costume in 2010
My apartment above The Garden of Eden and The Underground are both located near the corner of Columbus and Broadway which is probably one the most photographed and painted intersections in San Francisco. I took the photos below in 2010 while making Susan a photo book for our anniversary on 8/10 that year.
Columbus and Broadway 2010
The building in front is The Sentinel Building also known as Columbus Tower is owned by Francis Ford Coppola behind it is The Trans American Pyramid. I have called it my second favorite building.
I would start Under The Bridge but would end up on Top of
The World which was a dream come true. I
proposed to her at Coit Tower in 1995 and we stayed there on our Honeymoon in
Coit Tower 2010
I would not live above The Gargen of Eden and be seen as Batman until 2012 which is when I took this photo:
Yesterday, I finally went to The Underground. And, since I’m The Cincinnati Kid, I’ve drawn a lot of Aces:
The Underground, and this time I’m talking about San
Francisco Municipal Railway, is really cool. I like having the new Union
Square and Chinatown Stations. I also really like Forest Hill Station
across the street from where I lived for 5 months which was Laguna Honda
Hospital as underground Train Stations. Forest Hill was the first subway
station west of Chicago when it opened in 1918. It smells like and
resembles a Chicago or New York Subway Station. Then there are the 70’s
original Street Level close to Sea Level in congested Urban Area Stations that
are commonly big stations as a part of the underground rail. Most of them
are big because they are stations for 2 rail systems.
The Underground, and this time I’m back talking about the
shop It is in a great San Francisco neighborhood near one of the most
photographed intersections in San Francisco and possibly in the world.
The original Underground beside The Warfield Theater was great but this new one is
better and bigger. I’d say it may be ten times bigger, It is nice.
Speaking of New Undergrounds. Like Market Street, The Underground shop
made it to Chinatown/Northbeach near Columbus and Broadway before The San
Francisco Municipal Rail Line (Subway).
Going back to The Underground which was actually in San
Francisco before The Underground Train was put under Market Street took me back
in time. It is located in the neighborhood where The Beatniks began as it
is a couple of doors down from City Lights Bookstores and It makes me think of
San Francisco until this day as A Summer of Love. The Underground
still offers modern products which include colorful clothing that is “in tune”
when you wear it, When out of town visitors come to San Francisco, it has earned
a spot on the North Beach -, Chinatown portion of the tour I offer to
guide. Musically, it seems to first and foremost offer Grateful Dead
“jamband” attire, but it sells many bands t-shirts and posters. I guess
it is a secondary head shop and smoke shop since it carries a few such items
for the head. You never know who could wander into The
Underground. I've been told by then owner (Underground) that
Jerry Garcia himself wandered into that store before. I was talking to
voices in my head to claimed to be the band members of Phish because I woke
up one morning believing they were in town on a tour at The Greek in Berkeley.
I even went to meet them at The Underground. I went and told the owner
(Underground) they were in town. I did not say I was going to meet
them. I bought my birthday poster in early February. I would later
learn they weren’t even in town. I know they showed up a couple weeks
later for three nights at The Greek and Undergrounds voice in my head said
they stopped in. I never know where I’ll run into the owner either, However, if
members of The Dead are playing somewhere, there is a good chance he will be at
the show!
On 6/27/15, someone wandered over to Levi Stadium, because a
guy a knew from Walden House I’ll call Carl had a sugar daddy buy him a ticket
to the show. Towards the end of the first set while he was feeling some Vio
Lee Blues he said, “Jerry’s missing.” Moments later”:
When he told me that at Walden House on Monday, I knew Carls nickname was now Rainbow. Jerry wanted to let us know he really was
there as his voice had said he could now be after waking from Althea the first
half of 2015. Estimated Prophet is True prophesy. It was written.
It was “Rainbows and down that highway” following the first show of The
50th Anniversary of the Grateful Dead shows. I wrote about it more in a
blog I began in 2015 that was to follow my blog Liberty which became Liberty
(Revelation). The next blog became Highway to Hell – Back in Black that
was even published as a work in progress like Liberty (Revelation)
became. This is what makes it confusing and I started adding dates and
times to what I still am writing to Liberty (Revelation) part 3.
After the shows, Marty (Eyes of the World), Suzanne (Ripple), Hunter (Hunters Point), and Siera (Sierra – Nevada) and I got on a northbound VA Transit Light Rail Train. It like Levi’s Stadium was rand new. Levi’s Stadium is where The NFL’s San Francisco 49ers play. We just sat down on seats facing each other when I recognized The Undergrounds Owner, Underground was sitting beside me. Marty and Sue sat in the two seats across from us that were facing us and Marty start to say how cool that rainbow was and the owner quickly said, “That was Jerry!” He is so right. I believed it was a sign letting us know Jerry was with the moment I saw it it was Jerry Garcia as I knew, back then. I kept waking him up every time I shot meth. He was always cool, but we seemed to think I needed to stop. Eventually, in time for that show, he stayed awake in heaven with us. I’ll never forget the day I saw him when he was Standing on the Moon. It seems he woke up just in time for everyone. That winter, exactly 6 months later, some of the remaining members played Bill Graham Civic Center Auditorium. This time, we saved Seattle from a Tsunami. I will explain how our Wake of the Flood occurred in the future and how we were able to Dodge the Tsunami in 2015 since Underground was on that Train when Eyes of the World mentioned that Rainbow there would be no Ripple in still water when there is no pebble tossed, no wind to blow. I saw Underground on my way out of The Big One and The Music Never Stopped. I wrote quite a bit about the Underground as in the store and the subway. I think, what I thought was so important about “underground” is that is where the earthquakes are created, one way or another. When I say, one way or another, I am speaking of coal miners in their after life after their death. I noticed Donald Trump specifically looked to coal miners in his last campaign. I assume it’s because when we die, we can still go to an area I call The Masonry which is located between ground level of the earth and hell which is at the center of the earth. I will explain other possible places we can end up after death in the future, but for now I want to write about The Masonry which is located in caverns underground.
(3:14PM on 11/8/24) As far as The
Underground goes, my dad says, “It’s not bad down here.” It’s not Universal Heaven, but apparently, it’s
not bad. For years it seems some would
go down to the Masonry and spend some time there and then reincarnate to become
someone else. I have spent time down
there myself. I guess the last time is
when I died when I was about 3 years old. I will explain more in the future. I would end up in The Coventry, which is where Janus Joplin is. She is The Angel of The Coventry. I believe Amy
Lee from Evanescence and I spent time down there together and she was a good friend
of mine. It seems we were close. I know she would be born ten years after me in
1981. We were both born in December. Me on the 7th and her on the 13th. It
seems we were both to be born on notable dates.
I was born on a date with historic history to it with Pearl Harbor. She was born on a date in which there is a meteor shower
every year.
Being underground can be a good
thing. Before, we got a new life. Now, people down there can advance themselves
up to heaven. However, if they do not
change down there, they can demote themselves to hell. People from hell can also get out of hell and
go to heaven since that is what my mother did in 2015 and Bon Scott of AC/DC did
in 2016. Both of these things occurred after
Steve Earle would perform The Revolution Starts Now at Hardley Strictly
Bluegrass. So much more happened those
days which I have written some about and will write more about.
Hell is underground too. It is in the center. I believe there is a portal in the center of the
earth that will take someone to the sun…. I’ll explain more in the future.
As far as coal miners being down there. That seems to be how many earthquakes have
been created by The New World Order which has existed for a long time. It was people like Bobby McGee who was not
doing wrong in the past when he was told to set something off which caused and
earthquake. It seems God understands they were doing what they were told just like
God understands that they are not setting them off anymore which is why San Francisco
has not had one occur. They may stop all
together some day since there is a possibility that the Ocean Draining down to
the center my be cooling the mantle somehow.
I have no idea, but that seems to be a possibility.
(back to 2/2/23) The other possibility
that can create earthquakes come from above ground. This possibility may start
at earth level, but seems to penetrate underground. I am speaking of
electromagnetic impulse. (1:29PM on
1/12/24) I just now while sitting at
General Hospitals 4E waiting to get to my podiatry appointment 4D. It may be 4D but I am of course David today,
but I’ll go by D. “Wisdom” will always
remember this. Some I wrote a little which is all I know about
it in Jack the Beanstalk. I also wrote
about Bobby McGee "from the coal mines of Kentucky to The California Sun." I wrote about how Janus Joplin and Bobby
McGee showed up in previous blogs. I don’t think I specifically explained how
Bobby McGee himself showed up on 10/19/15 when I shut the gates of hell. I would end up where I sit right now that day
– General Hospital. I think I can blame
only myself for this visit. I think I
have the tip of a broken syringe in my foot.
It’s a long story how all that came about which no one believes in me
for. That’s until they learn everything
and it doesn’t change the fact that as victimized as I am, I am still the
crime. Even when I shot up successfully,
I never had that many needles in my home.
I’m sitting here where they kind of killed me a couple of years ago
before I had spinal surgery. I gave them
credit for saving the world that day in which I was told would be the end of
the world about a month earlier when a voice said the world would end on
10/8/23. I know I told the voices in my
head to keep an eye out for the earth that day, but had no idea I would be
having spinal surgery that day. I gave
them credit for saving the world for the simple but necessary fact that I was
still alive after I heard there were complications. I’ve since learned that they basically pulled
the plug at a time when I was put under. I have learned most of this from the unlikely
source of voices in my head. I know they
are true, but so many lie. I don’t know the details other than I had a spinal
infection, MRSA and Covid 19. I had
already had 4 ten-hour surgeries in 2013 after jumping off that 5 story parking
garage to go to a never ending hell since there was to be a meteor shower to
destroy life on earth when the asteroid did not come down. They, of course, saved my life back
then. I’ll write more about what I’ve
heard happened that day and in 2013 and what happened on April Fools Day in both
2013 and 3 years later in 2016
(9:51AM on 3/08/24)
Why do so many get in the way of everything I do. Not just some things, everything. I could be sleeping, eating, walking,
writing, using drugs because I have to and “they” make me. If you think that is crazy. You are right it is. If you think I am crazy, I hate to say it,
but you are. Someday everyone will be
permitted to read what I wrote for 18 years now which will explain the agony of
this drug use. For years before, it was
horrifying, but I learned so much in those times when I was out there in some
sort of “ Super Soldier” training. I now
know that I was being mind controlled by the New World Order, but still see it
the way True Prophets Van Halen sang it in Love Walks In placing not the New
World Order, but God as my master when they sing, “To my Master, I become a
Well, since Donald Trump says he owns me, I guess he thinks he is “My
Master.” He apparently did all he could
to make me late for my 9:45 appointment at General Hospital today. I waited at least 20 minutes for a 9 or 9R
bus to get to General Hospital today. I
guess I signed in about 5 minutes late, so it’s not too bad. One of these demons is purposefully applying
pain to my kneecap. I’m here to see
about getting this pin out of my foot which I here is what allowed them to pull
my foot back to step on a thick metal pin in the ground on Market Street
between 4th and 5th Streets. I had just gotten all my STD test results
back from the needle exchange on 6th Street. I went there because I don’t trust General
Hospital or HealthRight. 360. The truth
is, I love General Hospital and I can even give them credit for saving the
world because despite the system trying to kill me, they did save my life at
least a couple of times. As much as I do
feel they deserve credit, I can never deny who gets all of the credit – GOD.
(8:50 on 2/14/24) God is of course my master even though Donald Trump says owns me. This morning, I was hearing President Obama’s voice in my head. He said to me that he believed in Donald Trump more than me. I asked him how that was possible since Donald Trump says all the time, that he owns me. Isn’t there a 13th Amendment in this country Emancipating such a thing? I believe I see us both as once Abraham Lincoln. I believe President Obama said something like, “He owns us all.” I know what he means, but the manner in which Trump comes about controlling so much through his addiction to power and money. I’ve written about power and money addicts in I know one previous blog, because it is the one blog that I know I have read the most. That blog is Contrails. In Contrails which I first published on 11/6/06 and then republished on 8/20/12, I wrote:
It seems the real issue in this movie (Lord of War) and in the real world) is about money. This happens to be Yuri’s addiction. His brother is an addict in the more conventional and less accepted way in our society. His addiction is cocaine. I believe money addicts tend to cause more harm to the world then any drug addict ever could. With money usually comes power. With power comes a need for responsibility. As humans we tend to be self-seeking – part of what being an addict is all about. It can be hard to be self-seeking and responsible at the same time. Drug addicts are certainly guilty of being self-seeking. However, most end up with little or no money – therefore, have little to no power.
The 9 bus was not running “behind”. (9:44AM on 2/14/24) In fact, now that it’s
9:45, I’m still running early for my appointment which is at 9:45. I’m on the 9 bus but I’m on my way home. Somehow, I was a day early for my
appointment. My appointment is 9:45 on
Friday not today which is Thursday. I could explain how last night at One Forty
some AM when I set my clock it said the alarm was 1 day, 5 hours, and twenty some
minutes until the alarm would sound. However, I also saw today’s date at the
bottom of the computer. (10:17AM
on 3/14/24) I am now at the Mary Minna Park which I just saw the real name
is Parks at 5M. I just left the
hospital 3M is now 4D, but I think that fits into the last place I was writing
– General Hospital. I guess this park is
4D since I am sitting here writing with internet access thanks to G. When I write G, it’s because I just noticed
that sign hanging outside of The Minna Building as I called it during it’s
construction is actual called The George.
Not George as I spoke of in the beginning of Light’s Shook Me All Night
Long since he is connected to the key I was missing on my computer which was
W. I like that if G is with W we could
connect those letters to George Washington.
I asked President Obama or whoever has back search possibilities to
things I have said of I ever called George Washington GW. He said it was not GW but something
else. I then remembered KW. That’s what I use to call my cousin, Kenny
- KW Hinds I’ll explain the details some day. I’d just like to say that at the stage in our
life, Kenny could do no wrong. We were
“Cousins” and even referred to each other as “Cuz” sometimes, but in my insane
world of voices and glycerin “demons”, we are not what we used to be. The thing that makes me wonder about what the
voices have told me is how connected they are to true prophesy that cannot be
denied. In fact, it is connections that
could have never been picked up on with voices beginning to here what I was
saying when I had no idea what I was saying.
It seems a combination of my always speaking the truth and so may having
something to hide, makes me “hard to talk to.:
I never quite got that part, because I have always tried to be easy
going and accepting to everyone regardless of their reality. I said things like, if I had your DNA makeup
and lived your life, in all likelihood, I'd be you. I’m not even sure what to make of such a
statement anymore. In fact, since I’ve
factored free will as a beautiful gift from God that can send us to hell” into
it all but realized God’s Will is graphically designed before us.
That Contrails blog comes up again in this blog which I have no idea what it will be. Could be Lights-m Shook Me all Night Long or it could be what’s sounding better as I write about Washington, which is currently called Mary Jane Spiderwoman. It was called My Name is Mud, but I thought a Superhero name fit better. If I factor Coit Tower in when Wavy Gray’s April Fools Monday, Washington Park becomes part of it all a few years ago and even more than I was even just writing about when ni8 factor incredibly amazing prophecy part all of this blog which is what I have been calling modern day Psalms which is music.
Oh, G is the Presidential God of the Galaxy who is George H. W. Bush’s initial. It’s his son too, but he has always been W to me since that is what my ex-wife alwaycalled him. (4:43PM on 1/3/25) Oh, G makes sense he and his so seem to be the countries original George (Washington) who I see as an Original Gansta making them an O.G.
(4:38PM on 10/26/23) I mentioned at the beginning of this
blog how they delete so much of what I write with a word or a sentence or
paragraphs part by part each time. This is an extreme example of what I
end up with. It’s partially what I do in the confusion I constantly
face. I can’t even really read this one legibly, but I’d do remember
writing. My blog is chopped up pretty good making me seem like an
idiot. Below is what they want you to read:
uskTime of Creation structure wits strong foundation- A e
Great Pyramid. Along this Alice B Toklas true name is not her
trruthhal roAlice uteoftellths of Grateful Dead can be found arter The
Garden of Eden Ciitycofound. Books tell of time times between because evevn
be Lights r Going h s Truck we can get to 1906. But of we
research a little furthewe la
(1:29PM on 8/20/23) 11 years ago, I republished Contrails and even added a little to it along the way. At the end I met an AirForce Colonel who just moved to Giza and was talking about the great Pyramid that King Kufa built. I find this meant a lot more than I hoped for since I believe I was once King Tutankhamun who is the arch of the covenant.
I sent him the photo I said I would. He replied saying next time he was up; he would send me those pyramid photos. I hope he does. I also hope he watches Lord of War. It will likely make more sense to him than it did to me. I can’t help but to think it was all somehow meant to be. I hope so.
I can't think of a song for this one. It took me a week to write and one never even came up for me. Perhaps it should be called "Rose" for now. That's at least unit I may come up with another. Perhaps Rose has one for us. Good night, Rose. Rose sure needs prayer everyone. Thank you.
Rocket Queen became a good song at first and will be explained, but it seems to have a closer connection to another Queen, That Queen is Minna Choi and you’ll see what I mean and seemed to see. Since I could tell the Queen of Diamonds, by the way she shined, Loser is a good one, but that’s not what she is, Sister Rose is Sitting Hush with a Royal Flush, Aces back to back but as can be read, she is Ramble on Rose. (5:16PM on 8/20/24) When I hear Sister Rose's voice in my head these days, she says she likes "that" song - Ramble on Rose. If Rose is going to Ramble On I'm going to Babble On so it works for me. I didn’t think of this one back in 2013 because I did notice a “Street Poker” connection. One that I wrote in 2013 that I couldn’t think of anything to name it, so I called it New? I wrote it on 3/16. So much more will be revealed in my future blog I’m writing titled 316. New? ended like this:
In 2013, 2/15 was the day I was taken out of intensive care at General Hospital and moved to Laguna Honda Hospital to complete my rehabilitation which is where I would continue “learning to Walk again”. It was also the day I saw my bloody, cut off clothes and had EMT’s surrounding me for the move. It was at that moment I knew; I jumped off of that building. It was most importantly the day when the Russian Meteor Shower which was Not the end of the World when the asteroid did not come down as I would read about from The Christian Science Monitor written by Fred Wier Since it is ”to 2/16” in the Book of Revelation. Since it is verse 22:16, I guess it can be considered “to my fund raiser“ at Bocca Billiards which occurred on 2/16 in 2013. (to)2:(/)16
I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
- Revelation 22:16
(11:09 on 8/13/23) One may think that 1/15/13 would be the clean date in which I see as the most significant clean date I ever had. I guess it was at the time! How could I possibly shoot that drug after a suicide attempt? I wasn’t incredibly excited about the reason my new life began, but it was in fact a “new life”. Seeing as though I would have my Mary Magdalene encounter, I would come to see that day as the day Jesus arrived. That is when it was no longer my clean date, however. Before that, my last day to use in 2012 was 3/16, making my clean date 3/17. I believe those numbers are coincidentally connected to important dates and other numbers such as stadium sections or times something randomly occurred in my life and even a song to what has become the most used two bible verses I have used to help point out who I am.
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world
to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved
- John 3:16-17 (KJV)
(10:13PM on 8/13/23) It wasn’t the date I had to Give to Live in 2013 that I felt was most significant. In many ways, for me, it was D-Day. Not like Four of a Kind or Rose which was published on 6/6, It was apparently a time for and Uprising which I also wrote on 6/6 but published on 7/10. But it was not D Day as in The Day Day, (10:27AM on 8/2/24) D is meaning the day the allies landed in France to begin the allied invasion of Germany in 1944 during World War II. I always thought the D stood for Decision meaning it was the day we decided we would invade. For allied troops, it was not a day soldiers were going to hell, It would be a day victory would begin. I still believe in many ways, that day was hell to many soldiers. For me since I thought it meant Decision Day, it was the day I decided to jump. It was the Day I was going to hell. That date was huge at the time. That date for me was 1/15 which is Martin Luther King, Juniors Birthday. To me, the most significant became 8/13 in 2015 while I was unlocking the Covenant when there was a New Moon and a Meteor Shower. It seemed Althea kept “letting me know this would happen” by asking me, Did the balloons fall yet? It was on a date on a shirt I had just received just two years earlier from my aunt Donna. She bought it for me In Cincinnati when I was in Laguna Honda Hospital recovering from my injuries, I obtained from my faithless leap to go to a never-ending Hell. I kept answering to Althea, “Yeah Althea, Russian Meteor Shower – Not the end of the world. The asteroid did not come down. I will explain in the future how I see the number 40 to represent angels of the stratosphere and so, It is a Grateful Dead shirt from their performance at The Great American Music Hall, The shirt which told me I was “anointed” by God with a splash hit from Barry Bonds. I also believed I was in some kind of earthquake as a movie titled San Andreas 9.6 portrayed and a sonPg titled Shook me All Night Long by AC/DC performed at that stadium 9/25/15 to become True Prophesy to support what I wrote in 2006.
(2:07PM on 10/18/24) This photo was taken at Laguna Honda’s art class. You will read in the future how Minna Choi’s Beatles Choir performed at the hospital while I was there which was a couple years before I would see her and her Magic Magic Orchestra at Great American Music Hall. It was this photo that began giving me clues to suggest that John Lennon was Mahatma Ghandi. You will see and read more factual evidence that became True Prophesy to connect these two amazing men.
I read in 2015 that one-night years ago, people had to climb
through the roof of The Great American Music Hall to get to the moon to find
The Grateful Dead or something like that. It turns out, Althea was
talking about a Grateful Dead show all along herself. She meant Bill
Graham, Father Time would come out and the balloons dropped from the
ceiling. One night right as the Covenant began to unlock, Gina showed up
to make it another “Night with Gina.” This night included Dan the
Man but I now see the most notable appearance came from Father Time, not
because he wasn’t there that night, but he still wasn’t there, however a part of his
soul resides next door at The Civic Auditorium. Dan the Man may have
showed up to a Grateful Dead Concert the way Dan the man Shows up at
Grateful Dead Concerts, so I didn’t question him when he said, like Great
American for those in attendance, for Dan the Man, they weren’t there. It
was at Bill Graham (Father Time himself Civic Center Auditorium) so who knows
what it means. Sounds as though he might as well have
been Standing on the Moon but if you see Dan the Man, ask him
about it. (11:19PM on He tells his experience only the way he Dan the Man
can. Dan said he went to a show next door which was
Bill Graham Civic Center Auditorium on New Years Eve to see The Grateful Dead
and “they” weren’t there. Bill Graham had shown up with those balloons falling
so many times. I got to see balloons fall on New Years a couple of time
at Bill Graham Civic Center Auditorium. (8:01AM on 6/14/24) Dan’s voice in my head said he went back to that show the way many have told me and saw himself and that seems to be the culprit. A few people have
explained doing such a thing but did not see themselves, yet knew they were
(back to 8/13/23) I never saw the significance of those dates until after I came to believe I was the Man of Jesus. I still see today as the day that was my most significant clean dates ever. Wouldn’t you know it, it was 11 years ago that I sat in the woods of Golden Gate Park and was a set list writer for Outsidelands. Last Night was an extra treat to the Outside Lands Saturday Night Headliner, The Foo Fighters in their choice of Foo Fighter songs and a music “medley”. (9:50PM on 8/15/23) That Medley the other night included Enter Sandman – Metallica, Paranoid, -Black Sabbath, Sabotage – Beastie Boys, Blitzkrieg Bop -Ramones, Haven’t Met You Yet - Michael Buble and they were even joined on stage by Michael Buble. They played so many of their songs I used as blogs 10 or 11 years ago, In fact, I recorded a few videos yesterday in which I read a few of their blogs they were mentioned in. Many of their songs were used in blogs that did not use their name including yesterday's edition when I read Charlie and the Hot Chocolate Kids in which I used 4 Foo Fighter songs. That blog even has a Nirvana cover song when they did David Bowies Man Who Sold The World. It also had Walk, Look to the Sky and Times Like These all of which they played last night. Their second to last song, Aurora was dedicated to Taylor Hawkings who is their drummer who died. Taylor Hawkings was born on 2/17/72 which is the same day and year as Billy Joe Armstrong from Green Day was born. He died on 3/25/22 at the age of 50, I already believed in this man, yet I did not know a lot about him. 3/25 connects him to The Blackhole Son himself who is Chris Cornell from Sound Garden who is also from Seattle. 3/25 is 5/23 in reverse which is the date Norah Jones performed Blackhole Son in Detroit just after Chris Cornell died there. I didn’t hear much from Taylor Hawking, but I thought he was on board and I know he is in The Universal Heaven.
Since Sabbath Bloody Sabbath was to occur on the same day
that Live Journey Album from Houston was released, I think it is also important
how the covenant began unlocking with a key to the city that was given to an
important young superhero on 11/15/13.
(7:06PM on 9/15/24) In the next blog, 2 Shakedown Street
Batman really starts to show up. Like the
modern-day story of David and Goliath is quite different than the story from
3000 years ago, so to is this Batman story.
Still, God see’s me as a dark super hero who has been known to wear
tights on a few occasions. I live more
like the Joker than Bruce Wayne, but I hope that will change. It was my days of living above The Garden of
Eden and it also involves some other David’s and that’s where the Rockin Robyn’s
show up and as many occasions. In this
blogs story of Batman, The Joker lives a little more like Bruce Wayne which is
in large part because he has stollen Batman’s fortunes. The Penguin also shows up and was once
President of the United States and doesn’t live in the sewer – yet.
Shook Me All Night Long
I took this photo 9/2/07 from the new Bay Bridge East Span on one of our bay Bridge construction tours of the troll Iron
Workers welded to the section of the Bay Bridge East Span that was replaced as
a result of The 1989 Loma Prita Earthquake.
I have referred to that bridge as Goliath in the past. For David to defeat Goliath this time, Goliath needs to stay standing. I would also figure out who Goliath once was and believe he got his pay backs from our days of Throwing Stones as I will explain someday. I wrote a song called Tequila and Trains which sings about this. It too involves the World Trade Center. I even wrote a blog using this song in 2006 and more in 2007 but never published them. I thought it was going to be a short story. I thought at times I may be writing a book. When I first started writing believing they were planning an earthquake in Liberty (Revelation) – Chapter 1.
(11:29PM on 11/4/22) I just noticed a lot of
numbers in reverse that tell more of a story towards what was written than I
ever noticed before. It’s funny how when I wrote about meeting God in
Contrails and I had "Just one question" I did not explain
that what I asked was not spoken, but when I write about turning around again,
that’s when I know after all that I had witnessed and experienced out at Lands’
End, The Presidio and Baker Beach and my just being in what felt to be a huge
earthquake by that ballpark that what the man knew I was asking was, “What is
going on?” In Contrails I would write:
One night, I was walking around the docks. It was windy. The water was choppy. The ground seemed to be moving beneath my feet. I kept thinking we were having an earthquake. It occurred to me that at times I was walking on a surface that was elevated over the water. As I said, it was windy and the water was choppy, but I have felt windier and seen choppier and never felt the ground move like it seemed to be that night. I recall walking down the walkway between McCovey Cove and the Giants Stadium and noticed the ground moving. It did not seem like it should be moving that much if it was supporting a major league baseball stadium! I even felt the ground rolling back and forth when I was clearly not on a dock, but certainly on land. I was very confused.
(8:06AM on 6/10/24) It turns out, I did meet Noah. I had met him, but he had not been on Pier 30/32 yet. Big Kenny lived in the East End…. I’ll get to all that. That National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association ship docked at the end of Pier 30/32 is The David Star Jordan.
(9:41AM on 11/9/24) I knew that when that mysterious man
pointed at the contrail overhead what that meant since I had been seeing
contrails in the sky forming crazy patterns just before a rogue wave would arrive
at places like Lands End and The Presdio.
What I did not think of was that bridge it crossed over. Afterall, they were in the process of
constructing a new East Bay Bridge Span that would be more likely to stand in
an earthquake and that one survived Loma Prieta. I now see what was being pointed out was not just
the contrail, but also the bridge itself in which that contrail intersected.
(back to 6/10/24) It seems I was writing the modern-day story of David and Goliath all along when I wrote blogs titled Tequila and Trains. I wrote back then that I thought I may be writing a book. I said it was at least a short story. As I continue to write this true story of events that unfolded in our lives, Tequila and Trains seems to be the fitting story to this modern day story of David and Goliath. I had written parts to that story twice in 2006 and 2007, I would write a blog titled Cumberland Blues which continues the story about Tequila and Trains back in 2015 when my uncle Danny who lived in Burnside, Kentucky was kicked in the head by a cow and died on Jason W’s who turned out to be Goliaths birthday. Susan was in New York City as the World Trade Center had just opened and she photographed it and the original towers footprints and can be recognized as True Prophesy in Daniel 4 which I will include in the Modern Day Story of David and Goliath titled Tequila and Trains.
(6:57PM on 6/29/23) As can be read below, the date that I
began writing about this bridge was 10/16/15. 10/16 is Bob Weir of the
Grateful Dead’s birthday. I have written somewhere I believe Bob Weir was
once Joseph A Roebling whose, engineering advancements built three of the
longest bridges in the world. The first parting The Ohio River was Cincinnati’s
John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge which opened January 1st in
1867. I believe Cincinnati's Roebling Suspension Bridge was a model for
New Yorks Brooklyn Bridge that opened on May 24th in
1883. I just read that’s The Brooklyn Bridges Towers fittingly enough are
127 feet tall which matches the numbers to what could have been the world peace
bell which I believe could have occurred on my birthday 12/7 which is the day
Pearl Harbor was bombed in 1941. I wrote about it being my nephew Tanners
birthday numbers. His birthday is 1/27. In the blog December 7th,
1941, I was writing about Chris Collinsworth. His voice in my head said
that he had began to notice some coincidental connections to numbers with
numbers such as his birthday. The next day, I looked up his birthday and
it was 1/27. He essentially pulled a “Don Henley” kind of comment as I
will describe in much more detail which began on Treasure Island because “There
she stood in the doorway.” It was a beautiful Sunset.
I would also learn that his dad was born on 2/12 which is
Abraham Lincolns birthday. His name is Abraham Lincoln
Collinsworth. It seems he was also Abraham Lincoln in ways that we may be
starting to understand. I believe that so too was President Barrack Obama. I will
try to explain such things in the future as even I don’t really understand
this, but with parallel universes and the possible cloning and historic
recreations that has taken place, it seems God somehow had to design this
incredible way of doing things. President Obama’s birthday is 8/4/48.
Forwards and backwards I see ’84 which obviously connects that unforgettable
year for me which was 1984 in which George Orwell wrote about a utopian society
gone wrong which was published in 1949. “Big Brother” was watching
everyone in the book titled 1984. Time After Time, that
number 84 as in that year 1984 arises and would ultimately lead to my Jump off
of a parking Garage. That Bay Bridge just happens to be 8.4 miles long.
The longest bridges in the world had been built by 1865 in
Cincinnati and by 1883 in New York by Roebling. Joseph Straus was born in
Cincinnati, Ohio whose family was of German and Jewish descent. After those
bridges opened, Joseph Straus was at The University of Cincinnati and would
become a structural engineer who built bridges around the world.
It was said that a bridge over the Golden Gate could not be built. There are no official records but, I believe 30 men fell while building that bridge. Safety netting has said to have saved 19 workers. They started a club called the “Halfway to Hell Club” of which 19 are said to be on the list. (Source: Wikipedia) 11 men would die building that bridge. At 4200 feet long it was the longest bridge span in the world when it opened on 5/27/37. Its towers are 746 feet tall.
It’s a bridge spanning the Golden Gate with it’s contrasting
international orange towers and roadway span. I had been walking towards
that bridge on more than one occasion believing I would end my life by that
bridge. For my own sick reasons, I was going to cut my wrists. Over
a thousand people have chosen to jump from that bridge, making it perhaps the
place in which the most suicides have occurred from. I have called that
bridge my favorite structure in the world. I received many books about that
bridge over the years as birthday and Christmas gifts. I spent countless
nights out in what feels like a remote Wilderness on either side west of The
Golden Gate Bridge at places called The Presidio, Lands end, and the Marin
Headlands. It was there I would notice someone was up to something.
Boats would come out into formation in the middle of the night and line
up. Lights could be seen underwater. Contrails would be created
which seem to create rogue waves. I was once caught up in a landslide as
I wrote about in Contrails which I first published on 11/3/06 and would
republish on 8/20/12. I wrote:
Suddenly I heard a series of popping noises. I looked to my right, toward the Golden Gate Bridge and saw flashes of light coming my way, each being equally as far apart as the other. One flashed right in front of me. It left a small cloud of smoke. I could even smell it. Suddenly, the ground I was sitting on began moving beneath me. I was now sitting atop a landslide! I began climbing as fast as I could - through trees, rocks and mud. It was very dark and I was very scared! I felt like I was climbing for my life.
I would also be in a rogue wave I could even term Tsunami as
I wrote about in Charlie and the Hot Chocolate kids. In the blog I
wrote on 3/25/12. Below is an excerpt:
One night, I was tweaking out at a shelter, at Golden Gate Beach. I had a tarp over me because it had been raining. I had been there for hours. I wasn't paying attention to the tide. I also thought I was up high enough. It was during a Pacific winter storm. A rogue wave demolished my little camp. It broke right over the top of me. Talk about scaring the hell out of a tweaker! I had no idea what had happened. I was soaked and freezing cold. My stuff was either soaked or was washed away - including one of my boots. I realized, behind me was this unstable cliff (due to the rain). In front of me was the Pacific Ocean in the middle of a winter storm. In the past I believed God sent waves to get me to leave places I was using. If God ever wanted me out of that place, it was that night!
What was going on? I had to investigate it. I
kept telling my wife, “Someone is up to Something”. I would type in the
words Lands End, Presidio and geological control and weather control and it all
pointed to a group known as The New World Order. The New World Order was
using a new kind of “warfare” to reduce the world’s population. I believe
they were creating Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Hurricanes to do so. I wrote
about it many times over the years in blogs such as Look Hear!
See? Listen (MySpace), Wake Me Up When September Ends (MySpace)
I wrote about in 2006, A Perfect Ending (MySpace) I published
on 12/23/11. Wake Me Up When September Ends (Blogspot) I
published on 11/7/12.. I also wrote about Jack the Beanstalk in
2006 in a blog that was never published. I included what I wrote in the
last blog I published titled, Jack the Beanstalk how I believe Jack the Bean
Stalk was in a prophesy that New Orleans was hit by a Hurricane Katrina by
using such an Unnatural Disaster. It was New Orleans 9th Ward
that seems to have been the major target.
(6:44PM on 7/20/23) Like I mentioned above, 10/16 is Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead's birthday. I believe he was the bridge Engineers who would build the bridge that couldn't be built which parted the Golden Gate. I believe he was Joseph Roebling, Joseph Strauss. I also believe he was Moses. In the Bible Moses would part The Red Sea. In this Book of Revelation, he seems to have parted The Golden Gate.
(?:49AM on 12/03/22) After the World Trade Center attacks, I decided I needed to move to San Francisco for "freedom's sake". Upon my arrival for an interview in San Francisco back in 2002 as I passed this huge lot with a deep foundation, I found it interesting to hear the wisdom of a San Francisco Street Person murmuring something about "Rats the size of Cat's." I have always listened to the apparent crazy homeless person passing by as he mumbles seeming nonsense. I was hungry after just checking in to my hotel at The Flamingo Inn after my long flight from Cincinnati for an interview at The San Francisco Chronicle the next morning. Hearing this man repeat, the words " Rats the size of Cat's, Rats the size of Cat's..." I simply thought to myself, "Good ol' San Francisco;" I would eat at Carl’s Junior at the corner of 7th and Market streets before I would slowly take my one block stroll back to The Flamingo Inn where I would stay the first night. Looking down into this deep foundation, I noticed something. Running throughout this deep foundation there were literally "Rats the size of Cat's". That "real estate" was previously occupied by a Greyhound Bus Station at the time, I did not know it would become a Federal Building I would live in the shadows of someday. When doing so and watching it go up, I began to call it the Death Star. It is at 90 7th Street, I still live in the shadows of it, I have done so for 11 of my 20 years living in San Francisco.
I would get the job, move to San Francisco, and get
an apartment on Steiner Street - in The Lower Haigh Ashbury
District. We lived in our first apartment two blocks away
from Alamo Square for two years until Susan found us an apartment in
the South of Market District (SoMa) on Minna Street less than 2 blocks
away from my job at The San Francisco Chronicle, Susan got the apartment
without my looking at it back then because I was a crack head. I
knew it was close to The Chronicle, and I trusted her. I loved it, but
now, we would live in the shadows of what I would come to believe was New World
Order Headquarters. We lived very close to The Federal Building.
Now, we were in the Belly of the Beast. Today, to me, it is The San
Francisco Federal Building and I believe it to be an architectural marvel. No
matter what it is, the New World Order does exist somewhere. It may be
somewhere like The United Nations Headquarters in New York City. The
Civic Center consists of United Nations Plaza.
Our apartment was 1/3 of a block away from
the Federal Building. The Flamingo Inn was on
the corner that is across the street. Today it is the good
hotel. We lived just next door to the Americana Inn, which is where
my dad and my stepmother, Marilynn would stay on their honeymoon in San
Francisco in 1985,
On 7/21/15 I noticed those hotels and the apartment we lived
in were all now painted green. 7/21 is Robin Williams birthday which is
my birthday in reverse, 12/7. A voice in my head seeming to be Althea
told me “Old book bad book Green Book Good Book,” I told Althea as a
voice in my head how I had written in previous blogs how her mother and I could
be characters from Green Days American Idiot album. About that time, the three
original members of Green Day showed up in my head. I would go ahead
and explain to them how I believed I was The American Idiot,
I’m sure some are able to see themselves is characters in the story to the
Album. They basically said, “Whatever.” They didn’t
really question what I was saying, but I know they had no idea at the
time. but that album is an amazingly true prophecy in this Book of
Revelation we are living in.
I also took the photos above and below on September 2nd, 2008. The Official Surrender of Japan from World War II was signed on the USS Missouri on September 2nd in 1945. The USS Missouri was used in the relatively recent Gulf Wars. In 2017, on September 2nd, I believe Mary Magdalen was shot "8" times, dismembered by chopping her into pieces and then I was told tossed into the trees of Golden Gate Park.
There is just something I love about the structure of an
urban environment. The bigger the better. Society has become very
innovative and creative in its handling of urban environment design. When
square footage at ground level begins to exceed that of which humans can
occupy, man’s answer has been to go vertical. Placing occupational space
such as work or living environments seem to make more since in an upward design
as higher up spaces tend to create a more revealing optical vantage point.
Below the ground has provided space for transporting such necessary human needs
like water, waste, and modes of transportation to and from these populated
urban environments When bodies of water or large crevice’s get in the way of
the quickest route to something, we no longer go around these obstacles, but
have chosen to construct over them. All these factors have allowed for the
design and construction of a modern-day urban environment that consists of
skyscrapers, bridges and tunnels. Visual art will always be a factor in such
necessary construction through innovative, creative, and appealing architecture
and design.
(7:47PM on 2/2/23) Yesterday. I finally went to The Underground. And, since I’m The Cincinnati Kid, I’ve drawn a lot of Aces.
The Underground, and this time I’m talking about San Francisco Municipal Railway, is really cool. It feels new. I like having the new Union Square ad Chinatown Stations and Fores Hill Station as underground Train Stations. Forest Hill was the first subway station west of Chicago when it opened in 1918. It smells like and resembles a Chicago or New York Subway Station. Then there are the 70’s original Street Level close to Sea Level in congested Urban Area Stations that are commonly big stations as a part of the underground rail. Most of them are big because they are actually stations for 2 rail systems.
The Underground focus seems to be music. It seems to
be a lot of music apparel, posters and general Merchandise that came to be in
the late 60’s and early 70’s following the Summer of Love. The Summer of Love
took place in 1967 in places such as Golden Gate Park in San Francisco and
Central Park in New York and is likely responsible for creating a new
counterculture. This counterculture seems to have begun with the Beatniks
which I believe was centered in San Francisco’s North Beach. Some
of these creative young people were in The Haight Ashbury District which was
where The Summer of Love occurred. Most would see it to be the birthplace of
hippies. Hippies are tuned into something that seems to connect them to a
distant past that centered on peace and love. Psychedelic drugs were
being experimented with to go along with the music that spoke for our earth and
for human beings who needed it and sometimes in opposition to war and about
peace. Music always had a message that came from the heart and soul during
the modern-day trying times of a War in Korea and in Vietnam and also at a time
Civil Rights were being established for women’s liberation. There were
also civil rights uprisings for African Americans and Native Americans. These
modern day sometimes true soldiers began their personal and continuing pursuit
of freedom as Buffalo Soldiers. I believe that there is more need for Civil
Rights for many in this country especially gay and dark-skinned human
This was when The Underground began - with the Summer of Love. It is the first counter culture store to open. I go to the store to buy music t-shirts and posters. Music is played on the speakers of The Underground of bands that are on t-shirts and posters throughout the store. A man I'll call (Wanders of Creation) just happened to wander into (Undergrounds) shop the day I was there with a guitar. He played us a song he was working on in which I remember the lyrics mentioning the time of creation since that is what I recall the song he played had him singing about. I also remember Pyramids being mentioned. It was about a lot more, but I had to imagine they both go back to The Time of Creation as do pretty much all deadheads and hippies gathered together today not only take a person back to the 60’s and 70’s but also to biblical times and back to the Time of Creation.
I wrote a lot about “Underground” and I mentioned
the owner of the store “The Underground” that I call (Underground).
I don’t know his real name. That tells me I need to take a trip to North Beach
and visit that store. I think I need a good t-shirt. Another time I
happened to see him was once again at a show. I did something I rarely do
at concerts which is leave before it was over. It was December 28th in
2015. Part of the reason I left is because I was in so much pain. I
had recently been 5150’d and the day I left, I rebroke my arm that I had
refused all pain medication and was healing in a temporary cast. I’ve
heard “they” broke it. I have no way of proving such a thing. I
only vaguely remember that morning, which was my birthday, 12/7/15. They
would put a solid cast on it and then interview me to see if I could be
released. I truly no longer heard voices in my head.
(3:28) When I write about The Underground, I guess what I am
really alluding to is the actual underground as in beneath the earth. It
seems coal miners are people who understand the Underground and that’s what the
song, Bobby McGee mentions when it says, “From the Kentucky coal Mines to the
California Sun.” (2:00PM on 6/14/25) That song is also tied to Bobby McGee. I
believe in a past life; Bobby McGee was a coal Minor. There seems to be
more than one Bobby McGee. In fact, in my building there is a man I call Bobby McGee. He and I sensed they were trying an
electromagnetic impulse which is set off on the earth and we were able to stop it from happening with our minds. The coal miners below stop them from
setting an earthquake off by not setting off explosives which is how they are created below.
It also seems my favorite Professor, Yarmov has a Bobby McGee connection,
Janus Joplin seems to also be connected to Bobby
McGee. I believe her to be the angel of the Coventry. I began
talking to her in 2015 when I was unlocking the Covenant. It was on
10/19/15 when I shut the Gates of Hell that Bobby McGee showed up. The
Gates of Hell seem to actually be doorways to the Masonry below where Bobby
McGee seems to be residing. He may also exist up here as I know one man
by that name since he resides in this building. I believe other
people who are important such as Peter Parker Spider Man reside both on the
earth and in heaven as two separate souls. Another example is John the
Baptist. I will explain more about John the Baptist resides both on the
earth and in heaven. It seems Bobby McGee as a couple of souls upon the
earth and in the Masonry. God seems to have given good all that we need
to get these things done, but it’s still difficult. I’m not really sure
how to explain what I know, but I just sense things that are backed up in other
ways from voices in other realms.
Underground himself who I now know his name is Salem who owns the
Underground shop on Columbus and Broadway even helped save Seattle by just
showing up to the 50th Anniversary of the Grateful Dead.
We saw him on the train after the show and he quicky pointed out that rainbow
was “Jerry”. The Big One was 6th Months later at Bill
Graham and I know the Music Never Stopped as I saw him as I left the show. I
believe he has been to quite a few shows. Jerry Garcia who I as
the God of The Galaxy has contributed to saving the earth and San Francisco many
(1:32P< on 5/29/24) I’m not sure what was written here, but I know it is referring to the time I was released from a 5150 hold at Sutter Hospital on 12/7/15. I know I was writing about my cab driver who picked me up and must have spoken of his chosen outfit he was wearing and his long hippie-like hair as I saw him as a person which I refer to as a Ghetto Hippy today. He had long hair and told me he was in a band. He told me his name was David. I wrote about this In a blog I wrote called San Francisco Police Department(Crawling). It was in that blog I wrote that I wrote his name and his nickname as David (Whoisinaband). I knew being 5150’d was the worst thing that could have occurred. About half the way home, the hospital called and said I left some things. He turned around and went back and got them.
Just after leaving this time the voices began in my head
again. The first thing that I heard someone say was “I won the Trophy!”
It was Donald Trump who I called (Whoisthegodfather) and disturbingly
enough, the first “thing” I thought of was a person. I thought of Minna
Choi. I was not too happy leaving that hospital, but now, I was really
confused. Why did the voices start back up? David told me about his
band playing quite a bit, but I never have had the time to find them. I
hope to still.
Getting out of the cab, I think I went and dropped my stuff
off upstairs. I went down and checked Anonda Fura because there was a slight
chance Minna would meet me there on our birthdays. I walked down Market
Street only to realize that the wallet and phone I left Fox Plaza with were
gone. I had no idea what happened to them both. I walked by an old
friend, and he fronted me something because I had no money. He would then
go into the hospital himself for about a month.
(3:16PM on 2/6/24) The following paragraphs are another
example of what I find written in my blog, after not reading it for nearly a
year. I have no idea what was written, but I assume it pointed out the
suspected offender. I will not speculate on who or what it was, but this is
what continues to occur with my blog. It even happened earlier today as I was
writing to that section. February 6 is Axl Rose of Guns N' Roses birthday. I
mention Rocket Queen above when I wrote about, Rose and Ramble on Rose. In fact,
I tried to change a section of that earlier today and it too is deleted. So this
is very frustrating. Interestingly, enough 316 is a blog I am writing in the
future and this was written on March 16 in 2013. 3/16 is Wolfgang Van Halen's
birthday. Wolfgang Van Halen is Valerie Bertinelli and Eddie Van Halen son.
February 6 is also Ronald Reagan's birthday who is the Heavenly God of the
(2:16AM on 3/16/23) I must write a little something in order to tame the demons who continue to attack me and rape others at this very moment. They are so disruptive to everything I do. I am told that as soon as I started writing this, many of them rushed to my head and started defecating. In fact, I just clicked on a video I recorded sometime last year and as the computer reading a blog I wrote in 2006 titled Hometown Blues.
Since I am now a dictator (I used the dictation option on my
computer), and I will not capitalize the d. My woman character I
become so that women are not raped by Trump’s henchmen demons I call Dee. I
wrote a song I think it was back in 2016 I call Taco My D that I won't bother
explaining now, and I won't play it to any grade school children. I had just
been talking to Mary about her tacos and how good they are. She said
she would make me a taco. I said, I’d love to eat your
taco!”, Then, I ask if she liked Mission
Burrito’s. I commented on how a Mission Burrito was very
big. My mind went south, and I started to hear what it sounded like I was
saying, so, I started to write a Loco Festive Cancion about
it. Another day soon after, I was walking down Minna Street and
found a hat with a big Green D on it which fit perfectly with Althea’s arrival
saying, “Old book, bad book. Green book, Good Book.” I will explain more later,
if you haven't read it already. The other day when I was looking for a coffee cup to buy, appropriately enough while shopping at Target,
I bought this one:
Speaking of a missing section, section 316 is missing at San Francisco Giants baseball stadium. I find this interesting, because when Paul Brown Stadium opened in 2000, we had season tickets to the Cincinnati Bengals. I was in section 316. It is now 10:27, which makes me think of the Lunatic Fringe of American FM which is W.E.B.N.. It's call numbers are 102.7. I said I want to point this out because I always try to record the time and date in which I begin writing something. Today's date is February 19. I point this out and recognize it has been 13 days since I wrote to this and I haven't even tried to put it on my blog. I was going to blame the fact that I have no PC in my possession at this moment, but I'm getting much better at navigating this Mac. There were a few Word documents that were in the works that are on both computers of mine that I broke. Actually, I can't really blame myself. This time, one is in the shop without my noticeably breaking it. The other one is sitting at my house with the caps lock keep blinking, telling me I need to clear the ventilation, update the drivers, perform a hard reset, or replace the keyboard, charger, and AC power supply to resolve these needs. Since it began at such an appropriate time I wanted to point out that that would be the station I would go to hear Van Halen or Guns N' Roses and since it is February 19 I should point out that today's date is when Bon Scott died in 1980, that's where I would also turn to hear AC/DC. I thought it should be known that when Bon Scott died after the prediction, he sang from the 1979 Song Highway to Hell was not wrong. Hell is where Bon Scott would go. (11:11PM on 7/2/24) I would like to point out that when I first looked up Scott to learn of his death date, I found 2/20. I found this significant because the number 5 continued to show to separate days. I was writing Liberty which became Liberty (Revelation) and learned his birthday was 7/9/1946. That song came out in1979 and that is the year my Grandpa Beaty “Buster” died. That is obviously 5 days after The United States of America’s birthday which is 7/4/1776. Some of my family called me “Little Buster”. My grandpa said where he went was not heaven. But it was hell to him. In the year 2013, it was 2/15 that “Little Buster” (the meteor) made it to earth but fortunately, “Buster” (the DA-14 Asteroid) passed by the earth and remained in “heaven”. I would jump on 1/15/13 and hit and then unexpectedly remain upon this earth. My Grandpa would go to heaven where he remains. 2/15/13 was a pretty significant day because I already knew the world to be on a “Highway to Hell” since the apocalypse was inevitable in my world. It would become Armageddon and in 2015 knew we were into The Bibles Book of Revelation. The Covenant was unlocked. I wrote, Bon Scott would die and go to hell but would do what he had to do to get himself out of Hell in year 2016 and Steve Earle who is Isaiah of the Bible showed up once again at Golden Gate Park, and perform Revolution Starts Now. There is a lot more to that story I will write about, but it first happened with my mother in 2015.
(6:46PM on 2/24/24) Since I just mentioned Steve Earle and how The Revolution Starts Now was so important, I must get back to Hometown Blues which is a blog using one of his songs I published on 10/17 in 2006. I also wrote a blog to John Lennon’s song Yer Blues on 10/17 in 2013. 10/17 was the date Loma Prieta occurred in 1989. (back to 3/16/23). Talk about Hometown Blues. I did not recall in 2006 that The Loma Prieta Earthquake occurred on 10/17. If the earthquake weren't enough to have Hometown Blues, I guess a world series team being swept might bring someone down. Oakland was dealing with the collapse of The Nimitz Freeway which was a double decker highway that was I-880. Still, The East Bay celebrated a World Series sweep. If tempers were flaring, it was not easy to get to Oakland from San Francisco or from San Francisco to Oakland. (8:25PM on 7/20/23) A section of the Bay Bridge collapsed cutting off all Bay Bridge Traffic.
(2:15 PM on 4/18/23) It was 2:20PM when I noticed what little bit I had written to something I just came across was deleted. Hopefully it can be read in its entirety. This is why this is being recorded on Facebook. I had it on my computer screen that was not being recorded, oh well. I had searched for the word ”wean” and two blogs came up, Pain and Yer Blues. I think the word blue has it’s obvious definition by speaking to a feeling we have just like I had Blues written about in Hometown Blues on 10/17/06. Yer Blues, by John Lennon* is using the song I published on 10/17 13.
(5:41PM on 12/1/22) The empty bridge photo from Sleepless In Santa Cruz is kind of an eerie sight to me now. To think
about that bridge possibly making it and the new one failing is....
Unthinkable. However, I think they plan on it being big enough to bring
it down like Hollywood created in San Andres 9.6. I heard at one they
planned a 10.6 as I previously wrote "somewhere", It may not be published yet. Either way I now know that The Richter is
between 1 and 10 with the biggest ever recorded was the Valdiva Earthquake in Chile on May 22, 1960. It was a 9.5 on the Ritcher scale. Overall, what they do is more important to all of earth, It makes a few skyscrapers and bridges seem like, its just a few
skyscrapers and bridges, Again, the scene would be microscopic.
As my video I’m recording reveals, “Batman” just walked by at approximately 2:41. I see the time (2:41) and it places it to a date which is April Fool’s Day ( to 4/1, to April Fool’s Day) which anyone can hear me speak about ten or so minutes ago, I decided not to go out on that new bridge for that earthquake because I wondered if I could somehow do better from heaven. I was 5150’d for a second time. This time it was a General Hospital. Officer Ross and Officer Castro “gave me a ride.” I will say that despite cuffing me, they ask some good questions. I would meet who I believe to be reincarnations of once emperor of China and, once again, Shirley Temple.
The third time was more of a charm than I believed it to be at the time was a charm as much last time she referred to me as Jesus. I was not Scott Bayou and she kne Charles (was) in Charge on the birthday of a King. I have much more to write about which includes penguins, so since Batman just went by, I must get to Batman - Under the Bridge before I return to Camp Maymac, Aliens and The Sexy D,A. it’s also important that this jump back to the Garden of Eden when Gina said I was a Superhero.
After refusing to take medicine while 5150’d at General Hospital, the orderlies would show up and then escorted me by the arm to a room where I was laid face downdown on a medical bed where one pulled my pants down a little in the back and,,,, I was waking up beside what seemed to be newly 5150'd patients who were all Mexican and were being held. After thinking about going to that bridge to ride it down I learned I would be released, I would decide I’d be better from the earth and hung out at Civic Center Plaza which is an open space where nothing could fall on me.
I knew there were Rats the Size of Cats, because this newly fenced in park behind me where we used to bring Willy Dog and then Phil to do their doggy duties I wrote about in Contrails. I was spending my time under some collapsed docks with wharf rats in South Beach. It was next to the dry dock where The Cosco Buson was being repaired after spilling thousands of gallons oil into The San Francisco Bay where the new bay bridge stands. The Troll was going to earn his fortune – Paris! I guess the Penguin was the Troll. The Joker got San Francisco,
12:18AM on 7/12/22new (8:11PM on 5/17/22) I began doing this for…. Oh, one date that comes to mind…. that new bridge that I believe was set to fall despite its 6.5-billion-dollar price tag and my coincidental acquaintances of bridge planners, engineers and an accountant makes us seem like fools to this world in which everyone is in order despite not wanting organized government in control of everything makes most people feel free to the reality that we are in some sort of slavery. Being a Slave to The Traffic Light may include time to glance at “(Your City) Propaganda Press” to see last night's score to the game. We know they will write what the outcome of the game truly was. But do we know that the recorded score was to be the true outcome of the game? When you fell asleep in the bottom of the 11th with one runner on base and Big Mike is up to bat for The City Team. You couldn’t believe you fell asleep and just had to know the score. Did Big Mike get another home run? Were we at 39 or 40 slash hits? How many kayakers were waiting for a ball? Does your heart sail away when you see in the photo it was the splash of a baseball?
(6:04PM on 6/04/23) It is important that I write to
blog. Everything
I say or read or even think is somehow fuel for their fire. I have
written how they continue to delete so much of what I write. Ever since I
unlocked The Covent, people are trying to claim it for
themselves. Donald Trump and Paul Trudeau are probably the two that
have so many ”working” for them who just happen to be my family and friends.
They form a mafia of crime that is essentially undetectable and is not spoken
with words of breath.. They steel my time to delete and disrupt everything I
have done and do. They pay him to go and he rewards them with what
he steals from me that I was giving away for free. His “henchmen and
women: disgustingly ride in or on my head everywhere I go and they tamper with everything I do. They attempt to trip me up to knock me down all the time, It is
disgusting and sometimes painful, but they do not care. It
feels good to them. It used to be so much more painful, but after I
started sharing the pain with them, they don’t make it painful anymore.
My concern is not for me, Neither is their concern. My concern is for San Francisco Bay Area Residents who live and work in these multimillion-dollar high rises and also for those who live in places such as HUD Housing, like me. I suspect that when it comes to social class and income level, in some ways it’s “fairly” distributed. (2:21PM on 1/9/25) I'm told that is not true. As I truly suspected, it leans way against the poor like me. It also has a racial slant. It leans against the black and favors the white like me. Still, I like how Mickey Avalon once said something like, "I'm no black man but I'm not a white man either." That is actually how I feel about myself lately. (back to 6/4/23) My concern is also for daily bridge commuters of any and all bridges in the Bay Area especially the new Bay Bridge East Span which I believe was set to fall in this Big Earthquake. I wrote about that new bridge a few times, sometimes without even knowing the significance of it. I toured the Bay Bridge Construction twice. The one event that occurred that I know was planned and intentional is the Cosco Buson hitting a structure to protect h Bay Bridge. I wrote in blog titled Ashes to Ashes from the Amazing Revolution Prophet, Steve Earle. I believe Steve Earl was once Isaiah of the Bible, Isaiah wanted to trade sword shares into plowshares. So many things have; pointed to this. In December of 2007, I wrote:
Okay I think I will not get to all that had I planned to in this blog. I really wanted to talk about the voices, the new world order, my brothers-in-laws frustration with me and the Cosco Busan which spilled thousands of gallons of oil into one of the most beautiful of all of God’s creations- The San Francisco Bay. I wanted to talk about how it has all tied together in a way that to me proves there is more, but I already know. I must give it away. It is the truth I experience which of course evil played its part in and can still be used to question the reality of my existence. All I know is that it is MY truth. I hope the story I tell encourages others to the idea of tuning into their own universe because it is broadcasting. It’s amazing. I so badly want to try to get into the story or at least tell some it must wait. I must give it to the universe now. It matters.
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I imagine the idea of trading sword shares into plow shares is so in this something some Veterans of the army would agree with. I like to believe many of us strive for a more peaceful world. I’ll write about it more in the F the CC blogs that are coming up, but I think it was 2017 at Hardly Strictly Bluegrass that he showed in what God, and I see as The New Jerusalem as San Francisco, California. Steve Earle played his song Jerusalem. I did publish a blog by that title because I used that song in 2013. “I believe that one fine day, All the children of Abraham will lay down and peace together in Jerusalem.” In 2016 he said just after performing his opening song something like, “We needed the second Amendment to get to the 13th Amendment” As he said that I know he was going to play the song that so much amazing true prophesy had been written to on this blueprint. The song The Devil’s Right Hand speaks of a Colt 45, "called a peacemaker and I never knew why.:" I guess the number 4 and 5 showed up again since that earthquake in Berkely was a 4.5. Donald Trump was the 45th President. I had been sitting outside of 45 Olive Street praying every Sunday since being banned from City Church. I’ll write more in The Devils Right Hand blog, but I even stood outside talking some street folks as a woman drank on a Colt 45.
I’ll write more about that 4.5 earthquake in the future because it has a lot to do with other things I have written about, and also to photos and I have taken.
1/4/17 is also the day Ronald Reagan and my Uncle Danny got out of the Masonry in January of 2017. I was writing to a blog and I titled my file, Fire Earnheart. A 4.5 earthquake Occurred on the Hayward Fault which is the one Scientist were projecting the next big one would occur from. The Hayward Fault is in The East Bay. It is in fact in Berkely and it even splits the Cal football field in half. Minna Choi was a Cal Bear.
(9:39AM on 6/10/24) Directly following it, I made up sign and walked out the door yelling things such as “DID YOU FEEL THE EARTHQUAKE?” or I have said for over two years now that, "the trumpet sounded in the Book of Revelation."
(2:17 - 1/5/17) It was centered in Berkley and even though USGS identified it was only a 4.5 on the Richter scale, it similarly showed what Billy Jo Armstrong (Jesus of Suburbia) who is the lead singer and guitar player for the Rock -n- Roll band from Berkeley, Green Day pointed out. He was quoted from his Instagram addressed to Donald Trump himself:
This isn’t funny. This is our president acting like a madman drunk on power THREATENING to kill innocent starving people by way of nuclear war. The 25th amendment needs to be enforced. This man is sick and unfit for office. I don’t care if your liberal or conservative, this has to stop. Please share #impeachtrump”.
This may not be Nuclear War but the New World Order is using a kind of warfare only conspiracy theorist thought was occurring. It some ways, it’s more sinister than a nuclear bomb because the culprits are never known. Having an earthquake planned with that bridge set to fall is a reason to believe that many ARE on a HIGHWAY TO HELL if this is not understood:
If you don't live in The San Francisco Bay Area or feel the earthquake, did you see the sun rise? Can any of those events have been mans doing? All of them have been. Can you thank anyone for these events? You can blame me for the sunrise but all I was doing....
(7:11AM on 7/11/22) I just happened to glance at the time at 7:10 and figured I could open this up and start writing this morning – for a few minutes I have as I need to clean my apartment for Monday Inspection. My apartment is that messy and I hate to say it, but it is downright dirty. Not too bad, but this is very important, and I wonder just how much people need to know this. Well, seeing as though so many of you spy into my apartment, I might as well volunteer that truthful information.
The Golden Penny to me is better represented by 10/4 because I found The Golden Penny on October 4th, 2016, when I knew My Immortal Minna was Awake! It was on 1/04/16 that I read The Book of Judah and continued on into The Book of Revelation. As I was reading Revelation 1:10, when that 4.5 Earthquake occurred in Berkely, California on The Hayward Fault that splits Cal Berkeley’s Football stadium in half.
I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,
- Revelation 1:10
The World Trade Centers were 110 stories each. This means they had 220 stories. Wouldn't you know it 2/20 is the day Bon Scott died and went to hell. (Some time on 6/6/24 because it is now 5:24PM on 6/7/24) I have since read he died on 2/19/80, but I first read 2/20. (back to 7/11/22) I find this significant because the number 5 keeps showing in this Book of Revelation. 2/15 in 2013 was the Russian Meteor Shower which was not the End of The World. The first report I read had him dying 5 calendar days later. Bon Scotts was born in 1946 and his birthday is 7/9. 7/9 is 5 days after The United States birthday which is 7/4 since 1776.
Revelation 11 tells a story of 9/11. The Cal Bear, Minna Choi once lived in New York City. Donald Trump is the 45th President. I had been praying outside of City Hope at 45 Olive Street for many reasons. One was the planned earthquake on 7/4/16 for San Francisco.
And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.
- Revelation 11:19 KJV
Slideshows would become photos I took which I ran to the song Are We the Waiting by Green Day and the song Ashes to Ashes by Steve Earle which I know was once photos to the song Hate me by Blue October, but I already used photos to the song Are We The Waiting for a slideshow once in which the files name was Relapse. Below are some of the photos I used in those Slide shows.
(6:51 on 9/16/19) Since it is now 6:52 and Baltimore shows up in this park in the same way #52 showed up, I can’t deny #51 is still one of my hero's I wrote about in two blogs I remember, One was, Robin Williams. The other was King David of The Bible. Nancy Pelosi Way runs through this park and a man named Ray just bought a Harley Davidson Gas Tank and Motorcycle seat. And since Baltimore is just up the road from Washington, I know that Nancy Pelosi is just up the road at The Death Star or New World Order Headquarters which is The Federal Building I used to live in the shadow of. I thought it looks like The Death Star from Star Wars. It was in 2015 that I began believing there would be a big earthquake on 7/4/16.
I have a lot more to write, but I just read a blog called Space
Oddity which was originally a song by David Bowie who I like to call Ziggy
Stardust since that was his stage persona for a couple of years just after I
was born. I wrote that blog and published
that blog ten years ago. It was written on 8/22/13 and published on 10/24/13 while
in Walden House. While there, my friend
Gabe and I went to The Academy of Science in Golden Gate Park one day. I loved the museum, and it just so happens
that while we were there, they had an Omnimax film recreating the 1906 San
Francisco Earthquake. It was cool but
also seems to be something more to suggest an earthquake. I have no idea if
Nancy Pelosi Drive and Space Odessey have anything to do with it, but I was
writing on my way to the picnic in Golden Gate Park about the earthquake that
did not happen in 2016. Golden Gate Park is where I met Mary Magdalen on 7/4/12
which was recorded on photo files as 7/3/12 on my camera. I will write the
significance of that strange offsetting occurrence. There is a Shakedown Street on each day and Ripple
on each day and for so long I basically said, “I can’t go down to the waters
edge…” as 7 Mary 3 sings in their song which lent True Prophesy to Mary Magdalens death. I’ll write more in Mary
Jane Spiderwoman.
7/4/16 arrived, Homeless people and maybe even the 9th District
Quart of Appeals HELP save San Francisco from a humongous earthquake that would
have brought down the new Bay Bridge. In
Shakedown Street, I’ll explain how Matt Nathanson who I believe was Nathenial of
the bible would help point out through True Prophesy that bridge failing from
the blog Pretender – Car Crash. There
would have been plenty of Car Crash’s.
On 6/4/19, I photographed the flag at ½ mast at the Gaven Newsome flagpole while high school students were celebrating their Graduation. It seems my dad, Bob Beaty and Gavin Newsome were once Teddy Roosevelt. Uncle Teddy to me, the youngest man to have ever been elected President. I wanted to show how Ronald Raegan got out of the masonry with the flag going to full mast on 6/5 which is the day he died.
MY dad had dinner with Ronald Regan when he was union Stewart at Proctor and Gamble and the first photo, I ever framed was of the flag at half-mast at the Golden Gate Bridge after he died on 6/05/04.
(7:59PM on 1/4/21) 5 years ago today, there was a 4.5 earthquake on the Hayward Fault. The Haward fault is the one that has been building up over the years and scientists believed it was perhaps the next one to erupt. It sounds and though The New World Order was planning a big one on The 4th of July in 2016. God could smell what The Rock was Cooking back in 2006 before I wrote Contrails when I wrote about being in a big earthquake as I was walking past AT&T Park. That night, I felt the scene should have resembled the movie, San Andreas 9.6 which would come out ten years later.
(1:05PM on 6/2/23) I’m a minute late but since Pretender – Car Crash was published today in 2012, I feel like this one would make since to get published today for reasons that will be obvious when you go back and read the many instances in which I mentioned our trip to see the 7th to last taping of The Price is Right. I don’t like to be a minute late or even a day in this case. 602 is 206 in reverse. 2/06 is Ronald Reagans Birthday. And, I didn’t think I’d mention the significance of 6/02 because it was the day I published Cumberland Blues, but that was about my Uncle Danny’s death. President Reagan my Uncle Daniel Beaty went to the Masonry after they died. They believed in what I was saying about God and did only things they were told to do that they saw to be necessary and not much else. Both would make it to the Universal Heaven on 1/4/17. 1/4/16 was the date in which I read the Book of Jude from beginning to end for the first time. It was short, so I continued into the next book which is The Book of Revelation. I had been warning verbally and warning in writing that an earthquake was going to occur from the Hayward fault 6 months from that date on 7/4. As I began reading Revelation, right as I began reading, Revelation 1:10, a 4.5 earthquake occurred on the Hayward Fault which split’s Cal Berkeley’s Football Stadium in half. Which reminds me, at least 105 is the Minna penney. I had been praying for her outside of 45 Olive Street on Sunday mornings each week. Donald Trump who I had already tied to this was the 45th President. I had also began tying Donald Trump to The World Trade Center attacks. The World Trade Centers were 110 Stories each, 220 floors in all. I also found it significant that I wrote as I had read on the internet a while back that Bon Scott of AC/DC died on 2/20. I have since read that his death occurred at 2:19. I believe his death occurred around midnight, but I’m not sure. I have thought that Chris Cornell of Sound Garden died on 5/17 which is the day my Uncle Danny died in 2015 and I would write and publish Cumberland Blues on 6/2. It since read it was reported that Chris Cornell died on 5/16 which is the day I believe my Uncle Danny was kicked in the head my a cow. 5/17 is also my friend, Jason Woodruff (Woody. Terrapin Station)’s birthday. I wrote in Gods-Revelation – Liberty(Revelation) that I believe Woody was once Adolf Hitler.
'I saw a Lamb upon the throne and from the Lamb and the
throne I saw a river of Life and the wings of the cherubim covering the throne
and the Lamb, in the center of the Light which looked like the sun was a Lamb
in the shape of a heart" - Kathy Berry
14 But now thy kingdom shall not continue:
the Lord hath sought him a man after his own heart, and
the Lord hath commanded him to be captain over his people, because
thou hast not kept that which the Lord commanded thee.
Samuel 13:14 KJV
Loveland is The Sweetheart of Ohio and Ohio you're The Heart
of it all but I Left My Heart in San Francisco. After
all it is said that David has a Heart after Gods own heart.
22 And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them
David to be their king; to whom also he gave their testimony, and said, I have
found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil
all my will.
-Acts 33:22 (kjv)
(3:33PM on 6/5/24) I believe the first evidence to
something rather spectacular occurring throughout Baves Space – Time was when I
walked beside McCovey Cove when I was in what felt to be a huge earthquake was
a couple of weeks later when I was walking on that same walkway I have recently
referred to as Shakedown Street when I decided to take a photo of kayakers
waiting for a splash hit. I focused on a kayak with a big red heart sale
on it and as I took the photo, incredibly splash hit number 40 occurred which
was captured in the photo. It was Barry Bonds Splash Hit number 32.
When we went out on to Pier 30/32 I knew that NOAA Ship meant something.
It occurred to me a while back that some of the song writers did not like how I interpret the lyrics to the song they wrote as they seem to apply to me. It’s not necessarily interpreted to me, but it is many times interpreted to something else they weren’t writing about. I mentioned how Shakedown Street was more than likely in no way talking about an earthquake, but it seems just having the word shake at the beginning and seeing as though earthquakes occur on streets gave me the idea. I think the word down has it’s meaning as well, but I will not say Shakedown Street suggest earthquake in many other ways. Perhaps that song is more of a stretch than any of the songs, but I think it works. (3:54PM on 6/7/24) “Shakedown Street” was a street that we would come to believe in well. It may be on a street or in a parking lot it or it may be in the woods. My deadhead friends and I knew where it was even if we were not at a Grateful Dead show and even if we had never been to that particular city or venue. We may not know where it was, but we knew it was usually there. If someone had been to that particular city or venue this didn’t mean it would be where it was last time. Amongst my group of deadhead friends, it was Eyes of the World who would usually be looking for it first. Once he found it, there may be a silent Ripple effect to let some of us know he knew where it was, but we’d find ourselves their when we needed to go. I should point out that we did not call it Shakedown Street at whatever show in whatever city we found ourselves, because most of us just called it “Shakedown”.
After walking along that Shakedown Street beside the ballpark that night, I have to admit it Shook Me All Night Long. So much so,
I even had to go home to let whatever just happened wear off. And was that
God? Someone being shaken by something is what I used to get our of the song
shook me all night long. I’ve even had instances such as that one that “had me
shaking”. In my personal translation of what occurred for me that night, the walls literally were shaking, and the ground literally was
quaking. I should at least say that, that is how it felt to me. If
someone were walking beside me, they may not have felt it. I’m not sure
where I was that night. It may have been some sort of parallel
universe. I have heard that the landslide and the rogue wave I have
called a tsunami I wrote about being in actually did happen. I knew
evidence of the land slide could be seen and believe I even have a photograph
of it after it occurred.
(11:38PM on 5/15/24) I translated the lyrics
from this song to help explain an earthquake. It has always been one of
my favorite AC/DC songs. In fact, it’s one of the only AC/DC songs I can
“play” on guitar. I basically know chords and a rhythm that one might
even be able to pick up on if they were to hear me playing it and say something
like “That’s Shook Me All Night Long.” I’m not the best guitar player,
but I have fun with it and I’ll keep practicing. Angus Young’s voice in
my head suggested I practice playing scales. I have some, but I need to
do so more than I do.
When the songs says, “The walls was shaking, the earth was
quaking…” I think anyone can see I didn’t really have to translate those lyrics
to much to an earthquake. It explains what I wrote about in Contrails
more clearly than I explained when I said I was in what felt to be a very large
earthquake. I wrote how it did not seem as though the ground I was
walking on should be supporting a major league baseball stadium.
Coincidentally enough, San Andreas’ 9.6 came out in 2015
which was the year I began unlocking the covenant. As you will see below,
that movie has a scene that shows what my actual surroundings would have
probably looked like on the night I felt the ground rolling back and forth ten
years before in 2005.
2015 is the year AC/DC would perform Shook Me All Night Long
as the 15th song of the night at that same stadium special
effects tour down in the movie San Andreas 9.6.. AC/DC would “tear it down” the way they
always do when they perform anywhere. I imagine the stadium was literally
“rocking” like the way it would feel in an actual earthquake during the entire
concert. When I used to hear that song, I assumed it was about a woman,
but I was never really sure. I even have a song I started to write years ago in
which I borrow lyrics from that song. In my song, Dorito In Your Mouth,
I have lyrics that say, “She arose King Kong and she shook me all night
long.” It’s one of my “silly” songs, but that verse is referring to Mary
Magdalen as I wrote about in the blog Lola Montez. The song is basically based
on a true story beginning back when I was with Susan. One day, I was really
frustrated as to why I was unable to stop shooting crystal meth, so I blamed
the person who at the time would seem to be the last person to blame, my wife,
Susan. I said to her, “You put the needle in my arm.” To which she
replied, “You put the Dorito in my mouth!” I pretty much at that
moment thought that it had to be a song. Even though it was a ridiculous
accusation, I thought somewhere, somehow, there just might be something to
it. I’m learning, it wasn’t so much her, but The New World Order that did
this. It seems she is a “member”. The way the New World Order operates
with its secrets and lies and only opens up to those who refuse to do anything
but tell them, I was actually on to something. The bottom line was, I was
actually “on something” and seemed like the last person who could be believed
in. I told nothing but the truth, but struggled to keep my word as a
result of my being an addict. That part of the song is about being
with a woman so I don’t think it’s too far off, but I hope I don’t upset AC/DC
because this way of doing things is very unlike the way AC/DC seemingly does
things since I don’t believe they even cover other bands songs while in
concert. They perform only their originals. I have heard through voices, that
they don’t even like for bands to cover their songs. I have heard some awesome
versions of their songs covered, but never one that compared to AC/DC doing
their own song. They are truly hard rock and rolls one of a kind.
Still, I’m certain they had to be influenced by something and someone..
I like both types of bands. Bands that do all
originals and bands that do a lot of covers. It seems bands that do a lot
of covers have their originals covered by many. I’m not sure about that,
but it seems that way. I just read that 49 different artists have covered
the song Bobby McGee. I listed some of them in the previous blog, Jack
the Bean Stalk.
Shook Me All Night Long, and movie footage summed up for me
what happened that night in 2005 when I was walking between McCovey Cove and
the Giants Baseball Stadium. It was walking out onto Pier 30/32 where Heaven
let (it’s) light shine down when I met the mysterious black man who told me it
was not safe to be out there that that night that really had me wanting to know
what was going on after that. A few days later, there were fences put up
that made it appear that some of the area I could have possibly ended up that
night may have collapsed.
I keep saying we are in a new Genesis. A heavenly Genisus is
what I see it as. However, I see it as one that begins on earth for
As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it
for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are
- Genesis 50:20 KJV
(11:45AM on 8/7/23)
It is important that I remain as busy as a whore when the
ship is ashore because I am as horny as a sailor in port. I didn’t want
to forget that I cuss like a sailor at (sea above). I must also remember Big
Mike bonds 3 major league sports stars athletes and some star bible characters
including the one who wrote the Bible because I believe this significant
character also wrote Beaty's Babbling Brain Blog which became It
was written. (hint: despite hidden and unknown censored evidence he/she
was not me!)
(5:59PM on 9/28/23) God knows I was looking for Moses and
found Noah, which told me Moore than I thought it could which is why that word
is spelled wrong. All I didn't know when I said to Susan,
"Maybe I didn't meet God, maybe I met Noah." The Noah
Hunt was on (stage two years later)!
“Then they reviled him, and said, Thou art his disciple; but
we are Moses' disciples.”
- John 9:28
Edit Notees
(2:29PM on 6/23/23) Robert Hunter's birthday, Angels Blog on the day a demon seed was planted The David Star Jordon NOAA ship
(3:27PM ON 6/28/23) Miracle /
quake and a severe hailstorm.
- Revelation 11:19
11:35AM on 6/20/23) First published edit at edit,
it's published on Michael Anthony's earthly birthday and John
Bonham's Heavenly. Give to Live 3 was 4 because it already was 4.
before it 8t
(12:27PM on 2/20/23) Rainbow in the Dark for many unapparent
- You Shook Me All Night Long @ AT&T Park (
(3:57PM on 8/18/23) Edit Lolita Havier visit?
(2:30PM on 8/21/23) I typed 2:29 at 2:29 and it did not
type for Dan The Man but is Weir Here, Minna edit! It was
once again, A Night with Gina.
(03:57PM on 09/07/23) NBA -ML - NFL
So what notes:
For who knows why, Angus said his numbers are 7, 31, 13,
23. Again, mine were 7, 3, 13, 23.
Notes what so
(07:47PM on 9/18/23) That’s right, the women are
smarter! I chose to protect them which is why I’m okay with them calling me s
Transformer. I’m a Transformer Man!.
(10-31PM on 10/19/23) Happy Birthday Bob. That's
it. Just think, we used to exchange twenty-dollar bills.
(3:57PM on 1o/21/23 ? Happy Birthdaty
(1:57PM on 10/31/23) One must have patients on
Halloween from it’s Eve.
(10/16/23 on 1/17/23) Electromagnetic
(9:25AM on 1/21/24) edit #9
(6:45PM on 11/01/24) Back up to 12: oh 4 on 6/25/23
(6:30PM on 11/13/24) Final Edit
(1:51PM on 1/12/25) Final edit looking for that Psalm.